8/8 PT I think it an abuse to use the novel as a pulpit or a platform, and I
believe readers are misguided when they suppose they can thus easily
acquire knowledge. It is a great nuisance that knowledge can only be
acquired by hard work. It would be fine if we could swallow the
powder of profitable information made palatable by the jam of fiction.
But the truth is that, so made palatable, we can’t be sure that the
powder will be profitable, for the knowledge the novelist imparts is
biased and thus unreliable; and it is better not to know a thing at all
than to know it in a distorted fashion. There is no reason why a
novelist should be anything but a novelist. It is enough if he is a good
novelist. He should know a little about a great many things, but it is
unnecessary, and sometimes even harmful, for him to be a specialist in
any particular subject. He need not eat a whole sheep to know what
mutton tastes like: it is enough if he eats a chop. Then, by applying his
imagination and his creative faculty to the chop he has eaten, he can
give you a pretty good idea of an Irish stew; but when he goes on from
9/9 PT I think it an abuse to use the novel as a pulpit or a platform,
and I believe readers are misguided when they suppose they
can thus easily acquire knowledge. It is a great nuisance that
knowledge can only be acquired by hard work. It would be
fine if we could swallow the powder of profitable information
made palatable by the jam of fiction. But the truth is that, so
made palatable, we can’t be sure that the powder will be
profitable, for the knowledge the novelist imparts is biased and
thus unreliable; and it is better not to know a thing at all than
to know it in a distorted fashion. There is no reason why a
novelist should be anything but a novelist. It is enough if he is a
good novelist. He should know a little about a great many
things, but it is unnecessary, and sometimes even harmful, for
him to be a specialist in any particular subject. He need not eat
8/10 PT I think it an abuse to use the novel as a pulpit or a platform, and I
believe readers are misguided when they suppose they can thus easily
acquire knowledge. It is a great nuisance that knowledge can only be
acquired by hard work. It would be fine if we could swallow the
powder of profitable information made palatable by the jam of fiction.
But the truth is that, so made palatable, we can’t be sure that the
powder will be profitable, for the knowledge the novelist imparts is
biased and thus unreliable; and it is better not to know a thing at all
than to know it in a distorted fashion. There is no reason why a
novelist should be anything but a novelist. It is enough if he is a good
novelist. He should know a little about a great many things, but it is
unnecessary, and sometimes even harmful, for him to be a specialist in
any particular subject. He need not eat a whole sheep to know what
mutton tastes like: it is enough if he eats a chop. Then, by applying his
9/11 PT I think it an abuse to use the novel as a pulpit or a platform,
and I believe readers are misguided when they suppose they
can thus easily acquire knowledge. It is a great nuisance that
knowledge can only be acquired by hard work. It would be
fine if we could swallow the powder of profitable information
made palatable by the jam of fiction. But the truth is that, so
made palatable, we can’t be sure that the powder will be
profitable, for the knowledge the novelist imparts is biased and
thus unreliable; and it is better not to know a thing at all than
to know it in a distorted fashion. There is no reason why a
novelist should be anything but a novelist. It is enough if he is a
good novelist. He should know a little about a great many
8/12 PT I think it an abuse to use the novel as a pulpit or a platform, and I
believe readers are misguided when they suppose they can thus easily
acquire knowledge. It is a great nuisance that knowledge can only be
acquired by hard work. It would be fine if we could swallow the
powder of profitable information made palatable by the jam of fiction.
But the truth is that, so made palatable, we can’t be sure that the
powder will be profitable, for the knowledge the novelist imparts is
biased and thus unreliable; and it is better not to know a thing at all
than to know it in a distorted fashion. There is no reason why a
novelist should be anything but a novelist. It is enough if he is a good
novelist. He should know a little about a great many things, but it is
unnecessary, and sometimes even harmful, for him to be a specialist in
9/13 PT I think it an abuse to use the novel as a pulpit or a platform,
and I believe readers are misguided when they suppose they
can thus easily acquire knowledge. It is a great nuisance that
knowledge can only be acquired by hard work. It would be
fine if we could swallow the powder of profitable information
made palatable by the jam of fiction. But the truth is that, so
made palatable, we can’t be sure that the powder will be
profitable, for the knowledge the novelist imparts is biased and
thus unreliable; and it is better not to know a thing at all than
to know it in a distorted fashion. There is no reason why a
novelist should be anything but a novelist. It is enough if he is a
8/12 PT I think it an abuse to use the novel as a pulpit or a platform, and I believe readers
are misguided when they suppose they can thus easily acquire knowledge. It is a
great nuisance that knowledge can only be acquired by hard work. It would be
fine if we could swallow the powder of profitable information made palatable by
the jam of fiction. But the truth is that, so made palatable, we can’t be sure that
the powder will be profitable, for the knowledge the novelist imparts is biased
and thus unreliable; and it is better not to know a thing at all than to know it in a
distorted fashion. There is no reason why a novelist should be anything but a
novelist. It is enough if he is a good novelist. He should know a little about a
great many things, but it is unnecessary, and sometimes even harmful, for him to
be a specialist in any particular subject. He need not eat a whole sheep to know
what mutton tastes like: it is enough if he eats a chop. Then, by applying his
9/13 PT I think it an abuse to use the novel as a pulpit or a platform, and I
believe readers are misguided when they suppose they can thus easily
acquire knowledge. It is a great nuisance that knowledge can only be
acquired by hard work. It would be fine if we could swallow the
powder of profitable information made palatable by the jam of fiction.
