Nuptial, Ribbon 185
Like Floridian
abcdefgLijÁImnopcfrsiuüwxyz œœ$/ç9999a§t 10/11 9п our house we hada cal with /he grandiose name of9onnosuke. (Usually with cats and does me know who the mother is hut noi /he/other. 57 cat with a large 16/17 9n our Louse we Aada cat witA tAe grandiose name ofSonnosuAe. ^Usually witA cah and dogs we к 24/25 9n our Louse we Ladr a catwitL iLe grandiose name of SonnosuÁe. 634 Gando, French 111 D.. . Bitstream aJocdej^^aMnnovatokivwœ^ 1234567890 &$<£% ■H) ■ 1 ■ I ■ I ■ \^J 10/11 3it out Ёоше we fiad a cal witfi tfie gtandieee name of gemetti* tUaffu miß cati and dog» we hua wfio (Se metta u> Eut »oí líe faifa. Cl cat «¡(fi a Suga fie 16/17 on out- home we had a cat with me atandioóe name of (jonnoóu&e. ІАлиаЩ with caio and doaó we ím 24/25 üti owe f?ouóe we шд a cai wìm we <жаш)ісое ѣсите of Qomnoóu^e. UAiuxw^ wim caM сиѣд doaó we ш/iow wf?o roe mowet іа ші noi we г omet. Li cai wim a, ш/сае ѵемм wondeted mio we ëouôe or mu иоим 635
belly wondered inlo /he house o/my younger sister and her husband and gaue birth lo/ioe kittens. While /he mother was a pure white thoroughbred Chinchil
a, the Áitlens were ¿lach and while laities of mixed breed. One o/these came /o our house aioul Imo weeks after its birth and was given the name Sonnosuke.
Я thai time we already had one female ôhioa dog and one female brown lobby cat in our house comprising only 13 tubo. Uhe dog was called Жото and the с
аіЖі. Жу wife, who was oery much opposed to keeping cats and dogs, instantaneously fell for its shaggy appearance and the black lip of its nose and decided о
n its name, crying this dog's name is Жото. Жі is a stray cal which my daughter picked' up.9l cried a lot making a sound like mil mil, so we were soon calling
now wAo tAe mother is but not tAefatAer. Л cat witA a large belly wondered into tAe Aouse of my у
ounger sister andAer Ausband and gaue ЬігіА tofiue kittens. WAi/e tAe motAer was a pure wAite tA
orougAbred GAincAiia, tAe ¿ittens were biacA and wAite tabbies of mixed breed. One o/tAese came
visually witL cah and dogs we Ánow wLo iLe moiLer is bui not tLe
faiLer. Я cai witL a large Se/fy wondered into tLe Louse of my you
Gando Ronde
(Fu wondeted ¡.ito tèe fiotue of mg youngei jùtet ano get fiiwfiand ani aave fitttfi to fi«; ÉUteiw. \*Ж(е tfie motfiet Ш a pine wfiite têotoiiufifitcd Cfii.icfiifa, tfie Cd
tteiu wete fiiacfl and wfiite tafifiial of mlxei fite«). One of tfieíe came to out ßowe afioiit two wee&) a (let ¡fci fiitlfi and woj uioen tfie name gounamfie. Ût (fiai (im
e we afteadu fiad one feniafi: Sfiifia Зои ano one femafe кот (afifiu cat ¡n out fioiue comptuina onfy 13 tufio. 5Be dog wad caftéd Жото ano tèe cat ЖИ. Жи m
fe, wfio waò «¡tu mucfi oppoied lo Keeping cats and doga, iiutantaneoiufij fefffot ¡t) jfiaggu appeatance ani tfie fiíácíí lip of ib nose ana decided on iti name, Cluing
tfiú dog i name и Жото. ЭКіі и a ¿ttau cat wfiicfi my dauafilet picfied ир.Зі «¡ed a fot malung a «und filie iiiif miÇ M we wetedooii calling ¡( ЭКіі. Of сойме
ow who the тотеь ià ml not me fa-met. Cl cat wim* a fatue he&M wondeted into the howse ofmu uoimae
t óiàtet and hex- huávand ano aave bvú& to five tutlenò. \^Ж(е tèe mothet waá a pute weite thotouaßßt
ed UßinmiXa, me tuttem wete оиісѣ and wxÀke taßßieo of mixed hteed. One oftheóe came to out, houòe