Murray Hill Bold, Ribbon 147 Bitstream
Murray Hill Bold
3t, оил douse we Ш a cat with the g/iaticliose name oj Qonwssufee. Qisuaîft) with oats and dogs we knout who the motta« is but not the jathe/i. <Л cat
with a fo*ge beCCy wondened into the house oj my уоипдел siste* and im husband and gaue bi/ttii to jwe kittens. QAMe the mottet was a риле white th
OftOugMued CkwMa, the fcittens wcäc bfaefe and white tabbies oj mixed b*eed. ©ne oj these came to оил house about two weefcs a¿te/t its but» and
was gwen the name Qonnosufce. lA that time we afeeady had one jemaCe Shiba dog and one jcmaCe biown tabby cat in оил house compftising ondy 13
tubo. bÜie dog was caCted aUomo and the cat uUii. ;ЛЛу wije, who was иелу much opposed to fceeping cats and dogs, ¡nstantaneousüy jeCÜ ¿ол its sii
aggg арреалапсе and the bCacfc tip oj its nose and decided on its name, слуіпд this dog's name is <_ЛАоіио. ^Міі is a stoay cat which my daugita pie
3m ouft Kouse we kad a cat Witk tfie g/tandiose name o¿ Qonnosufce. Qlsuaßßy with cats and d
ogs we fcnow wko tfie mottW is but not tne ¿atfie/i. c_A cat nJitd a (ta/tge be% wonde/ted into tfi
e Kouse o¿ my younge/i siste/t and lieft liusband and gaue bifttd to ¿ii/e fcittens. QAMe tfie motfie/t
was a pufte white tfioftougíibfted Cíúneíitüa, tlie fcittens we/te büaefc and wfiite tabbies o¿ miMcd
Л ou/i tiouse we bad a cat witk th g/tcmctiose name o¿ Qonnos
ufce. Qlsuaííy Witti cats anc( dogs we fcnow wdo tfie wotfie/t is
but not tfie ¿atfie/t. с_Д cat witk a fia/ige be% uioncfe/ted into tfi
Formal 421
Like Ondine
In our house wo hAb л caí with the 5rAnbîose пашс of Gonnosuke. VsuaIIu, with cAts апЬ boss
we know who the mother is but not the fAther. A CAt with a ІАГ5С belly, wonbereb into the hows
e of плц younger sister апЬ her husbAnb апЬ savc birth to five kittens. While the mother was a
pure white thoroushbreb ChinchilA, the kittens were ЬІАск апЬ white tAbbies of mixeb breeb. О
ne of these сашс to our house About two weclts After its birth апЬ was 5iven the папіс Connos
uke. At thAt time we АІгеАЬу hAb one femAle ShibA bos апЬ one femAle brown tAbbvf caí in our
In our house we haí> a cat with the sr&ribwse mwc of Gon
noswke. K/su&My with carts ¿rib Ъо$$ we know who the mot
her is hut not the father. A eM with a farse Ъеііи wonî>ereï>
into the house оіплц \\ouv\$er sister лпЪ her hv^stлn^ ьпЪ $
\n our house we 1ілЪ л cart with the 5ГЛ
nbiose пьпле of Gonnosuke. VsviäIIvj wî
th cats ьпЪ bo^s we know who the mot