Kaufmann Bold, Monoline 241 Bitstream
Kaufmann Bold
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un аил kauie we kad a cai uUtk tke atandia*e паше. a¡¡ Qan.na0.4ka. tl*uallif, witk. coti, and eoa* we know wko
tne motket іл Lut not tne frUket. A c
kittend, webe black and wkite taUUe* o¿ mi-x-câ ¿teed. Ône oj tke*e ca*ne ta out капле about two week* ajtet it*.
lUttk and wa* chiven tke name QonnomJie. At tkat time we atleadu kad one ¿emole Skiía doa and one ¿emale
¿town taLLu cat in out коиле сотрліліпа only 13 tuia. 'Уке doa wo*, called Momo and tke cat Mii. Mu wi¿e,
9ti- 044-1 Ікш-л-е we, had a cat uUtn the abandi04.e. naate. oi Qostnot-it-ke.
Wá-ualiu- uUtk саіл, and doaó. tue hnow wJto the- motnei ¿ó- ò-u-t м-at tke
yatneb. H cat with a tabac iellu- wandedied into tlte поиье oi my uou.
tiaei ьіл-tei and ltd nuàJiand and aaue. iin-tlt to- jjio-e bitten*. While t
j и, o-ui Імш,а,е we had a cat with, the, abatidlo-
de trarne Of Со+ігіаьиіге. 'І/іьиаІІ-и, witlt cató, and
doaó, we know- wUo the matlten, ià, but nat tlte
Liberty, Demi-Formal 131
^—' о V -A V • •
c/tt our house we had a cat if litt ike grandiose name of ¿Jonnosuke. ' Llsualty Willi cals and dogs we know wlio lite mother is bui noi Ine ¡amer, i/4 cai with a large belly wo
ndered mìo ike kouse of my younger sister ana ker kusland and1 gave lirtk to jive kittens. (¿Mule ike motker was a pure while ikorougklred Lkinclula, the kittens were lilac
k ana wkite talkies oj mixed breed. L'ne oj tkese came to our kouse about two weeks ajler lb lirtk and was given the name gonnosuke. i-'ll that lime we already had one je
male Olkila Jog and one ¡emale brown tally cat in our kouse comprising only 13 lulo, c/ke Jog was called Чііото anjike cat ^Щіі. ЧПу wije, wko was very muck oppa
se J io keeping cats an J Jogs, instantaneously jell jar its skaggy appearance anj ike Hack lip oj its nose anj decide J on lis name, crying lilts dog s name is I Homo. IГ lu is a
stray cat wkick my Jaugkler picked up.cjl cried a loi making a sound like mil mil, so we were soon calling il affili. KJj course it was a mixed Ireed and kad all the chorad
illy Willi
га doqs we кг
éJn our house we liad a cal witk ike grandiose name of ¿gonnosuke. ^ULsually with cals and dogs we know
who Ike mother is bui noi ike jalker. í/ч cal wilk a large bellu wondered into tke kouse oj mu younger sister
and ker kuskand and gave birtk to jive kittens. ^Wkile tke motker was a pure wkite tkorougkbred L^hinchil
a, ike kittens were black and wkite lobbies of mixed breed. VJne oj tkese came to our kouse about two weeks
ÓJn our kouse we kad a caí wilk ike grandiose name oj gonnosuke.
^ULsually wiik cats ana dogs we know wko ike motker is bui noi ike fain
er. ¿УЧ cal wilk a large belly, wondered into ike kouse of my, younger sisl