The publishers would like to thank the following for their kind permission to
reproduce material:
Florida Division of Tourism, 14-5; National Carers Association, 24-5; USAir, 34-5
and 194-5; The Open University, 44-5; America West Airlines, 54-5; Dining Out
in Charlotte, 64-5; US Dept, of Commerce, 74-5; Barclays Bank pic, 84-5;
Discovery Press Book Club, 94-5; Dept, for Enterprise, 104-5; JBS Studios, 114-5;
Dept, of the Environment, the Welsh Office and the John Peel Children’s Centre,
124-5; Association of British Insurers, 144-5; The New York Restaurant Guide,
154-5; Unijet Travel Limited, 164-5; Mount Mansfield Resort, 174-5; University of
Oxford, 184-5. All of the above material has been designed for this book and
does not reflect the companies house styles or promotions.
Extract from Farewell My Lovely by Raymond Chandler, Penguin Books Ltd.,
Middlesex, 1956, Pp 206-7. Reproduced by permission of Hamish Hamilton Ltd.
Extract from Charles Rennie Mackintosh by Anthony Jones, Studio Editions 1990,
Pages 134-5:
Foreword translated from the German by Helen Tuschling
First published 1990 by Studio Editions Ltd,
Princess House, 50 Eastcastle Street
London WIN 7AP, England.
Reprinted 1992
Copyright © 1990 Studio Editions Ltd.
Foreword copyright © 1990 Adrian Frutiger.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording, or otherwise,
without the prior permission of the copyright holder.
Designed by Jane Ewart
Realia pages designed by Alan Roberts
Cover designed by Cameron Carruthers
ISBN 1 85170 622 4
Printed and bound in Singapore
American Typewriter 196
Antique Olive 200
Baskerville б
Belwe 204
Bembo 16
Berling 208
Bodoni 26
Bookman 212
Caledonia 216
Caslon 36
Centaur 224
Centennial 220
Century 46
Cheltenham 228
Clarendon 232
Clearface 236
Cloister 240
Cochin 244
Copperplate Gothic 248
Ehrhardt 56
Eldorado 252
Eras 256
Eurostyle 260
Excelsior 264
Folio 268
Franklin Gothic 272
Frutiger 66
Futura 276
Galliard 76
Garamond 86
Gill 96
Goudy 106
Granjon 280
Guardi 284
Helvetica пб
Horley 292
Janson ; 296
Joanna 300
Kabel 304
Leamington ___ 308
Medici Script 312
Melior 316
Méridien 320
Modern 126
Neue Helvetica 288
News Gothic 324
Old Style 328
Optima — 136
Palatino 146
Perpetua 332
Plantin 156
Rockwell 336
Romana 340
Sabon 166
Serifa 344
Stempel 348
Times 176
Trade Gothic 352
Trajanus ^56
Trump Mediaeval 360
Univers 186
Walbaum 364
Weidemann 368
Weiss 372
Wexford 376
Zapf Chancery 380