Script 12 Pitch, Fixed Pitch 885 Bitstream
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$£ -—IO """:;., un 10/11 In оил hoLuit wz had a cat with thz gnandioiz nome oi Gonnomkz. UiualZy with coti and dogi 16/17 In оил houAe, we, had a cat with the, дшѵкііоле, name, oi Gon 24/25 In оѵл houAC we had a cat wXXh the qk 646 Murray Hill, Ribbon 147 Bitstream Murray Hill аЫе{дЦМтйОЭДкЬиШ$ (2S4567890&$C£¥ №mJèmJ03Mm ------/О......:;J% 10/11 $n ou* douse we had a cat with the grandiose name oj Qonnosufce. QJsuaííg wilk cals and dogs we fenou/ who (lie moto is bul not the ¡alhc*. J. cal with a Ca*ge ЬеЩ wonde*ed info I 16/17 $n ouA buse we Ы a cat wttfi tfie gAandiose name o| Qonnosufee. Qjsua^y with cats and dogs we bow wfio tlie 24/25 $n оил douse we Ы a cat wû tk g/tandtose name o{ Qonnosufce. Qisirfy 647
we know who thz mothex іл but not the. iathex. A cat with a laxgz bztly wondexzd Into the. h
виде. 0(5 my уоипдел iiitex and hex husband and gave, bixth to hive, kittzni. White, thz mothex
wad а риле, white. tho>wughbne.d Chinehila, the. kiXtzm wexz black and white, tabbizi oi mixzd
buzzd. One. oi thz&z came, to оил houiz about two wzzfu aitex ¿£a bixth and wai given thz na
mz Gonnoiukz. At that timz wz alxzady had onz izmalz Shiba dog and onz izmalz bлown tabby
noAuke.. UAualZy with catA and dogò we, know who the, mo the,
x áj> but not the, iatheA. A cat wiXh a Іалде, betíy wondex
e,d into the, houAe, o£ my уоипдел ліліел and пел husband a
ап&іоле name ofi Gonnosuke. UAuatty w¿
th cats and doQb we know who the moth
lie house oj mg gounge* sisle» and de* husband ata1 gai/e bi»th (o ¡We feiltens. cWée (lie mofa was a pu*e while ihowuglfoed Chinchilla, (de bidens we*e bCacfc and white tabbies oj mix
ed b»eed. One o| these came to ou» house about two weeks ajte* its bi*lh and was giver the name Qonnosube. uA{ that time we aheady had one ¡emafe Shiba dog and one Jemafe b»ow
n labbg cat in ou» house compulsing onig 12 tubo. Oie dog was caled ^Л(ото and the cal ¡JÁii. t^tg u/ije. who was irag much opposed to keeping cats and dogs. instanlaneousCg jel
jo* its shaggg аррешпсе and (he btocb lip oj its nose and decided on its name, aging this dog's name is і_Лото.
motfie/t is but not tfie |atfie/i. Jk cat witfi а Салде beffy wowie^eci into tfie Kouse o| my younge/t siste/t and he/t lausban
d and gaiie bt/ttfi to ¿t^c kittens. c\Ukik tfie motfie/t was а риле wfiite tfio/iougfib^ed Cnincfiifa. tfie kittens we/ie bfocfc
and wfiite tabbies o| nmd b/teed. ©ne o¡¡ tfiese came to оил Kouse about two weeb a¿te/t its biAtfi and was gi№n tne
Wlik cafe and dogs we kmw wko tde motke/t is but not tke ¿ate. lÀ cat wit
к а {алде ЬеЙу wonde/ted tuto tke kouse oj my younge/t stste/t md ke/t kusband