Exotic 350 Light Bitstream
Like Peignot Light
In our Ihouse we IhacJ a cat wítIh tIhe qrancIíose name of CoNNOsukE. UsuAÜy wítIh cats ancí doqs we !
то fivE kinENS. WIhíLe tIhe motIher was a pure wIhíte ThoRouqhbREd CI-í¡ncIh¡Ia, tIhe kinENS were Ыдск ANd wIhíte TAbbiES of мі
xEd bREEd. One of tIhese came to our Ihouse дЬоит two WEEks aÍter ¡ts Ьттін ANd was qíven tIhe name CoNNOsukE. At тінат тім
e we AlREAdy ІНАСІ one ÍemaIe ShibA doq ANd one ÍemaIe bROWN TAbby cat ¡N our Ihouse coMpRÍsiNq ONfy 15 Tubo. TIhe doq WAS
саіЫ Momo ANd tIhe cat Mm. My wifE, wlno was vERy Much opposEd то kEEpiNq cats ANd doqs, ¡NSTANTANEOusly FeLL íor ¡ts
In our I-iouse we IhacJ a cat wítIh тіче qRAiNdiosE name of ConnosuI A IaRQE ЬЕІІу WONdEREd ¡NTO ТІНЕ hoUSE of My yOUNQER SÍSTER ANd IhER husbANd ANd QAVE biRTh то fivE kiiTENs. WIhíIe тіче motIher was a pure wIhíte ThoROuqhb 24/25 In our Ihouse we LiacI a cat wítIh tIhe qrancIìose name Of C0NN0Sul w who tIhe motIher is Ьит not tIhe ÍatIher. A cat wítIh 576 Exotic 350 Demi-Bold Like Peignot Demi-Bold Bitstream ABCDEFGHIJKLMN AbcdEfqhijkliviNopQ RSTUVWXyZ 1254567890&$«:£¥ fifl/EŒ/EŒÂBÇÎÎÎϧt ------/()""":;.,!¡?¿ 10/11 In our Ihouse we U/ка a cat wítIh тіне qRANdiosE name of GoNNOsukE. UsuAlly wítIh cats ANd doqs we kNow wlno тйе mot 16/17 In our Mouse we hAd a cat xu'nU тЬе qRANdiosE name of GonnosuIœ. UsuaU 24/25 In our Ihouse we hAd a cat wiîh тЬе qrancuose na 577
Iher is Ьит not тЬе ÍatIher. A cat wítIh a lARqE belly WONdEREd ¡nto tIhe Ihouse of му youNqER síster ANd Iher husbANd an
d qAVE biRTh to Nve kinENS. WIhíIe tIhe motIher was a pure wIhíte ThoRouqlnbREd CIhíncIhíIa, tIhe kiTTENS were Ылск ANd
wIhíte TAbbiES of MixEd bREEd. One of tIhese came to our Ihouse дЬоит two WEEks aíter ¡ts biRTh ANd was qivEN tIhe nam
e GoNNOsukE. At тінат тіме we AlREAdy lHAd one ÍemaIe ShibA doq ANd one ÍemaIe bROWN TAbby cat ¡n our Ihouse comprì
s¡Nq ONly 15 Tubo. TIhe doq was cAÜEd Momo ANd tIhe cat Mm. My wifE, who was VERy Much opposEd то kEEpiNq cats
y wiîh cats ANd doqs we kNow who тйе motFier is Ьит not tIhe Father. А с
at wítFh a lARqE Ьеііу WONdEREd ¡nto tFi-e Fhouse of му yOUNqER SÍSTER ANd U
er husbANd ANd qAVE biRTh то FivE kiTTENS. WhilE tFíe motIher was a pure
me of GoNNOsukE. UsuAlly wiîh cats ANd doqs we
kNow who t^e motIher is Ьит not t^e Father. А с