10. Акцидентный, текстовый и плакатный шрифты
Рис. 165.
Блок текста,
шрифтом 8 pt;
вверху -
с интерлиньяжем 8 pt,
внизу -
с интерлиньяжем
8 pt с интерлиньяжем 8 pt
An accepted principle in the technology of measurement is that, to measure
a thing with a specific degree of precision, we require a measuring machine to
operate at double this precision as a minimum. Reversing this principle, star¬
ting with a «measuring machine»-the human eye-as the given quantity, it fol¬
lows that letters must adapt, and be at least twice as large as the minimum
resolving power of our eyes. The simplest yet most important factor for us to
consider here is the space between letters. Serving to separate two letters
from one another, the inter-letter spacing can be readily assessed in the con¬
text of our eye's resolving power. The limit of our resolving power is that
point at which we can no longer distinguish separate images of two objects,
two dots or lines, for instance. In other words, if the spacing is less than this
minimum, we perceive the objects as touching.
8 pt с интерлиньяжем 10 pt
An accepted principle in the technology of measurement is that, to measure
a thing with a specific degree of precision, we requirea measuring machine to
operate at double this precision as a minimum. Reversing this principle, star¬
ting with a «measuring machine»-the human eye-as the given quantity, it fol¬
lows that letters must adapt, and be at least twice as large as the minimum
resolving power of our eyes. The simplest yet most important factor for us to
consider here is the space between letters. Serving to separate two letters
from one another, the inter-letter spacing can be readily assessed in the con¬
text of our eye’s resolving power. The limit of our resolving power is that
point at which we can no longer distinguish separate images of two objects,
two dots or lines, for instance. In other words, if the spacing is less than this
minimum, we perceive the objects as touching.
10. Акцидентный, текстовый и плакатный шрифты
10 pt
^яииі эііши
anna 31111
Штш эііші
jjÿiiai Эііі
äMMM Ülllllll
эіііаа Sia a a
Рис. 166.
Пять «Б», нарезаные
на фрагменты
различной ширины.
А сейчас представим три общих правила работы с мил¬
лиметрами, типографскими пунктами и ростом пропис¬
ных (cap-height = рост прописных букв; x-height = рост
строчных букв без выносных элементов).
Правило 1
1 мм рост прописных букв =
4 pt кегль
т. е. 2,5 мм СН = 10 pt BS
Правило 2
2/3 кегля
рост прописных букв
Правило 3
1/2 кегля ~ рост строчных букв
Напротив, наше понимание разрешающей способности
глаза показывает, что мы можем расположить очень боль¬
шие буквы гораздо плотнее, чем маленькие. К примеру, ис¬
пользуя кегль шрифта 100 pt до тех пор, пока мы не снизим
расстояние между знаками до 1/100 роста строчных букв,
когда шрифт будет восприниматься читателем как
Общий диапазон межбуквенных просветов для
нормального текстового шрифта, для плотного набора ак¬
цидентным шрифтом и очень плотного набора плакатным
шрифтом — от 1/5 до 1/100 роста строчных букв.