The Open
Education no longer ends with
schooldays. Today, you can
enjoy the challenges and
A lifetime benefits of learning at any
opportunity dme- The °Pen Universi[y
I offers you a lifelong
> opportunity to continue your
education - to whatever level
you want, and in a way that fits
in with the rest of your life.
Your age, occupation, and
background do not matter. You
don’t need any previous
qualifications, because the
Open University really is open
to all. You simply have to be
18 or over, living in the United
AllyOU need What you do need is the desire and the
determination to learn, and if you have that,
you are well on the way to joining more than
100,000 men and women from every walk of
life who will be studying with the Open
University next year.
You can work towards a degree or a diploma
over a period of years - or choose single
courses lasting a few weeks or months, from
an enormous list of topics ranging from
childcare to computer science.
Changing For 21 years, the Open University has been
llVeS changing people’s lives.
Education can be a discovery of new
interests; a matter of personal development
and a pleasure for its own sake. It can also
help you keep up with the rapidly changing
world of work.
You can learn about the place of new
technologies, acquire new skills and update
old ones. You can help yourself change jobs,
get promotion or develop a new career path.
The classic look of the Caslon Oldstyle makes it a most suitable choice of
typeface for a subject such as the Open University. Set as text or used as
large display, as In this example, shows the true beauty of this typeface.