“Look, Girls, a New Key on Type¬
writer” (Oakley), 32«
loom, punch card-driven, 133,134,135
“Lorem ipsum” text, бія
Lost in the Funhouse (Barth), 164-65
Lukasik, Steve, 85
Luther, Martin, 104-6,198
LXX (Septuagint), 101-3
MacPherson, Don, 49,55,57
Magdeburg, Germany, 104-5
Mainz, Germany, 69,127,177
majuscules, 13,68, 86
“Making a New Point, or, How About
That..(Speckter), 25-26
Maltese cross (>E), 106,107
manicule («3“), xi, 107,167-85,200,245
in advertising, 183-84
as directional sign, 184-85,184
etymology of, 177
hand-drawn, 172-78,173,175,176,
names for, 176
printed, 179-85,180
USPS use of, 185,187
Mantle, Mickey, 115
Manutius, Aldus, 70,174», 245
marginal notes, 108-11, top, no, 168,
Maris, Roger, 115
Mark Antony, 64
Marmontel,Jean-François, 206
Mars-Jones, Adam, 22
Mason it Dixon (Pynchon), 165
matrix, 34»
Matthew, Gospel of:
19:12, IOO-IOI
Maugham, W. Somerset, 154
McGrew, Mac,30
McPharlin, Paul, 179,183
Meltzer, Tom, 242-43
Menander, 8
Mencken, H. L., 153,224-27
Mencken (typeface), 223-24,225
Mergenthaler, Ottmar, 134,135
Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Diction¬
ary, 39
Merriam-Webster’s Pocket Diction¬
ary, 139
metobelus, 102
metric system, 47
Mezzanine, The (Baker), 114
Microsoft, 47», 106
Microsoft Windows, 21
Microsoft Word, pilcrow in, 3
Middleton, Thomas, 36
Milwaukee, Wis., 90
Milwaukee Brewers, 116
minuscule, 195
Carolingian, 12,13,44-45,69,71,86
insular, 192,193
minus sign (—), 93,121,145
Mirour for Magistrates, The, 201-2
missal, Catholic, 127
MLA Handbook, The, 113
Modernism, 67
Moll Flanders (Defoe), 46,155-56,203
monasteries, scriptoria of, 13,14,170
Monmouth Rebellion (1685), 154
Monophoto, 34
Monotype Baskerville (typeface), 70
Monotype machine, 34,134,135-36,
Morse code, 94л
Mouseion, 98,100
movable type, 105», 124,127,129,
Multics operating system, 84л
Murphy, David, 125
Museo Slab (typeface), 21,106
Museum of Modern Art, 94-95
“mutton” (em quad), 150»
My Own Primer, or First Lessons in
Spelling and Reading (Carter), 77
Nabokov, Vladimir, 113,237
National Museums Scotland, 39, 39»
natural philosophers, 213-14 .
Navy, US, 207
Nazis, 67
Neue Typographie, Die (Tschichold), 67
New Scientist, 49
Newspeak, 207 »
New Statesman, 2i6n
Newsweek, 32
Newton, Isaac, 42,43
New Tork Daily News, 115,244
New Tork Herald Tribune, 27
New Tork Review of Books, 151
New Tork Times, 117, іі8я, 234-35,237
Niccoli, Niccolò, 69-70,174»
Nicholas of Kues (Cusanus), 127
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 161
Nimble Books, 56
Nineteen Eighty-Four (Orwell),
169», 207 »
Ninety-Five Theses (Luther), 105
notae Tironianae (Tironian shorthand),
“Notes Towards a Mental Break¬
down” (Ballard), 113-14
Nouveau Larousse Illustré, 219
novel, ree fiction
NRC Handelsblad, 222
number sign, see octothorpe
“nut” (en quad), 150»
Oakley, Don, 32
Obama, Barack, 22
Obelisci (Eck), 105-6
obelos, 99
obelus, 99-100,101-2,104,107,
see also lemniscus
octothorpe (#), xi, 41-57,93,145»
in chess notation, 47
etymology of, 48-56
names for, 47
as number sign, 41
origin of, 41-44,172
as pound sign, 41,42-43,43
in press releases, 47
in programming languages, 47
as proofreading mark, 47
as substitute for sharp symbol, 47
on telephone keypads, 53-56
Twitter and, 56,57,229
Ogden, C. K., 207,213
Oglethorpe, James Edward, 48,50
Old Testament, 101-3
Onion, 238
On the Ends of Good and Evil
(Cicero), біи
onza, 42и
“Open Sarcasm” movement, 243
optical typesetting machines, 138
oral tradition, paganism and, 10
Origen, 100-103, II2> l94
orthography, see writing
Orwell, George, 169л, 207 я
Ostensoir des ironies, L’ (Brahm),
Othello (Shakespeare), 151-52
Ottino, Larry, 28
Ottoman Empire, 174,177
ounce, 46
“oz” as abbreviation for, 42л
troy, 46-47
outdented paragraph, 9
Oxford English Dictionary (OED), 48,
49~5°> SS-56, izi
Oxford Style Manual, hi, 131,164
packet switching, 82, 84
paganism, 11
oral tradition and, 10
Paige, James W., 134
Pale Fire (Nabokov), 113
paleography, 167,177
Pamela (Richardson), 155,156
papyrus scrolls, 12,168,189,195
Paradoxa Stoicorum (Cicero), 176
paragraph marks:
in ancient Greece and Rome, 7,8, 9
С (for capitulum), 13-14,15,16
in- and outdenting as, 9,16,147
К (fox kaput), 9,9,13
see also pilcrow
paragraphes, 7,8, 9,11,16,41
parchment, 12,14,124,195
Parkes, M.B., 151
Partridge, Eric, hi, 152-53
Pause and Effect: An Introduction to the
History of Punctuation in the West
(Parkes), 151
pauses, distinctiones as markers for, 5-6
Peisistratus, 99
Pell, John, 107Я-8»
PennSpec, X, xi