8/8 PT Well, of course, that goes without saying; your soul isn't an apple,
you can't divide it up. If you fall in love, then you can't go wrong. But I
didn't mean to jeer. There's such a tenderness in my soul just now, I
feel quite soft-hearted... I only wanted to explain why you think
Nature affects us in that way. It's because it awakens the need for
love, but is not capable of satisfying it. It drives us gently into other,
living arms, but we don't realize this, and expect sbmething from
Nature herself. Oh, Andrei, Andrei, how lovely this sunshine is, and
that sky too, everything, everything around us is lovely, and yet you're
grieving. But if at this moment you were holding the hand of a woman
you loved, if that hand and all of her were yours, if you even saw with
her eyes and felt, not with your own, lonely feelings, but with hers -
then, Andrei, it wouldn't be grief and anxiety that Nature stirred up in
you, you wouldn't stop to contemplate its beauty; no, you'd find
Nature itself would exult and sing, it would echo your own rhapsodies
- because you would have given to Nature, dumb Nature, a tongue'.
9/9 PT Well, of course, that goes without saying; your soul isn't an
apple, you can't divide it up. If you fall in love, then you can't
go wrong. But I didn't mean to jeer. There's such a tenderness
in my soul just now, I feel quite soft-hearted ... I only wanted
to explain why you think Nature affects us in that way. It's
because it awakens the need for love, but is not capable of
satisfying it. It drives us gently into other, living arms, but we
don't realize this, and expect something from Nature herself.
Oh, Andrei, Andrei, how lovely this sunshine is, and that sky
too, everything, everything around us is lovely, and yet you're
grieving. But if at this moment you were holding the hand of a
woman you loved, if that hand and all of her were yours, if you
even saw with her eyes and felt, not with your own, lonely
feelings, but with hers - then, Andrei, it wouldn't be grief and
8/10 PT Well, of course, that goes without saying; your soul isn't an apple,
you can't divide it up. If you fall in love, then you can't go wrong. But I
didn’t mean to jeer. There's such a tenderness in my soul just now, I
feel quite soft-hearted... I only wanted to explain why you think
Nature affects us in that way. It's because it awakens the need for
love, but is not capable of satisfying it. It drives us gently into other,
living arms, but we don't realize this, and expect something from
Nature herself. Oh, Andrei, Andrei, how lovely this sunshine is, and
that sky too, everything, everything around us is lovely, and yet you're
grieving. But if at this moment you were holding the hand of a woman
you loved, if that hand and all of her were yours, if you even saw with
her eyes and felt, not with your own, lonely feelings, but with hers -
then, Andrei, it wouldn't be grief and anxiety that Nature stirred up in
you, you wouldn't stop to contemplate its beauty; no, you'd find
9/11 PT Well, of course, that goes without saying; your soul isn't an
apple, you can't divide it up. If you fall in love, then you can't
go wrong. But I didn't mean to jeer. There's such a tenderness
in my soul just now, I feel quite soft-hearted ... I only wanted
to explain why you think Nature affects us in that way. It's
because it awakens the need for love, but is not capable of
satisfying it. It drives us gently into other, living arms, but we
don't realize this, and expect something from Nature herself.
Oh, Andrei, Andrei, how lovely this sunshine is, and that sky
too, everything, everything around us is lovely, and yet you're
grieving. But if at this moment you were holding the hand of a
woman you loved, if that hand and all of her were yours, if you
8/12 PT Well, of course, that goes without saying; your soul isn't an apple,
you can't divide it up. If you fall in love, then you can't go wrong. But I
didn't mean to jeer. There's such a tenderness in my soul just now, I
feel quite soft-hearted... I only wanted to explain why you think
Nature affects us in that way. It's because it awakens the need for
love, but is not capable of satisfying it. It drives us gently into other,
living arms, but we don't realize this, and expect something from
Nature herself. Oh, Andrei, Andrei, how lovely this sunshine is, and
that sky too, everything, everything around us is lovely, and yet you're
grieving. But if at this moment you were holding the hand of a woman
you loved, if that hand and all of her were yours, if you even saw with
her eyes and felt, not with your own, lonely feelings, but with hers -
9/13 PT Well, of course, that goes without saying; your soul isn't an
apple, you can't divide it up. If you fall in love, then you can't
go wrong. But I didn't mean to jeer. There's such a tenderness
in my soul just now, I feel quite soft-hearted ... I only wanted
to explain why you think Nature affects us in that way. It's
because it awakens the need for love, but is not capable of
satisfying it. It drives us gently into other, living arms, but we
don't realize this, and expect something from Nature herself.
Oh, Andrei, Andrei, how lovely this sunshine is, and that sky
too, everything, everything around us is lovely, and yet you're
grieving. But if at this moment you were holding the hand of a
8/12 PT Well, of course, that goes without saying; your soul Isn't an apple, you can't
divide it up. If you fall in love, then you can't go wrong. But I didn't mean to jeer.
