wc qnimaftfumuTC-.'^pcinojtt'IcrpoTnf
trrrtufflfrpmfid; mardhippccr mmtalcflxj .
mmff quofmucura mraftofi qm mtrlligtnjr
hoc f mAcrii-qmU^ utnro- mratmdrf.c^düot
nmr. homtmfnuqirtnKbraf qm Іше^€(вюг>
cmrn main opa с bocí ¡ara* raicnmc
bona opa*’ Honrar- ucmftiuc- tufiificcfmpioT^
S; dilcrrninc inqmc- ■magiTctntbraf qm lactm.
! bi pofmc- urtnCputa cnim chlprmmo penara
fuar'mutn amMfifunr praarafna-Qincmfi
of pcctamfmvqtn aanßra- parara fiuvAtm
cnmdS fane, partum. Arrufar- parara mads:
tprufi flanütwm amrangmfdro.Quaft dap.
rrftnrac/homo «pptnator.Qä audif homo-.'dí
fec-cÖ midtfpcmw'tpfc homo ftoc-brlc
qd feaftroae bluer- ds qd fmr-Opojnx ur о
rtenfmro ороГпшпг'фатеГппг opufdiCu
апго cjprr difpUctrc г qd ftnftr'tndc mnpi
ime Ьот-чрптааі qm acrafcfnula cçama-
Intera qprnn boraop. œnftffio e opom rnolo^.
l?aaf umran&'qy ttcnif ad lnc¿-Q№d e fiuifue
nartò'r ^oncr palp ai-fi è bLwhnfitr oda
lartfi n diafmftuf ftmvcuftfmraftafi <çmaptf
kart utnratrlVmfdtirf adiate; tro mani
ffftnrc орагал quiamdofiioca finir-qate
hoc tplmn cfdr- iMphratc pOTOumnítroW
dripliarcr- ràdi; e locate! et atrtraf-c of
ttndcrtr S; qui tan ¿morara- dihgic perora
fm-odro amoncntc loàrà'cpfacjra. en-ne fiar
SftaiTt opa amala qnp dihgro-^autt fitere
ucrrantf’-omifat mir mala foaïti è parete*
ns imofac irc rts ignofrar-'.'qura qd trate
ac ds ignofrar- tpic ngnofero : cpatnro- ad
lacerai opT agro-, qd ito qiraj mit odrifro
ofUndcm-Dinr deMuertr. fàatmruam a
ptœmfmnf-efr qoa fronre thera-rà rarrum
diracr qfbfitnnaf-ntfû cgp rognotm erp«
raramjntotmame ¿Чапрг&о «nrovtrtfd
nuifct-amt- dm.^Sianrf' pro fremiperca
tumtutti'rcnnqufr. tlhidr dsamr oddituof,
0c-tmc rtroiqntc.TqhdoTompcmtenaf {ruft'’
radiât crrc-Cttrntt-nc tmtbrc oofcwnphœ
(bnr-Hremacraqnarr adblnrfiirhm.-nngtia
tr dttmtcmpufm-->luUnfrrGtrdcé arrmplo
dninttUafrtrarrtcf'abqpr dnn mtìluf ¡moa
таг abceanonc ©tin .À mia: mUnfatbUra
drnononc fhradcr€\mgtloro g-ram diet r-
Utero diefi'tpcídiff-raraaif c’tgnofcerc 0 aro -
iwfonate punire aurf defrndrntrf le- q> mito
fa taftnmrf? ccpunuracfifc et aliqd cuntdnl-
ftnr-Tndtlcftionc auro e?cemmtfedb nefw
ambular- coam itbcmnif abtUtf icraltb;
micidta- bum- aduhma-prro tlla qup mimi
та indoro £ prtctra lmguf atro- comraaomÌ
atro tmmodcraacmifrartb: ccmcrffif filtro ut
nmroeonftffionifccuairo adlurf'incçib;
borni' qfn mmiint paraca plara-Ìi navigane
cvcaduiro-спттр futro ^urop que Rumina
imploro ï mmura farro- grana barmjr'f; fimul
ra barena mtponac pmro arq: oppmro-lioc
{nero; famm\uggltàa--'qd feexr flnftnftrru
enf- Гтііаитр forana птшго-Т; dra maído
ci'nçrbauncndo mrrgro noue(¿l eattran
jcriioarnt-n btmif opib; agar • ne ob ruarte
ctndof'hrrautt hinuffdímoltftu r^plrau
с rompramnuK--lnrtb;(p^tfnf 5cralUrortn
rrtv aducrfrfnr frangnr-Qmr dtdro- fcüara
ro bnmf febVad confolanonc dtrtro nadan
rupnonc-Hurfdtçj; epuro flagellar mtfb
feto ^ad efiidanon? n ad dampnanon^ focro-
Ï erro pacrí erudicnccVnc fennaf indice pu
nienti-lije aradle- dinmufuotiï q»fcpe di t -
ronda funrr'quia bona a> falurana fune-,
tralioo omelia duoeknm.Inapro. ytìp. ab co qò
fc\roum t poft- bjc tronío rtis drfqiult ci
tmudram mimi ufçp ad lUudnimicautc
f*raifi qui fine- chandro, à&cfgnudèo qau
гао lrftronif cuangficp fcdtn
W rahm-fiaie poroftifmemmiffc-
Figure 7.2 A bevy of line-end hyphens in an English monastic
manuscript of 1167. The exceptional neatness of the scribe’s layout and
handwriting contrasts with the quality of the parchment, which is marred
by four separate holes.
to be used to connect words split across spaces.17 That tantalizing idea
is the closest that the compound-word hyphen comes to a family tree
or an authorized biography, but perhaps such a murky history is appro¬
priate. The hyphen is, after all, an unstable mark of punctuation: like
THE HYPHEN $<► 127
a radioactive isotope, over time, a hyphenated term will tend to shed
its hyphen and fuse into a single word.'8 Wherever it came from, the
compound-word hyphen never stays around for long. The marginal
hyphen, on the other hand, consistently outstays its welcome.
* * *
Born in 1401, by the middle of the fifteenth century the German
cardinal Nicholas of Kues had built a reputation as something of
a Renaissance man. “Cusanus,” to give him his Latinized name, had
dabbled in science (with indifferent results) and philosophy (to some¬
what more acclaim), but his real talent lay in navigating the byzantine
organization of the Catholic Church.19 Fired by a philosophical belief
in the essential unity of things, Cusanus set out to heal a fractured
and squabbling institution: as a negotiator he brokered a settlement
with the heretical Hussite sect of Bohemia, and later struck a power-
sharing deal between the pope and the Holy Roman Emperor; as a
reformer he forbade “undignified” organ music during services and
demanded that priests give up their concubines.20 It was in this lat¬
ter role, during a visit to the German town of Mainz in 145b that he
threw his weight behind the campaign for standardization of the
Church’s daily manual, or “missal.”2'
One particular citizen of Mainz—a goldsmith named Johannes
Gutenberg—was observing developments keenly. With a secret inven¬
tion up his sleeve, Gutenberg was in a unique position to capitalize on
any move toward a standardized missal, but, along with Cusanus, was
frustrated by the archbishop of Mainz, who favored another, differ¬
ent, version of the missal. With no authorized version on the horizon,
Gutenberg turned his attention to the one book guaranteed to be a
bestseller: the Bible.22 His invention was, of course, printing by means
of“movable type,” the setting of entire pages in pre-cast metal letters
so that they could be impressed quickly, repeatedly, and consistently.