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fi{t —in......,,..nn 10/11 3n № house we Ы « се» mth the grandiose name of Çonnosuke. Usually mth cats ani dogs we kno» »ho the mother ts butn 16/17 Jn our house m had a cat mth the grandiose name of Qonnosuke. Usually mth 24/25 Jn our house m had a cat mth the grandiose name о 620 Brush Script, Brush 451 Bitstream Brush Script \ S\ S Ф0 §t------¡()""":;..П?І 10/11 % от ¿аиле we Ш, * еаі wOA. tUe тамлЪме «ame o¿ Сяшшиае. ШілЩ «dt/t cat! and doai ше <снош evia tie mot/tcn- U 6ut tte**. Wüte tie тоЖег шал, <г fune w&ite tfoioaaitned &Iìmc/UU. t/ie ¿¿{(ж шсте itaci ача' ш/ute ta¿6¿e¿ o¿ mixed (ved. бне 16/17 % otev 6ou¿e tve &ad л cat (viti tie anandùMe name o¿ (рошшиіе. lùuaéfy (vit 24/25 * от, Лошеме fado, azt ouitá t6eyn¿utd¿04e 621
or the father, fi eat uith a targe bell» mndered into the house of my younger sister and her husband and gave birth to ftoe feiff
ens White the mother ms a pure mite thoroughbred Chinchila. the kittens we« black and »hite tabbies of mind breed^ One о
f these came to our house about im ueeks after its birth and »as given the name gonnosuke. fit that time ue already had one
female Shiba dog and one female brom tabby cat in our house comprising only 13 thubo. 7he dog ms catted tHomo and theca
t ma ttty mfe mo ms very much opposed to keeping cats and dogs, instantaneously fell for its shaggy appearance and the
cats and dogs m knout taho the mother is hut not the father. /I cat mth a large
bettu mndered into the house of mu uounger sister and her husband and gave b
irth to five kittens. White the mother taas a pure Mte thoroughbred Chinchila,
f Çonnosuke. Usually mth cats and dogs m knov* \ah
о the mother is but not the father, fi cat mth a large
«ot tie ¿atte*. Ac
o¿ Желе сыне te- от- ¿аиле aéout /W шееба. afte*. ¿Ut А*й£ a«d шал. aiae» tie «ame tyuuuiude. At tant (une шс aineadcf Had анс
¿emole Sida, doa
i caU a*td acaá, tve áttotv tvio tie watien, ¿¿ &ut not tie (atiex. Л cat <мЖ a ¿an,
ae 6еЩ evattdeted tttfo t6e бхшде Ц mp цоимуег йі&Сег and 6&i ¿ии&ансС and aav
e fanti to, (¿ve fatten*,. 7üfa£e tie «ttotÁen, «нгь a ftxne (otite táon»«QÁéned вбСнЖ,
Сошюлиае. Tûuaiùf, cuitá cafo a*td doy& и
6o< tie HtótÁen, U éut not táe fatA&i. Л cut ш