But the truth is that, so made palatable, we can’t be sure that the
powder will be profitable, for the knowledge the novelist imparts is
biased and thus unreliable; and it is better not to know a thing at all
than to know it in a distorted fashion. There is no reason why a
novelist should be anything but a novelist. It is enough if he is a good
novelist. He should know a little about a great many things, but it is
ю/ю PT I think it an abuse to use the novel as a pulpit or a
platform, and I believe readers are misguided when they
suppose they can thus easily acquire knowledge. It is a
great nuisance that knowledge can only be acquired by
hard work. It would be fine if we could swallow the
powder of profitable information made palatable by the
jam of fiction. But the truth is that, so made palatable,
we can’t be sure that the powder will be profitable, for
the knowledge the novelist imparts is biased and thus
unreliable; and it is better not to know a thing at all than
to know it in a distorted fashion. There is no reason why
a novelist should be anything but a novelist. It is enough
if he is a good novelist. He should know a little about a
п/11 PT I think it an abuse to use the novel as a pulpit or a
platform, and I believe readers are misguided when
they suppose they can thus easily acquire know¬
ledge. It is a great nuisance that knowledge can
only be acquired by hard work. It would be fine if
we could swallow the powder of profitable informa¬
tion made palatable by the jam of fiction. But the
truth is that, so made palatable, we can’t be sure
that the powder will be profitable, for the know¬
ledge the novelist imparts is biased and thus
unreliable; and it is better not to know a thing at all
than to know it in a distorted fashion. There is no
ю/12 PT I think it an abuse to use the novel as a pulpit or a
platform, and I believe readers are misguided when they
suppose they can thus easily acquire knowledge. It is a
great nuisance that knowledge can only be acquired by
hard work. It would be fine if we could swallow the
powder of profitable information made palatable by the
jam of fiction. But the truth is that, so made palatable,
we can’t be sure that the powder will be profitable, for
the knowledge the novelist imparts is biased and thus
unreliable; and it is better not to know a thing at all than
to know it in a distorted fashion. There is no reason why
a novelist should be anything but a novelist. It is enough
11/13 PT I think it an abuse to use the novel as a pulpit or a
platform, and I believe readers are misguided when
they suppose they can thus easily acquire know¬
ledge. It is a great nuisance that knowledge can
only be acquired by hard work. It would be fine if
we could swallow the powder of profitable informa¬
tion made palatable by the jam of fiction. But the
truth is that, so made palatable, we can’t be sure
that the powder will be profitable, for the know¬
ledge the novelist imparts is biased and thus
unreliable; and it is better not to know a thing at all
ю/14 PT I think it an abuse to use the novel as a pulpit or a
platform, and I believe readers are misguided when they
suppose they can thus easily acquire knowledge. It is a
great nuisance that knowledge can only be acquired by
hard work. It would be fine if we could swallow the
powder of profitable information made palatable by the
jam of fiction. But the truth is that, so made palatable,
we can’t be sure that the powder will be profitable, for
the knowledge the novelist imparts is biased and thus
unreliable; and it is better not to know a thing at all than
п/15 PT I think it an abuse to use the novel as a pulpit or a
platform, and I believe readers are misguided when
they suppose they can thus easily acquire know¬
ledge. It is a great nuisance that knowledge can
only be acquired by hard work. It would be fine if
we could swallow the powder of profitable informa¬
tion made palatable by the jam of fiction. But the
truth is that, so made palatable, we can’t be sure
that the powder will be profitable, for the know-
ю/14 PT I think it an abuse to use the novel as a pulpit or a platform,
and I believe readers are misguided when they suppose they
can thus easily acquire knowledge. It is a great nuisance that
knowledge can only be acquired by hard work. It would be
fine if we could swallow the powder of profitable information
made palatable by the jam of fiction. But the truth is that, so
made palatable, we can’t be sure that the powder will be
profitable, for the knowledge the novelist imparts is biased and
thus unreliable; and it is better not to know a thing at all than
to know it in a distorted fashion. There is no reason why a
п/15 PT I think it an abuse to use the novel as a pulpit or a
platform, and I believe readers are misguided when they
suppose they can thus easily acquire knowledge. It is a
great nuisance that knowledge can only be acquired by
hard work. It would be fine if we could swallow the
powder of profitable information made palatable by the
jam of fiction. But the truth is that, so made palatable,
we can’t be sure that the powder will be profitable, for
the knowledge the novelist imparts is biased and thus