Dom Diagonal Bold, Brush 431 Bitstream
Dom Diagonal Bold
In our house we had a eat with the grandiose name of Gonnosuke. Usually with eats and dogs we know who the mother is but not the
father. A eat with a large belly wondered into the house of my younger sister and her husband and gave birth to five kittens. While
the mother was a pure white thoroughbred Chinehila, the kittens were blaek and white tabbies of mixed breed. One of these eame to
our house about two weeks after its birth and was given the name Gonnosuke. At that time we already had one female Shiba dog an
d one female brown tabby eat in our house comprising only 13 thubo. The dog was called Homo and the eat Mil. My wife, who was
very much opposed to keeping eats and dogs, instantaneously fell for its shaggy appearance and the black tip of its nose and decide
In our house we had a eat with the grandiose name of Gonnosuke. Usually with eat
s and dogs we know who the mother is but not the father. A eat with a large belly
wondered into the house of my younger sister and her husband and gave birth to fi
i/e kittens. While the mother was a pure white thoroughbred Chinehila, the kittens
In out house we had a cat with the grandiose name of
Gonnosuke. Usually with cats and dogs we know who t
he mother is but not the father. A cat with a large bell
English 157 Bitstream
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/*ó £¿¿¿¿¿¿¿x¿f%>
isk ournouàe we паа?а ca¿ witn ілеprondiole пате ofЭоппооиЛе. e%u¿i¿ty wìtA co¿ó and dopo we /(new wAa tAe metner ¿J tfut'nottnefatA
er. S* cat witAa ¿aspe сеир wenaered'into ine nouóe ofmppounper Jiäter ала?ñer Áuaoasiaíaaa?pave ífirtAtoftee Aittenó. УІті/е ¿Ае /notner
waó afutre wAite ¿AeroupAerea' юАіпсАі^а, ¿ne Aittend ¿¿fere tféacA ana* wAite taeoieâ of mixed'ereed'. (Упе oftAeáe ca/ne to our Aeuàe aóout t
use weeAá after eta oirtAand'wajpioen tAe name ЭеппеаиАе. S&t¿Aattime ute atreadp Aad'onefemate ¿ffliifa dep and'onefema& Arown tao
op cat in eurAouJe сот/ггізіар опер -/StAuJe. ¿ine alca waJ caAted'./Kome asid tAe еаІЖІІ. Жр wife, wAo waâ very mucAonyioJed'to Aee/iinp
cató and dopé, indtasitaneoadtpfeu for ità àAappp а/угеагапее and'tAe etacAtc/i of ita noie and'decided'on ita name, ctpinp tAió dop à name
Jt/i ¿wr naaàe ¿¿¿e noda cat ¿¿¿¿in tne arandtcôe name cf Эспп&оиЛе. ¿táaattp- ¿¿ritn cata
anaa/c^â ¿¿/e Лпо-ш wn& tne /n&tner ¿à aat n#t tneflitnef. S$ catUritna ¿arpe ûetcp atonde
red into tne ncaóe с/пш acanaer otà ter and"пег naàaandand'pacte airtn tafcc/e nittená.
fflntfie tne mctner Uroá а/шге cantte tnarcaantrea/ lontncntta, tne nittená ¿¿tere асасЛan
xJh> &¿¿/* /îû-uôe ¿¿¿e Áa¿/ a> catw-ttÂtne g^aa¿/¿&ae siame #f¿/
û-zitiû-ôuAe. иоиаы^ u¿¿tA cató asid' ¿Jog>ó we œsw-w wdo- tÁe
rtwtÂer ¿â $¿¿t/i&t tAe/atáe/*. S$cat wttA a ms^e âe/ф- wc/i