Commercial Script, English 144 Bitstream
Commercial Script
1 А Г ••
4234567890 Щф£¥
.'hi oui /torti,e-Hfe /i,it/,i r,//tttt//t /h. аіан(/і<>іе name f-t' /jottuom/tr. Чілиаііи uu/A rtt/i an,/,/o,/i rr. /.noir tt/to //tt>no//te* iá e-alwttdwhadone'£emal&3niêa,do&a*idon&)£etm^ 9he-dog, ишл, г,///*,/. Uomo atti/ //tora/- /iti. . llutri/,1, fo/to; a-ai tttu lìtuo/v oMwAed /o /ìoe/tiìto/ ca/.i tua/,/o,/i. fiti/an/aiitoa.\/y/e//fett i/l 16/17 ¿fn/ ouihou&e/me, had/et/ cat шШг/ ¿he,амітІІ€)№ пшп& c& ^оігплмшАе/. ^ІІЛілаМи/ 2AIZ5 ¿fn/ 04i/i/ hc44Ae/ w& ¡t€u{/ a/ ctt¿ мрШі/ the/g*¿in¿lic¿€/ігсип/ 624 Ribbon 131 Bitstream abcderaniiklv) myioparôlLWWxuz ypa h f 1234567 890&$tJ¥ V Л J •• l?¿ 10/11 Ai mir Lull ¡oí Inula cal villi llu tjratdiolt nanu of'Comminiti. Untalti/ willi cali atui ioa, wi Loto Jio Un mollit ¡1 Li noi llu faillir.^4cai witli a tarai lilla wonitrij itilo llu houli o/ •i ani lilt Uoil; „fu 13 tuL. Jl. ioa utal cali Womo anillu cat Wii. W.J wifi, uiL wai otri, m J, appaltilo lupina call aniio,,, inltatilati.oultu /Jfir ib llnujaij alititi apptariuit tip ofib noli .mi it.,.Iti,.„ ib nanu, criiiiif tliil ioa J nam, il Womo. Wii il « ¡trau cat lollicll mi) iaug/ittr picltiup.A critic, lot malina a loiuii lilt mil mil, lo lot win ,oon cattino it 16/17 _Лг our Louie we Lad a cat witL tLe arandioie name of Ljonnoiuhe. UiuaUif witL cab and doai we know who the mother 24/25 Jrn our kou.Se we had a cat with the cjrandioie name of Ljonnoiuke. Uiuallu wit 625
/tt/nf-///i,i//wi. ,'/ rti/ tri/Zt a /,<г,/< /r//u f,,o>tt/< t<> ht/o //to /tott.u of »tyиеимяеъM&íevatid fevku¿ta*idiind,gaiw¿ibln*
/о /it■-<• /.///<>ti. '/Ilti/o //te tiio//t,i той a fttttr ttlii/o /ltotott,f/t/nd '/'itiiir/ti/,i, tíw/ii//eiiiwewMackand,ufAi/e-taiiiea,ofimix-
,,/ /•„,,/. 0ne<
with/cafocvnddoafrt&e,евоею*who,t*^$tiídhe^i^¿4*4^i^otlhe/£adUte^/. tM/catapidn/
a/(atoe,âeMu/taoftde^edind^o/¿he,houá&oSпг^ и^ні^га^^ ^іліе^ find tte^ hit^éand
ajtdgdiiswédblh/to/£iip&kitle4bb/. While,the, mother шад, a/ Jvtite,ophite, IhcbougÂdW
e/td/ ^сяггшшАе*'. <Ш<И€аМи/ with/ ccUfra*i€¿ ctoafr ш& Un/
G4W wfa&1/г& motherifr éw¿ n^tfae/імАел/. t^ c€t¿ twitfa/
Like Coronet
mij uounatr lisltr ani lut tulliani aid tjuvt /utili lo/ut lutimi Wliili llu molliti- uial a pun wliti tlioroiidilrti Cliticliila, llu Intimi wtn liuti ani ¡olili talliti о/mintiSititi. Uni of ili
u, cam, to ou, Luit Mut two w„L aflit ib lutili aid mal ail/in tiu name Cannonili.-Âl liait timi wi atrndu liajont fimiji Sitila Jon anioni fiinali /town tally cat in out Lull comp
Wii. Of couru it wal a mini lr„i ojii Id at! lit claracUrhticl ofajapatuli cat. Jn our Lull ui, luda cat loiÛi llu araldica namt of Qomtolultt. Uluolltj wiÚi tub aid ioal w. Low
ii Lut not tLe fatlier.^À cat witL a larae Lliu wondered into tLe Louie of mu uounaer iiiter and Ler huiband and aave hi
rtL to five Litteni. ¡A/Life tLe motLer wai a pure wLite iLorouaLbred CLincLiCa, tLe Litbni were black and wLite tabbiei
of mixed Lreed. One of tLeie came to our Louie about two weeLi after iti birth and wai aiven tLe name Lfonnoiuke.-Jtt
h cató and doaó we know who the mother io but not the father. ~M cat with a (ara
e bellu wondered into the houáe of mu u-ounaer óióter and her huiband and aave