Line breaks, lettering, 120
Links to other designers, 230
Linotype, 75
Lipstick lettering, 92
Lipton, Richard, 58-59,113
Literal logos, 16,18-21
LM (Little-Man), 88
Locking, Adobe Illustrator, 131
"Logo illustration" style, 174-175
Logos, 14-59
abstract, 16,24-25
amusing retro, 30
calligraphic, 31
comps, 42-51
comps exercise, 38
copying, 38-40
critiquing, 10-11
defined, 12,41
examples, 52-55
exercises, 16
handmade, 31
immersion into product and client, 37
irreverently retro logos, 27-29
layouts, 52-55
literal. 16,18-21
monogrammatic, 16,22-23
nameplates, 16,18-21
outlines, 176-179
placement of letters in, 124
reference material, 38-40
referential, 26-27
retro, 16,26-31
steps to designing logos, 36-51
thumbnails, 42-51
variations exercise, 167
what is and what is not, 41
"what is wrong" quiz, 10-11
Loomis, Andrew, 169
Love Solid font, 204
Love Stoned font, 204
Lubalin, Herb, 7,200
Lytle, Dana, 30
Macagba, Jonathan, 20,22
Macintosh/PC user equivalents, 9
Magneto Bold Extended font, 57,154,221
Mailing lists, 228-229
Mardi Party font, 210
Markers, 78-93
Marketing fonts, 235
Martin Weber Studios, 169
McCay, Winsor, 144
Medina, Pablo, 206,209
Mercury Amalgam, dangers of, 54-55
Mergenthaler Round-Base Linotype, 75
Metrics Window, 218
Modifying type, 157
Monogrammatic logos, 16,22-23
Nameplates, 16,18-21
Networking, 229
Nikosey, Tom, 174,229
Numerals, 58-59
O'Connell, Mitch, 110,145
On spec, working, 232
Opart, 186
Out-of-the-box lettering, 94-101
Outlines, 176-179
Adobe Illustrator, 128
Overby, Robert, 23
Overprinting, 137
Parkinsonjim, 19,146
Parts, lettering, 154-156
Pathfinder tools, Adobe Illustrator, 133
Pelavin, Daniel, 43,114,163,174-175
Pens, 78-93
digital, 91
Gillot pens, 81
ink, 90
Payzant, 64
Rapidograph, 64-65
Ruling, 64
Perspective lettering, 195
Photoshop, 12,92,158
Phototypositer, 70
Picture, defined, 41
Pixelated icons, 162
Photo-Lettering, Inc., 6
Placement, lettering, 124
Placement of bezier points, 140-141
Planet Propaganda, 20,29,30,229
Points, bezier, 140-149. see also Bezier
Points in extrema, 140
Postcard style, 173
Press releases, 230
Pricing, 230-231
Print, preparing work for, 137
Prinz, Karl, 32
Professional organizations, 228
Protoni font, 211
Pulling proof, 72
Pushpin Group, 29
Push Pin Studios, 29
Randomness, creating, 124
Reasons behind lettering, 127
Record, Mark, 225
Reference material, logos, 38-40
Referential logos, 26-27
Registration, 77
Renner, Paul, 8,58-59
Resources, 236-237
Retro, defined, 13
Retro logos, 16,26-31
Rogers Typograph, 74
Ross, Culbert and Lavery, 30
Rotate, Adobe Illustrator, 132
Rough sketches, 233-234
Round-cap chubby icons, 162
Round type, 190-192
Royal Family font, 211
Ruling pen, 64
S-curve, lettering, 152
Salisbury, Mike, 50
Salter, George, 200-201
Samerjan, George, 121
Samuel, Michael, 23,169
Sand letters, 93
Sandler, Stuart, 210-211
Saving work, computers, 121
Scale tool, Adobe Illustrator, 132
Scaling, Adobe Illustrator, 134
Scaling, lettering, 136
Scans, tracing, 158-159
Scans, resolution, 91
Schindler, Wolfgang, 165
Schriften Atlas, Julius Hoffman, 114
Schulpig, Karl, 34-35
Schwab, Michael, 27,228
Schwartz, Christian, 200
Seasonal self-promotion items, 229
Seitz, Philipp, 46
Serif parts, lettering, 156
Serifs, needless, 115
block, 181-185
drop shadow,180
three-dimensional block, 181-185
Shape groups, 215
Shaw, Paul, 78,83,202,207
Signage icons, 162
Signature, artist's, 102
Silhouetted icons, 161
Simonson, Mark, 31
Simpson, Greg, 29
Skeleton strokes, lettering, 150-153
Small lettering, 127
Smiling Otis Studio, 21,31
Smith, Laura, 230
Snap to point, Adobe Illustrator, 134
Sources of fonts, 202-211
Spacing, Adobe Illustrator, 135
Spacing, Fontographer, 220-221
Spacing, lettering, 118-119,120
Splayed type block drop type, 193
Split screen ¡cons, 163
Spots, see Icons, generally
"Squint-O-Vision", lettering, 118
Stem widths, lettering, 112-113
"Stoned" face type, 187
Stocker, Alex, 95
Strong, Chas. J., 86
Sturdivant, Don, 87
Swelling skeleton, lettering, 153
Symmetrical icons, 161
Template layer, Adobe Illustrator, 159
Thinner type, 179
Thompson, Tommy, 86
Thonet Brothers, 100
Three-dimensional block shadows, 181 -"
Thumbnails, logos, 42-51
Tool-drawn ¡cons, 161
Tracing scans, lettering, 158-159
Trajan column, 94,202-203
Type, see also Fonts, generally
block shadows, 181-185
color, lettering, 117
defined, 12,41
drop shadow,180
faceted, 187
fonts, see Fonts
harmony between art and type, 121
"logo illustration" style, 174-175
modifying type, 157
opart, 186
outlines, 176-179
perspective, 195
postcard style, 173
round, 190-192
splayed type block drop, 193
"stoned" letter faces, 187
thinner, 179
three-dimensional block shadows, 181-185
"trix," 166-195
warp effects, 194
Type cabinet, 70
Type color, lettering, 117
Typeface, categorized, 56-57
Typesetter's composing stick, 70
Typestyler, warp effects, 194
Typestyles. see Fonts
Typsetting machines, 74-75
Blower Linotype, 75
Empire Composing Machine, 74
Linotype, 75
Mergenthaler Round-Base Linotype, 75
Rogers Typograph, 74
Unitype One-Man Typsetter, 75
Uhlenbrock, Dirk, 22-23,26
Ungrouping, Adobe Illustrator, 130
Union Square font, 206
Unitype One-Man Typsetter, 75
Verlagjulius Hoffmann, 114
Vignetted icons, 161
Viri, Hermann, 33
Wade, Kevin, 20
Warp effects, type, 194
Web site design, 228
Weight adjustment, lettering, 122
Weiss, Egon, 60
Weyle, Christophe, 97
Widths, lettering, 123
Wilhelmwerk, 33
Wilson, Wes, 204
Windsor & Newton brushes, 65,84
Wood, Ray, 20
Wood, Wally, 7
Work for hire, 232
Working order, Fontographer, 219
Young, Doyald, 84,196
Zietara, Valentin 33
Zip-A-Tone, 77