8/8 PT 'My dear, I'm saying my prayers. Wait a moment,’ the poor woman replied, in a
voice that shook.
'The devil rake your prayers!’ growled Grandet.
Misen hold no belief in a life beyond the grave, the present is all in all to
them. This thought throws a pitilessly clear light upon the irreligious times in
which we live, for today more than in any previous era money is the force behind
the law, politically and socially. Books and institutions, the actions of men and
their doctrines, all combine to undermine the belief in a future life upon which
the fabric of society has been built for eighteen hundred years. The grave holds
few terrors for us now, is litde feared as a transition stage upon man's journey.
That future which once awaited us beyond the Requiem has been transported into
the present. To reach per fas et nefas an earthly paradise of luxury and vanity and
pleasure, to turn one's heart to stone and mortify the flesh for the sake of
fleeting enjoyment of earthly treasure, as saints once suffered martyrdom in the
hope of eternal bliss, is now the popular ambition! It is an ambition stamped on
our age and seen in everything, even the very laws whose enaction requires the
9/9 PT ‘My dear, I’m saying my prayers. Wait a moment,’ the poor woman
replied, in a voice that shook.
‘The devil take your prayers!’ growled Grander.
Misers hold no belief in a life beyond the grave, the present is all in
all to them. This thought throws a pitilessly clear light upon the
irreligious times in which we live, for today more than in any previous
era money is the force behind the law, politically and socially. Books
and institutions, the actions of men and their doctrines, all combine to
undermine the belief in a future life upon which the fabric of society
has been built for eighteen hundred years. The grave holds few terrors
for us now, is litde feared as a transition stage upon man’s journey. That
future which once awaited us beyond the Requiem has been transported
into the present. Tb reach per fas et nefas an earthly paradise of luxury
and vanity and pleasure, to turn one’s heart to stone and mortify the
8/10 PT 'My dear, I’m saying my prayers. Wait a moment,’ the poor woman replied, in a
voice that shook.
‘The devil take your prayers!’ growled Grandet.
Misers hold no belief in a life beyond the grave, the present is all in all to
them. This thought throws a pitilessly clear light upon the irreligious times in
which we live, for today more than in any previous era money is the force behind
the law, politically and socially. Books and institutions, the actions of men and
their doctrines, all combine to undermine the belief in a future life upon which
the fabric of society has been built for eighteen hundred years. The grave holds
few terrors for us now, is little feared as a transition stage upon man’s journey.
That future which once awaited us beyond the Requiem has been transported into
the present. To reach per fas et nefas an earthly paradise of luxury and vanity and
pleasure, to turn one’s heart to stone and mortify the flesh for the sake of
fleeting enjoyment of earthly treasure, as saints once suffered martyrdom in the
9/11 PT ‘My dear, I’m saying my prayers. Wait a moment,’ the poor woman
replied, in a voice that shook.
'The devil take your prayers!’ growled Grandet.
Misers hold no belief in a life beyond the grave, the present is all in
all to them. This thought throws a pitilessly clear light upon the
irreligious times in which we live, for today more than in any previous
era money is the force behind the law, politically and socially. Books
and institutions, the actions of men and their doctrines, all combine to
undermine the belief in a future life upon which the fabric of society
has been built for eighteen hundred years. The grave holds few terrors
for us now, is litde feared as a transition stage upon man’s journey. That
future which once awaited us beyond the Requiem has been transported
8/12 PT 'My dear, I’m saying my prayers. Wait a moment,’ the poor woman replied, in a
voice that shook.
‘The devil take your prayers!' growled Grandet.
Misers hold no belief in a life beyond the grave, the present is all in all to
them. This thought throws a pitilessly clear light upon the irreligious times in
which we live, for today more than in any previous era money is the force behind
the law, politically and socially. Books and institutions, the actions of men and
their doctrines, all combine to undermine the belief in a future life upon which
the fabric of society has been built for eighteen hundred years. The grave holds
few terrors for us now, is little feared as a transition stage upon man’s journey.
That future which once awaited us beyond the Requiem has been transported into
the present. To reach per fas et nefas an earthly paradise of luxury and vanity and
9/13 PT 'My dear, I’m saying my prayers. Wait a moment,’ the poor woman
replied, in a voice that shook.
‘The devil take your prayers!’ growled Grandet.
Misers hold no belief in a life beyond the grave, the present is all in
all to them. This thought throws a pitilessly clear light upon the
irreligious times in which we live, for today more than in any previous
era money is the force behind the law, politically and socially. Books
and institutions, the actions of men and their doctrines, all combine to
undermine the belief in a future life upon which the fabric of society
has been built for eighteen hundred years. The grave holds few terrors
for us now, is litde feared as a transition stage upon man’s journey. That
8/12 PT ‘My dear, I’m saying my prayers. Wait a moment,’ the poor woman replied, in a voice that
‘The devil take your prayers!’ growled Grandet.
Misers hold no belief in a life beyond the grave, the present is all in all to them. This
thought throws a pitilessly clear light upon the irreligious times in which we live, for today
mote than in any previous era money is the force behind the law, politically and socially.