There's such a tenderness in my soul just now, I feel quite soft-hearted... I only
wanted to explain why you think Nature affects us in that way. It's because it
awakens the need for love, but is not capable of satisfying it. It drives us gently
into other, living arms, but we don't realize this, and expect something from
Nature herself. Oh, Andrei, Andrei, how lovely this sunshine is, and that sky too,
everything, everything around us is lovely, and yet you're grieving. But if at this
moment you were holding the hand of a woman you loved, if that hand and all
of her were yours, if you even saw with her eyes and felt, not with your own,
lonely feelings, but with hers - then, Andrei, it wouldn't be grief and anxiety that
Nature stirred up in you, you wouldn't stop to contemplate its beauty; no, you'd
9/13 PT Well, of course, that goes without saying; your soul isn't an apple,
you can't divide it up. If you fall in love, then you can't go wrong. But I
didn't mean to jeer. There's such a tenderness in my soul just now, I
feel quite soft-hearted... I only wanted to explain why you think
Nature affects us in that way. It's because it awakens the need for
love, but is not capable of satisfying it. It drives us gently into other,
living arms, but we don't realize this, and expect something from
Nature herself. Oh, Andrei, Andrei, how lovely this sunshine is, and
that sky too, everything, everything around us is lovely, and yet you're
grieving. But if at this moment you were holding the hand of a woman
you loved, if that hand and all of her were yours, if you even saw with
10/10 PT
10/12 PT
10/14 PT
10/14 PT
Well, of course, that goes without saying; your soul
Isn't an apple, you can't divide It up. If you fall in love,
then you can't go wrong. But I didn't mean to jeer.
There's such a tenderness in my soul just now, I feel
quite soft-hearted ... I only wanted to explain why you
think Nature affects us In that way. It's because it
awakens the need for love, but Is not capable of
satisfying it. It drives us gently Into other, living arms,
but we don't realize this, and expect something from
Nature herself. Oh, Andrei, Andrei, how lovely this
sunshine is, and that sky too, everything, everything
around us is lovely, and yet you're grieving. But if at this
moment you were holding the hand of a woman you
п/11 PT Well, of course, that goes without saying; your
soul isn't an apple, you can't divide it up. If you fall
in love, then you can't go wrong. But I didn't mean
to jeer. There's such a tenderness in my soul just
now, I feel quite soft-hearted ... I only wanted to
explain why you think Nature affects us in that
way. It's because it awakens the need for love, but
is not capable of satisfying it. It drives us gently
into other, living arms, but we don't realize this,
and expect something from Nature herself. Oh,
Andrei, Andrei, how lovely this sunshine is, and
that sky too, everything, everything around us is
Well, of course, that goes without saying; your soul 11/13 pt
isn't an apple, you can't divide it up. If you fall in love,
then you can't go wrong. But I didn't mean to jeer.
There's such a tenderness in my soul just now, I feel
quite soft-hearted ... I only wanted to explain why you
think Nature affects us in that way. It's because it
awakens the need for love, but is not capable of
satisfying it. It drives us gently into other, living arms,
but we don't realize this, and expect something from
Nature herself. Oh, Andrei, Andrei, how lovely this
sunshine is, and that sky too, everything, everything
around us is lovely, and yet you're grieving. But if at this
Well, of course, that goes without saying; your
soul isn't an apple, you can't divide it up. If you fall
in love, then you can't go wrong. But I didn't mean
to jeer. There's such a tenderness in my soul just
now, I feel quite soft-hearted ... I only wanted to
explain why you think Nature affects us in that
way. It's because it awakens the need for love, but
is not capable of satisfying it. It drives us gently
into other, living arms, but we don't realize this,
and expect something from Nature herself. Oh,
Andrei, Andrei, how lovely this sunshine is, and
Well, of course, that goes without saying; your soul 11/15 pt
isn't an apple, you can't divide it up. If you fall in love,
then you can't go wrong. But I didn't mean to jeer.
There's such a tenderness in my soul just now, I feel
quite soft-hearted ... I only wanted to explain why you
think Nature affects us in that way. It's because it
awakens the need for love, but is not capable of
satisfying it. It drives us gently into other, living arms,
but we don't realize this, and expect something from
Nature herself. Oh, Andrei, Andrei, how lovely this
Well, of course, that goes without saying; your
soul isn't an apple, you can't divide it up. If you fall
in love, then you can't go wrong. But I didn't mean
to jeer. There's such a tenderness in my soul just
now, I feel quite soft-hearted ... I only wanted to
explain why you think Nature affects us in that
way. It's because it awakens the need for love, but
is not capable of satisfying it. It drives us gently
into other, living arms, but we don't realize this,
Well, of course, that goes without saying; your soul isn't an 11/15 pt
apple, you can't divide it up. If you fall in love, then you can't
go wrong. But I didn't mean to jeer. There's such a tenderness
in my soul just now, I feel quite soft-hearted... I only wanted
to explain why you think Nature affects us in that way. It's
because it awakens the need for love, but is not capable of
satisfying it. It drives us gently into other, living arms, but we
dont realize this, and expect something from Nature herself.
Oh, Andrei, Andrei, how lovely this sunshine is, and that sky
too, everything, everything around us is lovely, and yet you're
Well, of course, that goes without saying; your soul
isn't an apple, you can't divide it up. If you fall in love,
then you can't go wrong. But I didn't mean to jeer.
There's such a tenderness in my soul just now, I feel
quite soft-hearted ... I only wanted to explain why you
think Nature affects us in that way. It's because it
awakens the need for love, but is not capable of
satisfying it. It drives us gently into other, living arms,
but we don't realize this, and expect something from