Impress, Freehand 571 Bitstream
In our house we had a cat with the grandiose name of Gonnosuke. Usually with cats and dogs we know w
ho the mother is but not the father. A cat with a large belly wondered into the house of my younger sister
and her husband and gave birth to five kittens. While the mother was a pure white thoroughbred Chinehila,
the kittens were black and white tabbies of mixed breed. One of these came to our house about two week
s after its birth and was given the name Gonnosuke. At that time we already had one female Shiba dog an
d one female brown tabby cat in our house comprising only 13 tubo. The dog was called Momo and the ca
In our house we had a cat with the grandiose name of Gonnosuk
e. Usually with cats and dogs we know who the mother is but not
the father. A cat with a large belly wondered into the house of my
younger sister and her husband and gave birth to five kittens. Whi
In our house we had a cat with the grandios
e name of Gonnosuke. Usually with cats an
d dogs we know who the mother is but not
Impuls, Brush 439
VlO aócbefgktjktumopff 1234567890&$e£¥ §f-----/0.....:;Ji?¿ 10/11 Jn our kouse we kud a cut witk tke grandiose нате of (¡оинотке. Usually with cuts unii bogs we know wko tke motker is but not tke fut 16/17 J« our kouse we hub u cut witk the (¡rundióse nume of gonnosuke. Usuulty with cuts 24/25 Jw our house we hub u cut with the grandiose nume of Çj 637
her. уА cat witk a turge bettg wondered into tke kouse of mg younger sister und ker husband und guue birth to five kittens. While tke mot
ker wus u pure mkite tkorougkbred Chinehila. tke kittens were btuck und wkite tubbies of mixed breed. One of tkese came to our kouse ubo
ut two weeks after its birtk und wus gioen tke name gonnosuke. >At tkut time we utready kud one femule Skibu dog und one (emute brow
n tubby cat in our kouse comprising onlg 13 tubo. Zke dog wus culled УЛото und tke cut ѴЛіі. УЛд wife, wko wus very muck opposed to
keeping cats und dogs, instantaneously feti (or its skuygy appearance and tke btuck tip of its nose und decided on its nume, crying tkis dog
unb bogs we know who the mother is but not the (utker. <Л cut witk u Іище (telly won
bereb into tke kouse of my younger sister unb ker husbunb unb guve birtk to five kitten
s. Wkite tke motker wus u pure wkite tkorougkbred Chinchilu, tke kittens were btuck
onnosuke. Usually with cuts und boys we know who the
mother is out not the futher. *A cut with u large belly wo