8/8 PT 'If I err not. I remember that I have often heard that once upon a time
títere was a great and rich man who possessed a most beautiful and
valuable ring among the other very precious jewels m his treasure. Being
desirous to do honour to it on account of its value and beauty and to
make it a perpetual heirloom among his descendants, he commanded
that whichever of his sons should be found in possession ot the ring,
which he would leave to him. should be looked upon as his heir, and that
all his odier children should reverence and honour this son as die
greatest among them. . .
The son to whom the ring was left gave similar orders to his
descendants, and acted as his predecessor had done. In short, this ring
passed from hand to hand through many succeeding generations, and
finally came into die hands of a man who had diree fine and virtuous
sons who were all verv obedient to dieir father. For which reason he
loved all three of them equally. The young men knew the custom
attached to die ring and each was desirous to be die most honoured, and
9/9 PT ‘If I err not, I remember that I have often heard that once upon a
time there was a great and rich man who possessed a most
beautiful and valuable ring among die odier verv precious jewels
in his treasure. Being desirous to do honour to it on account of
its value and beauty and to make it a perpetual heirloom among
his descendants, he commanded that whichever of his sons
should be found in possession of the ring, which he would leave
to him, should be looked upon as his heir, and that all his odier
children should reverence and honour diis son as die greatest
among them.
‘The son to whom die ring was left gave similar orders to his
descendants, and acted as his predecessor had done. In short,
diis ring passed from hand to hand through many succeeding
venerations, and finallv catne into the hands of a man who had
8/10 PT 'If I err not. I remember that I have often heard that once upon a time
there was a great anti rich man who possessed a most beautiful anti
valuable ring among the other very precious jewels in his measure. Being
desirous to do honour to it on account of its value and beauty and to
make it a perpetual heirloom among his descendants, he commanded
diat whichever of his sons should be found in possession ol the ring,
which he would leave to him. should be looked upon as his heir, anti that
all his other children should reverence anti honour this son as die
greatest among them.
The son to whom the ring was left gave similar orders to his
descendants, and acted as his predecessor had done, hi short, diis ring
passed from hand to hand dirough many succeeding generations, and
finally came into the hands of a man who had three fine and virtuous
sons who were all very obedient to their father. For which reason he
9/11 PT ‘If I err not. I remember diat I have often heard diat once upon a
time diere was a great and rich man who possessed a most
beautiful and valuable ring among die other very precious jewels
in his treasure. Being desirous to do honour to it on account of
its value and beauty and to make it a perpetual heirloom among
his descendants, he commanded that whichever of his sons
should be found in possession of die ring, which he would leave
to him, should be looked upon as his heir, and that all his other
children should reverence and honour this son as die greatest
among them.
‘The son to whom die ring was left gave similar orders to his
descendants, and acted as his predecessor had done, hi short
8/12 PT If I en- not. I remember diat I have often heard diat once upon a time
diere was a great and rich man who possessed a most beautiful and
valuable ring among the odier very precious jewels in his treasure. Being
desirous to do honour to it on account ol its value and beauty- and to
make it a perpetual heirloom among his descendants, he commanded
diat whichever of his sons should be found in possession of die ring,
which he would leave to hint, should be looked upon as his heir, and diat
all his odier children should reverence and honour diis son as die
greatest among diem.
The son to whom die ring was left gave similar orders to his
descendants, and acted as his predecessor had done. In short, diis ring
passed from hand to hand through many succeeding generations, and
9/13 PT ‘If I err not, I remember that I have oiten heard that once upon a
time there was a great and rich man who possessed a most
beautiful and valuable ring among the odier very precious jewels
in his treasure. Being desirous to do honour to it on account of
its value and beauty- and to make it a perpetual heirloom among
his descendants, he commanded that whichever of his sons
should be found in possession of die ring, which he would leave
to him, should be looked upon as his heir, and that all his other
children should reverence and honour this son as the greatest
among diem.
‘The son to whom die ring was left gave similar orders to his
8/12 PT If I err not. I remember that I have often heard that once upon a time there was a
great and rich man who possessed a most beautiful and valuable ring among the
odier verv precious jewels in his treasure. Being desirous to do honour to it on
account of its value and beauty and to make it a r—' 1 1 among his
descendants, he commanded that whichever of his sons should be found in
possession of die ring, which he would leave to hint, should he looked upon as his
heir, and diat all his other children should reverence and honour this son as the
greatest among them.
