10. Акцидентный, текстовый и плакатный шрифты
Рис. 163.
Блок текста, набран¬
ный шрифтом 8 pt;
вверху -
с интерлиньяжем 2 pt,
внизу -
с интерлиньяжем 3pt.
Окиньте взглядом распечатку, представленную на рис.
163, чтобы погрузиться в область физиологии. Текст дол¬
жен быть набран шрифтом IO pt, но он уменьшен до 8 pt.
Исследования в области физиологии показали, что глаз
человека имеет распознавательную способность в 1 мину¬
ту дуги. При чтении на расстоянии 40 см это означает, что
любые два объекта, которые глаз различает по отдельно¬
сти, должны быть по крайней мере на расстояний 1/10 мм
друг от друга. Мы можем продемонстрировать это на изо¬
бражении букв «Е» на рис. 166. Каждая буква набрана
шрифтом 10 pt и порезана на «ломтики». Фрагменты и рас¬
стояния между ними одинаковы по ширине, но для каждой
буквы размеры фрагментов различны. Поскольку «Е» имеет
как вертикальные штрихи, так и горизонтальные, мы легко
можем использовать это, чтобы проверить распознава¬
тельную способность глаза в обоих направлениях. Шири-
8 pt с интерлиньяжем 2 pt
Ап accepted principie in the technology of measurement is that, to measure
a thing with a specific degree of precision, we require a measuring machine to
operate at double this precision as a minimum. Reversing this principle, star¬
ting with a «measuring machine»-the human eye-as the given quantity, it fol¬
lows that letters must adapt, and be at least twice as large as the minimum
resolving power of our eyes. The simplest yet most important factor for us to
consider here is the space between letters. Serving to separate two letters
from one another, the inter-letter spacing can be readily assessed in the con¬
text of our eye's resolving power. The limit of our resolving power is that
point at which we can no longer distinguish separate images of two objects,
two dots or lines, for instance. In other words, if the spacing is less than this
minimum, we perceive the objects as touching.
8 pt с интерлиньяжем 3 pt
An accepted principle in the technology of measurement is that, to measure
a thing with a specific degree of precision, we require a measuring machine to
operate at double this precision as a minimum. Reversing this principle, star¬
ting with a «measuring machine»-the human eye-as the given quantity, itfol-
lows that letters must adapt, and be at least twice as large as the minimum
resolving power of our eyes. The simplest yet most important factor for us to
consider here is the space between letters. Serving to separate two letters
from one another, the inter-letter spacing can be readily assessed in the con¬
text of our eye's resolving power. The limit of our resolving power is that
point at which we can no longer distinguish separate images of two objects,
two dots or lines, for instance. In other words, if the spacing is less than this
minimum, we perceive the objects as touching.
10. Акцидентный, текстовый и плакатный шрифты
8 pt с интерлиньяжем 4 pt
Ап accepted principle in the technology of measurement is that, to measure
a thing with a specific degree of precision, we require a measuring machine to
operate at double this precision as a minimum. Reversing this principle, star¬
ting with a «measuring machine»-the human eye-as the given quantity, it fol¬
lows that letters must adapt, and be at least twice as large as the minimum
resolving power of our eyes. The simplest yet most important factor for us to
consider here is the space between letters. Serving to separate two letters
from one another, the inter-letter spacing can be readily assessed in the con¬
text of our eye's resolving power. The limit of our resolving power is that
point at which we can no longer distinguish separate Images of two objects,
two dots or lines, for instance. In other words, if the spacing is less than this
minimum, we perceive the objects as touching.
8 pt с интерлиньяжем 6 pt
An accepted principle In the technology of measurement is that, to measure
a thing with a specific degree of precision, we require a measuring machine to
operate at double this precision as a minimum. Reversing this principle, star¬
ting with a «measuring machine» - the human eye-as the given quantity, it fol¬
lows that letters must adapt, and be at least twice as large as the minimum
resolving power of our eyes. The simplest yet most important factor for us to
consider here is the space between letters. Serving to separate two letters
from one another, the inter-letter spacing can be readily assessed in the con¬
text of our eye’s resolving power. The limit of our resolving power is that
point at which we can no longer distinguish separate images of two objects,
two dots or lines, for instance. In other words, if the spacing is less than this
minimum, we perceive the objects as touching.
Рис. 164.
Блок текста,
шрифтом 8 pt;
вверху -
с интерлиньяжем 4 pt,
внизу -
с интерлиньяжем 6 pt.
ны фрагментов и промежутков между ними принимают 5
значений: 0.05,0.075,0.1,0.125 и 0.15 мм.
При минимальном расстоянии 1/10 мм, заданном между
двумя объектами, мы должны определить расстояние между
буквами более чем 2/10 мм. При тексте в 5 pt это была бы 1 /5
роста прописной — весьма большая пропорция. Кроме то¬
го, верхний внутрибуквенный просвет «е» той же высоты.
Тем не менее, относительно широкий межбуквенный про¬
свет предпочтительнее, так как он дает уверенность в том,
что шрифты небольших кеглей будут различимы.