Books and institutions, the actions of men and their doctrines, all combine to undermine
the belief in a future life upon which the fabric of society has been built for eighteen
hundred years. The grave holds few terrors for us now, is little feared as a transition stage
upon man’s journey. That future which once awaited us beyond the Requiem has been
transported into the present. To teach per fas et nefas an earthly paradise of luxury and vanity
and pleasure, to turn one’s heart to stone and mortify the flesh for the sake of fleeting
9/13 PT 'My dear, I'm saying my prayers. Wait a moment,' the poor woman replied, in a
voice chat shook.
'The devil take your prayers!' growled Grandet.
Misers hold no belief in a life beyond the grave, the present is all in all to
them. This thought throws a pitilessly clear light upon the irreligious times in
which we live, for today more than in any previous era money is the force behind
the law, politically and socially. Books and institutions, the actions of men and
their doctrines, all combine to undermine the belief in a future life upon which
the fabric of society has been built for eighteen hundred years. The grave holds
few terrors for us now, is litde feared as a transition stage upon man’s journey.
That future which once awaited us beyond the Requiem has been transported into
PT ‘My dear, I’m saying my prayers. Wait a moment,’ the poor
woman replied, in a voice that shook.
‘The devil take your prayers!’ growled Grandet.
Misers hold no belief in a life beyond the grave, the present
is all in all to them. This thought throws a pitilessly clear light
upon the irreligious times in which we live, for today more than
in any previous era money is the force behind the law, politically
and socially. Books and institutions, the actions of men and
their doctrines, all combine to undermine the belief in a future
life upon which the fabric of society has been built for eighteen
hundred years. The grave holds few terrors for us now, is little
feared as a transition stage upon man’s journey. That future
which once awaited us beyond the Requiem has been transported
11/11 PT ‘My dear, I’m saying my prayers. Wait a moment,’ the
poor woman replied, in a voice that shook.
‘The devil take your prayers!’ growled Grandet.
Misers hold no belief in a life beyond the grave, the
present is all in all to them. This thought throws a
pitilessly clear light upon the irreligious times in which we
live, for today more than in any previous era money is the
force behind the law, politically and socially. Books and
institutions, the actions of men and their doctrines, all
combine to undermine the belief in a future life upon
which the fabric of society has been built for eighteen
hundred years. The grave holds few terrors for us now, is
PT 'My dear, I’m saying my prayers. Wait a moment,’ the poor
woman replied, in a voice that shook.
‘The devil take your prayers!’ growled Grandet.
Misers hold no belief in a life beyond the grave, the present
is all in all to them. This thought throws a pitilessly clear light
upon the irreligious times in which we live, for today more than
in any previous era money is the force behind the law, politically
and socially. Books and institutions, the actions of men and
their doctrines, all combine to undermine the belief in a future
life upon which the fabric of society has been built for eighteen
hundred years. The grave holds few terrors for us now, is litde
feared as a transition stage upon man’s journey. That future
11/13 PT ‘My dear, I’m saying my prayers. Wait a moment,’ the
poor woman replied, in a voice that shook.
‘The devil take your prayers!’ growled Grandet.
Misers hold no belief in a life beyond the grave, the
present is all in all to them. This thought throws a
pitilessly clear light upon the irreligious times in which we
live, for today more than in any previous era money is the
force behind the law, politically and socially. Books and
institutions, the actions of men and their doctrines, all
combine to undermine the belief in a future life upon
which the fabric of society has been built for eighteen
PT ‘My dear, I’m saying my prayers. Wait a moment,’ the poor
woman replied, in a voice that shook.
'The devil take your prayers!’ growled Grandet.
Misers hold no belief in a life beyond the grave, the present
is all in all to them. This thought throws a pitilessly clear light
upon the irreligious times in which we live, for today more than
in any previous era money is the force behind the law, politically
and socially. Books and institutions, the actions of men and
their doctrines, all combine to undermine the belief in a future
life upon which the fabric of society has been built for eighteen
11/15 PT ‘My dear, I’m saying my prayers. Wait a moment,’ the
poor woman replied, in a voice that shook.
‘The devil take your prayers!’ growled Grandet.
Misers hold no belief in a life beyond the grave, the
present is all in all to them. This thought throws a
pitilessly clear light upon the irreligious times in which we
live, for today more than in any previous era money is the
force behind the law, politically and socially. Books and
institutions, the actions of men and their doctrines, all
PT ‘My dear, I’m saying my prayers. Wait a moment,’ the poor woman 11/15 PT
replied, in a voice that shook.
'The devil take your prayers!’ growled Grandet.
Misers hold no belief in a life beyond the grave, the present is all in
all to them. This thought throws a pitilessly clear light upon the
irrdigious times in which we live, for today more than in any previous
era money is the force behind the law, politically and socially. Books
and institutions, the actions of men and their doctrines, all combine to
undermine the belief in a future life upon which the fabric of society
has been built for eighteen hundred years. The grave holds few terrors
‘My dear, I’m saying my prayers. Wait a moment,’ the poor
woman replied, in a voice that shook.
‘The devil take your prayers!’ growled Grandet.
Misers hold no belief in a life beyond the grave, the present
is all in all to them. This thought throws a pitilessly clear light
upon the irreligious times in which we live, for today more than
in any previous era money is the force behind the law, politically
and socially. Books and institutions, the actions of men and
their doctrines, all combine to undermine the belief in a future