'The son to whom the ring was left gave similar orders to his descendants, and
acted as his predecessor had done. In short, this ring passed from hand to hand
through many succeeding generations, and finally came into the hands of a man
who had three fine and virtuous sons who were all very obedient to their father
9/13 PT ‘If I err not. I remember that I have often heard that once upon a time
there was a great and rich man who possessed a most beautiful anil
valuable ring among the other very precious jewels in his treasure. Being
desirous to do honour to it on account of its value and beauty and to
make it a perpetual heirloom among his descendants, he commanded
that whichever of his sons should be found in possession of the ring-
which he would leave to him, should be looked upon as his heir, and that
all his other children should reverence and honour this son as the
greatest among them.
‘The son to whom the ring was left gave similar orders to his
descendants, and acted as his predecessor had done. In short, this ring
PT If I err not, I remember that I have often heard that once
upon a time there was a great and rich man who
possessed a most beautiful and valuable ring among the
° i1 jVery precious jewels in his treasure. Being desirous
to do honour to it on account of its value and beauty and
to make it a perpetual heirloom among his descendants,
he commanded that whichever of his sons should be found
in possession of the ring, which he would leave to hint
should be looked upon as his heir, and that all his other
children should reverence and honour this son as the
greatest among them.
The son to whom the ring was left gave similar orders
to his descendants, and acted as his predecessor had done.
11/11 PT III err not, I remember that I have often heard that
once upon a time there was a great and rich man
who possessed a most beautiful and valuable rin»
among the other very precious jewels in his treasure.
Being desirous to do honour to it on account of its
value and beauty and to make it a perpetual
heirloom among his descendants, he commanded
that whichever of his sons should be found in
possession of the ring, which he would leave to him,
should be looked upon as his lieu, and that all his
other children should reverence and honour this son
as the greatest among them.
PT If I err not, I remember that I have often heard that once
upon a time there was a great and rich man who
possessed a most beautiful and valuable ring among the
other very precious jewels in his treasure. Being desirous
to do honour to it on account of its value and beauty and
to make it a perpetual heirloom among his descendants,
he commanded that whichever of his sons should be found
in possession of the ring, which he would leave to him,
should be looked upon as his heir, and that all his other
children should reverence and honour this son as the
greatest among diem.
‘The son to whom the ring was left gave similar orders
11/13 PT ‘If 1 err not, I remember that I have often heard that
once upon a time there was a great and rich man
who possessed a most beautiful and valuable ring
among the other very precious jewels in his treasure.
Being desirous to do honour to it on account of its
value and beauty- and to make it a perpetual
heirloom among his descendants, he commanded
that whichever of his sons should be found in
possession of the ring, which he would leave to him,
should be looked upon as his heir, and that all his
other children should reverence and honour this son
PT If I err not. I remember that I have often heard that once
upon a time there was a great and rich man who
possessed a most beautiful and valuable ring among the
other very precious jewels in bis treasure. Being desirous
to do honour to it on account of its value and beauty and
to make it a peipetual heirloom among his descendants,
he commanded that whichever of his sons should be found
in possession of the ring, which he would leave to him,
should be looked upon as his heir, and that all his other
children should reverence and honour this son as die
11/15 PT ‘Il I err not, I remember that I have often heard that
once upon a time there was a great and rich man
who possessed a most beautiful and valuable rinar
among the other very precious jewels in his treasure.
Being desirous to do honour to it on account of its
value and beauty and to make it a peipetual
heirloom among his descendants, he commanded
that whichever of his sons should be found in
possession of the ring, which he would leave to him,
III err not, I remember that I have often heard that once upon a 11/15 PT
time there was a great and rich man who possessed a most
beautiful and valuable ring among the other very precious jewels
in his treasure. Being desirous to do honour to it on account of
its value and beauty and to make it a perpetual heirloom among
his descendants, he commanded that whichever of his sons
should be found in possession of the ring, which he would leave
to him. should be looked upon as his heir, and that all his other
children should reverence and honour this son as die greatest
among diem.
If I err not, I remember that I have often heard that once
upon a time there was a great and rich man who
possessed a most beautiful and valuable ring among the
other very precious jewels in his treasure. Being desirous
to do honour to it 011 account of its value and beauty and
to make it a perpetual heirloom among his descendants,
he commanded that whichever of his sons should be found
in possession of the ring, which he would leave to him,
should be looked upon as his heir, and that all his other