328 ?<>■ INDEX
Carnegie Mellon University, 233-34
Carolingian dynasty, 44
Carolingian minuscule, 12,13,44-45,
carriage return, 3
Carter, Matthew, 21
Carter & Cone Type, 21,106
Caslon, William, 21
Catilina, Lucius Sergius (Catiline),
Catiline Orations, 61,62-63,64
Cave, Edward, 158,160
census, US, of 1890,91,93
Central Intelligence Agency, 226n
Century Catalogue (typeface), 222
Cerebex, Planet Comics number 73,163
Champ Fleury (Tory), 199-200
“chapter” (capitulum), in ecclesiastical
terminology, 13-14
Charlemagne (Charles the Great), 13,
currency standardization under, 45,
Charles I, king of England, 107»
Charles Martel, 44
chase, printer’s, 132-33
Chatham, England, 154
chess notation, 47
Chesterfield, Earl of, 160
Chicago Manual of Style, The, 111,130,
Chicago Tribune, 117
Chi Rho sign (£), 10 n
emergence of, 9,10-11
explosion of scriptural commentary
in, 190-91,245
written word emphasized by, 10,
Church of England, 22
Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 9,59-64,
17 5,і7б
Catiline’s conspiracy against, 60-61
punctuation disdained by, 6,9
Clarissa (Richardson), 203
Clemens, Samuel, 133-34,
Clinton, Bill, 117
codex, codices, 168,195
see also books
Codex Colberto-Sarravianus, 103
Codex Sinaiti cus, 190
colash 0—), 152,160
College English, 113
colon (:), 5-6, ю8и, ібі
colon, II
colophon, 181
comic-book dialogue, double hyphen
in, 162-63,163
comma (,), 5-6,148,197-98
double, 197-98,199, 200,204
inverted, 198,199, 200,201,204
comma, 11
commash (,—), 151-53,160
reversed (—,), 153
“commercial at,” tee @ symbol
commonplace books, 200-201
Communist Party of Great Britain,
composing stick, 132-33,139-40
compound points, 151-53
compound words, 121,124
Comprehensive System of Grammatical
and Rhetorical Punctuation, A (But¬
terfield), 183
Compugraphics, 35
ARPANET in, 79,81-82,84-85
e-mail in, 82-86,94
input/output terminals in, 79-81,83
packet switching in, 82,84
typography and, 138-43,141
see also Internet
Constantine, emperor of Rome, 10
Constantinople, fall of, 174,177
Constant Wife, The (Maugham), 154
Cook, William Wallace, 162,164
Copernicus, Nicolaus, 98»
Corona 3 typewriter, 92
coronis, 8
cosmic irony, 211
Count of Monte Cristo, The
(Dumas), 206
Courier New (typeface), 21,106
Courrier Belge, Le, 216
INDEX ?o 329
Crapper, Thomas, 133
Cromwell, Oliver, 1074-8«, 212-14
cross (t), 106-7,106
Maltese (*), 106,107
see also dagger
Crutchley, Brooke, 227
cufflinks, interrobang on, 38,3#
cuneiform, 98,231
Cunningham, Choz, 239-40
currency, Carolingian standardiza¬
tion of, 45,46-47
cursus honorum, 60
Cusanus (Nicholas of Kues), 127
dagger (t), 35.97-”9> U2.245
in advertisements, 114
cross confused with, 106-7,1°6
death dates marked by, 97
footnotes and, 97,108-14
in Gregorian chant and psalmody,
97. i°6
obelus as origin of, 99-100,101-2,
dagger, double CD, 106,118-19
Daily Express (London), 227-28
Daily Mail (London), 224-25
Daily Mirror (London), 225
Daily Telegraph (London), 242,244
Dalgarno, George, 214
dash, X, 145-65
in ellipsis and self-censorship,
em (—), 145,150-51,161,162,164,
en (-), 145,151,161,164,246
figure (—), 146,150,161
hyphens as substitutes for, 161-
quotation (—), 146,150,161,206-7
Unicode versions of, 164
“dash,” as epithet, 158
dashtards, 152,153,164
da Signa, Buoncompagno, 147
Davies, Frank, 28
De Aetna (Pietro Bembo), 174Я
death date, dagger as symbol for, 97
defense of the answere to the admoni¬
tion against the reply by Tfhomas]
Cfartwright], The (Whit-
gift), 201
Defensio Regie Assertionis contra Baby-
lonicam Capituitatem (Fisher), 198,
199, 200
Defoe, Daniel, 46,154-56,202,203
De legibus et consuetudinibus Anglie
(Bracton), 13
denarius, 45
Denham, Henry, 36-37,219
denier, 45
De Trinitate (Augustine), 191-92
Devil's Details, The: a History of Foot¬
notes (Zerby), 113
“Dewey Defeats Truman” head¬
line, 117
Dictionary of Slang and Colloquial
English, 76
Dictionary of the English Language
(Johnson), 160
Didot, Firmin,2i
Didot point, 150
diesis CD, 106,118-19
dinar, 45
dinero, 45
dingbats (typographical ornaments),
dingir №), 98
Dionysius Thrax, 5,122,147
diple (>), 11-12, 99,100,108,189,190,
“debased,” 195,196,197
dotted, see dipleperiestigmene
double, 194-95
as quotation mark, 191,192,193
Rufinus’s use of, 194-95
in scriptural commentary, 190-92,
used to call out important text,
diple periestigmene (>•), 99,188
direct speech, quotation marks used
to indicate, 201-2,203-4
distinctiones, 5-6,7,11,36,98,122,
division symbol (4-), 107
see also lemniscus
Dolet, Étienne, 205