... j «, пли Bitstream
Broadway/Head, Deco 901
Эи&$С£У fi fleece
in cur house we had a cat with the arandiçse name.cl^мпмиіи.A¡™¡*¡* *\
th cats and deas we knew who the mcther is but net the father. Д^аі with al
ai öe belly wendered into the house of my ycunaer sister an^[ husband an
d caye birth to flye kittens. While the mother was a pure white thcrouehbred
rhinchila the kittens were black and white tabbies of mixed breed. Cne of t
SS" came to ourbouse about two weeks after its birth and was aiyen the na
In cur house we had a cat with the örandicse n
ame cf Genncsuke. Usually with cats and dcös w
e knew whe the mcther is but net the father. Л с
at with a laröe belly wendered inte the heuse ef
24/25 ЖЛЖш
In our house we had a cat with
the arandicse name cf Ccnncsu
ke. Usually with cats and deas
Broadway Engraved/Head, Deco 901 Bitstream
Broadway Engraved
irnircipqi ir s t ui y wxy
Ir our ricuse we radi ai cait witr tre gurandlicse nane cf Ccnncsuke.. Usually Witti с
ats ardi elegís we Know wrc tre motner is but cot tre fattier. A cat witr a large be
Ну wondered inte ttie rouse off my younger sister and tier Husband and gave blrtti
to flye kittens, wrile tre irnctrer was a pure write tncrcugrbred СГіпсГНа, tre IK!
tiens were black and write tabbies cf mixed breed!. Cne off tnese came to our Гои
se about two weeks after its blrtti and was given ttie name Ccnncsuke. At trat ti
Hip euiir ricuse we rad ai cant Witti tifie grandiose man
e ef Sonnosuke. Usually wttti cats and degs we kne
w wltic tre mcttier is but net tre fat rei. A cat witr
a large belly wendered Inte tre reuse ef irny yeung
le our ricuse we liad ai cat wltli tili
e grandiose carne cf Ccmncsulke..
Usually Witti cats aedi dogs we IKc