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Как и почему мы делали афиши?- В сборнике Художник
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Водчиц С.С. Эстетика книжных пропорций. Москва, ідд7 *
Typography in Terms and Images: Summary
This two-volume edition is the first original
work on typography written in Russian. This book
by Vladimir Krichevski has taken the form of
an explanatory dictionary, but in fact it is
a monograph.
The first volume contains 158 chapters
according to the number of the most essential
typography terms used in Russia. The aim of the
book is not to give their explanation. The aim is
rather to give an analysis of various aspects of
typography through terms, previous experience,
accepted norms, latest experiments, hypothetical
perspectives being taken into account. Each term
gathers and reflects the whole typography world
just like a drop of water reflects the surrounding
The subject of the book suggests a detailed
interpretation of creative problems and
considers questions of text design only. The type
is regarded as ready design product. There is little
reference to the subject of type design as such.
Apart from this volume, a separate volume
contains illustrations. Only one example of real
typographical creativeness of different countries
and epochs is provided for each term. Number
two which is the number of this volume does not
represent a subordinate relation between the
two books. For the author, selecting examples
became the work at a visual book on typography.
The whole set of illustration has been formed
in order, on the one hand, to define and develop
each notion and on the other - present
typography in its various aspects of time, genre,
quality - from "high" to "low". The wide use
of foreign type examples sets out not only the
recognition of the Western contribution to
typography and that its language is international,
but it appears to be the best way to convey the
peculiarities of typography form, apart from
the meaning of the text it creates.
The brief commentaries provided for each
image are written in the same free manner as
the volume containing texts. Since each example
has a wider relevance than to only one particular
term, there are references corresponding to other
The situation in Russian typography has
created a need for such a particular approach to
the book. Russia has always been distanced from
the rest of the full-blooded typography life.
However, this very factor stimulated the wide
and independent view of the author. As is known,
one can see better what is important from
a distance. Thus there is a hope that this book
could make a useful and peculiar contribution
to libraries of graphic designers and "typography
addicts" - both Russian and Western.