Б. Идентификационный регистр глифов
Octal Dec Hex.
102g 66 42
1038 67 43
104g 68 44
105g 69 45
106g 70 46
107g 71 47
UOg 72 48
lllg 73 49
U2g 74 4A
113g 75 4B
)14g 76 4C
115s 77 4D
В Uppercase Latín (Roman) letter В
Glyphs Og I 102g (Latin B). 46g | 102g (Greek B). and 47g | 43g
(Cyrillic B) may or may not have the same shape, at the
discretion of the font designer.
С Uppercase Latin (Roman) letter С
Glyphs Og I 103g (Latin C) and 47g | 63g (Cyrillic C) may or may
not have the same shape, at the discretion of the font designer.
D Uppercase Latin (Roman) letter О
E Uppercase Latin (Roman) letter E
Glyphs Og I 105g (Latin Б), 46g | 106g (Greek Б), and 47g | 46g
(Cyrillic E) may or may not have the same shape, at the
discretion of the font designer.
F Uppercase Latin (Roman) letter F
G Uppercase Latin (Roman) letter G
H Uppercase Latin (Roman) letter H
Glyphs Og I UOg (Latin H). 46g | 112g (Greek H), and 47g | 57g
(Cyrillic H) may or may not have the same shape, at the
discretion of the font designer.
I Uppercase Latin (Roman) letter I
Glyphs Og I lllg (Latin I), 46g | U4g (Greek I), and 47g | 107g
(Cyrillic I) may or may not have the same shape, at the discretion
of the font designer.
J Uppercase Latin (Roman) letter J
Glyphs Og 1112g (Utin J), 46g 1333g (Greek J), and
47g j lllg (Cyrillic J)may or may not have the same
shape, at the discretion of the font designer.
К Uppercase Latin (Roman) letter К
Glyphs Og I 113g (Latin K) and 46g | 115g (Greek K) may or may
not have the same shape, at the discretion of the font designer.
L Uppercase Latin (Roman) letter L
M Uppercase Latin (Roman) letter M
Glyphs Og I U5g (Latin M), 46g | U7g (Greek M), and 47g | 56g
(Cyrillic M) may or may not have the same shape, at the
discretion of the font designer.
Б. Идентификационный регистр глифов
Octal Dec Hex.
116g 78 4E
117g 79 4F
120g 80 50
121g 81 51
122g 82 52
123g 83 53
124g 84 54
125g 85 55
126g 86 56
127g 87 57
130g 88 58
131g 89 59
132g 90 5A
N Uppercase Latin (Roman) letter N
Glyphs Og I 116g (Latin N) and 46g 1120g (Greek N) may or may
not have the same shape, at the discretion of the font designer.
О Uppercase Latin (Roman) letter О
Glyphs 0g I I17g (Latin O), 46g | 122g (Greek O). and 47g | 60g
(Cyrillic O) may or may npt have the same shape, at the
discretion of the font designer.
< SGML, О > :
P Uppercase Latin (Roman) letter P
Glyphs Og I 120g (Latin P), 46g | 125g (Greek P), and 47g | 62g
(Cyrillic P) may or may not have the same shape, at the discretion
of the font designer.
Q Uppercase Latin (Roman) letter Q
R Uppercase Latin (Roman) letter R
S Uppercase Latin (Roman) letters
Glyphs Og 1123g (Latin S) and 47g | 106g (Cyrillic S) may or may
not have the same shape, at the discretion of the font designer.
T Uppercase Latin (Roman) letter T
Glyphs 0g I 124g (Latin T), 46g | 130g (Greek T), and 47g | 64g
(Cyrillic T) may or may not have the same shape, at the discretion
of the font designer.
U Uppercase Latin (Roman) letter U
V Uppercase Latin (Roman) letter V
W Uppercase Latin (Roman) letter W
< SGML, W >;
X Uppercase Latin (Roman) letter X
Glyphs Og I 130g (Utin X), 46g | 133g (Greek X). and 47g | 67g
(Cyrillic X) may or may not have the same shape, at the
discretion of the font designer.
Y Uppercase Utin (Roman) letter Y
Glyphs 0g I 13lg (Utin Y) and 46g | 131g (Greek Y) may or may
not have the same shape, at the discretion of the font designer.
Z Uppercase Latin (Roman) letter Z
Glyphs 0g 1132g (Utin Z) and 46g 111 lg (Greek Z) may or may not
have the same shape, at the discretion of the font designer.