336 ?<► INDEX
penny, 45
Pentateuch, 101-3
percent sign, 93
percontatio, 37
percontation point ((), 36-37,219
period, 5-6
in ellipsis, 153-54
periodos, 5-6,7, и
Perpetua (typeface), 18,19,22
perse, 76
Personal and Family Names, 76
Petit Larousse Illustré, 219
Petrarch, 174,175
Pfennig, 45
Pfund, 45
phonetic spelling, 220
phototypesetters, 138
pica point, 150
pilcrow (§), ix-x, 3-23,15,36,107, no,
147,176,199, 245
as boutique character, 17
double virgule as substitute for,
etymology of, 14,16
footnotes and, 3
Gill’s use of, ix, X, 17-18
as hidden character in word process¬
ing programs, 3,22
Internet and, 22-23
in legal documents, 3,16-17
modem designs of, 21-23,21
origin of, 14,41,172
as proofreading mark, 16-17
Pilcrow (Mars-Jones), 22
Pilcrow Lit Fest, 22
Pitman, Isaac, 162
Pittsburgh 10 typewriter, 92
planus, 147
Plumons l’oiseau: divertissement (Bazin),
plus sign (+), 67»
Plutarch, /75
Poetry Handbook, 149-50
point d’ironie, see irony mark
Pompeii, 64-65,65, 66-67,68,68
pondo, 42-43
Porchez, Jean François, 223-24,225
positura, il
Postal typewriter, 92
avoirdupois, 47
international, 47
“lb” (lb) as abbreviation for, 42-43,
43, 46
troy, 46
pound sign (#), see octothorpe
pound sign (£), 44-47
press releases, octothorpe in, 47
printing, printing press, 16,69,107,
and introduction of quotation
marks, 197-200
see also movable type
Printing Types (Updike), бія
profanity, ellipsis and, 153,157-58
programming languages, octothorpe
in, 47
proofreading marks, 124
octothorpe as, 47
pilcrow as, 16-17
prosody, 122
Protestant League, 107Я
Protestant Reformation, 105
Proust, Marcel, 153
psalmody, asterisk and dagger
psi (Ф), 221
Ptolemy II, king of Egypt, 98
Publishers’ Auxiliary, 29
Puck, 235-36,235
pulse dialing, 51
Pulteney, William, 160
punched cards:
for computers, 80,91-93,93
in Jacquard’s loom, 133,134,135
punched paper tape, 135,137
as aids to reading aloud, 5-6
Roman disdain for, 6-7,9
punctus interrogativus (?), 11
Pynchon, Thomas, 164,165
Pyrosophia (Barchusen), 43
“Q,” elaborate design of, бія
Quayle, Dan, 117
question mark (?), 11
INDEX ?*• 337
quotation dash (—■), 146,150,161,
quotation marks (“”), 12,187-209,245
direct speech indicated by, 201-2,
double vs. single, 187,204
per-line, 204
printing in introduction of, 197-200
in “scare quotes,” 187,208
unfamiliar terminology introduced
by, 187
differing approaches to marking,
diple as mark for, 191,192,193
European conventions for, 205-7
foreign-language, italics used for,
QWERTY keyboard, 84,91,137,
Rafaeli, Ari, 143
ragged-right text, 18,142-43
Rahn, Johann, 108 я
readers, annotation of books by, 168,
Reader’s Digest, 237
reading, silent, 125
reading aloud:
in ancient Greece and Rome, 4-6
punctuation as aids to, 5-6
realism, in fiction, 155-57,202-3> 20S
Reddit.com, 230
Remington Arms Company, 91
Remington Rand, 33,34
Model 25 Electrics typewriter,
30-3 2,31
Reminiscences (Sutherland-Leveson-
Gower), 158
Renaissance, 44,69-70,71,108,174,
books in, 168-72
Repetitio capituli “Omnis utriusque sexus”
de poenitentiis et remissionibus, 180
Reppert, Ralph, 237
Requiem (typeface), 65-66,66
Restoration England, 212-13
reversed commash (—,), 153
reversed question mark (fi), 36-37,
217-19,218, 221,244
reverse P, see pilcrow
rhetoric, 5,37
Rhetoric of Irony, A (Booth), 218
Richards, Ivor A., 207-9
Richardson, Samuel, 155,156,202,
Richler, Mordecai, 114
Richmond News Leader, 32Я
“Roadmap to the Extension of the
Ethiopie Writing System Stan¬
dard Under Unicode and ISO-
10646” (Tsigie, et al.), 231-32
Rodell, Fred, 112-13
Roget’s Thesaurus, 215я
Romance, Jorge, 90Я
Roman Numerals, Typographic Leaves and
Pointing Hands (McPharlin), 179
roman type, 69,70, 200,245
Rome, ancient, 59-67,245
Christianity in, 10-11
cursus honorum in, 60
dots as word separators in, 6-7,123
fall of, 44
libra pondo of, 42,44,45,46-47
paragraph marks in, 9,9
punctuation disdained in, 6-7,9
reading aloud in, 4-6
Roosevelt, Theodore, 121
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 217
Royal 5 typewriter, 92
Royal Ваг-Lock typewriter, 92
Royal Society, British, 213
rubricators, rubricated letters, 14,16,
Rufinus of Aquileia, 194-95
Ruth, George Herman “Babe,” 115
“s,” long, 46Я, 65Я-66Я
Saenger, Paul, xi, 125
Sak, Paul and Douglas J., 240-41,241,
243> 244
San Francisco Giants, 116
sans-serif typefaces, 67
sarcasm, 212,229-44
Internet and, 229-44
see also irony