Abstract conceptual ¡cons, 163
Abstract logos, 16,24-25
Adobe Illustrator, 128-135,224-227
Align pallet, 135
basics, 128-133
bezier points, 140-149. see also Bezier
Calligraphic Brush tool, 91
centering objects, 135
compound paths, 130
Create Outlines, 128
Divide tool, 133
drawing in, 135
Fontographer vs., 226-227
Free Transform tool, 132
grouping, 130
guides, 131
hiding, 131
keyboard tips, 134
layers, 131
locking, 131
marqueeing, 129
outlines, 128
overprinting, 137
Pathfinder tools, 133
Reflect tool, 133
Rotate tool, 132
Scale tool, 132
scaling, 134
selections, making, 129
show-through, 137
snap to point, 134
spacing, 135
template layer, 159
trapping, 137
ungrouping, 130
warp effects, 194
Aerosol art, 88
Alcaraz, Lalo, 173
Aligning objects, Adobe Illustrator, 135
Alignments, lettering, 127
Amateur clients, 232-233
Amusing retro logos, 30
Ancient icons, 164
Angone, Conrad, 23
Aragonés, Sergio, 143
Art directors, contacting, 229-230
Artists, see particular artist
Autotracing, 159
BadTyp font, 209
Banfield. Elliot, 121
Bank. Arnold, 88
Barber, Ken, 201
Bayer, Herbert, 37
Behrens, Peter, 33
Bell. Jill,
Bellbottom Flair font, 57
Benton, Linn Boyd, 8
Benton, Morris Fuller, 8,113
Bergung, J.M., 58-59
Berlow, David, 116,212-213
Bernhard, Lucian, 21
Bézier, Pierre, 69,147
Bezier feathers icons, 161
Bezier points, 140-149
Illustrator vs. Fontographer, 226-227
bottom swelling, 144
computer geometric, 144
curves, 146
drawing with, 143
errors, 148-149
extreme edges, 140-141
handling points, 142
heavy mono outline, 144
internet, 144
jaunty curves, 144
off-round curves, 144
placement, 140-141
round curves, 144
side swelling, 144
Black, Roger, 127
Block shadows, 181-185
Blower Linotype, 75
Böge, Garrett, 202,207
Bonislawsky, Brian, 210
Braze, 89
Bridgman, George, 196-197
Brush lettering, 86-87
Brushes, 78-93
Windsor & Newton brushes, 65,84
Built-up lettering, 81
Bunz, Ernst, 85
Buonarotti, Michelangelo, 197,235
Business, 228-235
amateur client, 232-233
art directors, contacting, 229-230
clients, 233-234
creative directory ads, 228
design annuals, submitting work to, 230
design studios, working for, 228
email lists, 229
fonts, marketing, 235
freelance work, 228
initiating projects, 230
links to other designers, 230
mailing lists, 228-229
networking, 229
press releases, 230
pricing, 230-231
professional organizations, 228
rough sketches, 233-234
seasonal self-promotion items, 229
on spec, working on, 232
web site design, 228
work for hire, 232
Cabarga, Leslie, 21,23,28,31 48,58
Cabrai, Ernesto Garcia, 145
Calligraphy, 80-83,90-91
defined, 12
logos, 31
Campbell, Keith, 20
Caps, lettering, 121
Character layout chart, 214-215
Carnase, Tom, 7
Carter, Matthew, 58-59,115,200-201
Caslon, William, 8,200-201
Cast shadow, 180
Catich, Edward M., 203
Centering objects, Adobe Illustrator, 135
Chappell, Warren, 78,83,87
Characters, Fontographer, 219
Charal, 33
Chart figure icons, 162
Chesterfield type, 189
Chu, Carol, 31
Chubby icons, 162-163
Chwast, Seymour, 7,29,230
Ciampi, John, 25
Clark, Michael, 84
Clarkson, Mark, 171
Cleland, Thomas, 78,170
Clients, 233-234
amateur, 232-233
immersion into, 37
preparing art for, 136
Clog, avoiding, 115
Codes, fonts, 216
Compound paths, Adobe Illustrator, 130
Comps, logos, 42-51
Comps exercise, logos, 38
Consistency, lettering, 116-117
Continuous line icons, 162
Contributors directory, 236-237
Cool, defined, 13
Cooper, F.G., 42,44,58-59,81,96,102-
Cooper, Oswald, 58-59,103
Copying logos, 38-40
Correct lettering, 114-115
Costello, Chris, 20,31
Coulson, David, 49
Cox, Russ, 21.31
Creative Copying, 38-40
Creative directory ads, 228
logos, 10-11
Crop signs, 165
Crossbars, lettering, 113-114
Curved baseline, 191
Curved type, 190
Curves filter (Photoshop) 158-159
Curves, bezier points, 146. see also Bezier
points, generally
Cusick, Rick, 78,84. T 24
Cutting edge lettering, 94-101
da Vinci, Leonardo, 60-61
Dean, Henry, 80-81
Definitions, 41
Deitch, Gene, 145
Delia Femina, Jerry, 37
Design, defined, 41
Design annuals, submitting work to, 230
Design studios, working for, 228
Designers, see specific designer
Digital pens, 91
Dingbats, see Icons, generally
Directory, 236-237
DiSpigna, Tony, 7,51,81
Don'ts and dos of lettering, 138-139
Doret, Michael, 19,30,47,174,229
Dorfsman, Lou, 37
Douglas, Aaron, 82
Drawing in Adobe Illustrator, 135
Drawing letters, see Lettering
Drawing with bezier points, 143
Drop shadow, 180
Dürer, Albrecht, 79
Dwiggins, Will, 61,108-109,120-121,196-
Edges, 76
Edgy, defined, 13
Ehmke, F.H., 33
Email lists, 229
Empire Composing Machine, 74
Endo, Stan, 99,182
lettering, 78
logo comps, 38
logo design, 16
logos, variations, 167
sketching, 102
Expanded spacing, lettering, 120
Extreme edges, bezier points, 140-141
Faceted type, 187
Fairey, Shepard, 7
Falls, Charles Buckles, 82
Fili, Louise, 27
Fisher, Mark, 28,101,163
Fluoride, dangers of, 52-53
Flush left, lettering, 119
Focal range, lettering, 124
Fontlab, 195,224-225
warp effects, 194
Fontographer, 217-225,224-227
Adobe Illustrator vs., 226-227
alternate characters, 219
auto spacing, kerning, 223
character set, 219
Clean Up Paths, 227
importing, 218
kerning, 222-223
kerning pairs, common, 222
layers pallet, 217
merics, 218
pasting Illustrator into, 218
pasting scans into, 218
saving the font, 218
sidebearings, 220
spacing, 220-221
working order, 219
Fonts, 198-227
American Highway, 210
Amplitude, 200
Anna, 114
Angle Inline, 56
Arnold Boeklin, 57
Astro City, 56
Aureus Uncial, 56
Auriol, 56
BadTyp, 209
Bauhaus, 97
Beata, 56
Bellbottom Flair, 57
Bell Centennial, 115
Berlin Sans, 116
Big Caslon, 59,201
BillDing, 57
Blackstone Italic, 57
Brush Script, 57
Caslon, 117
Casey Ultrabold, 57.118
categorized, 56-57
Central Station, 207
character layout chart, 214-215
Chromium One, 57
Cloister Open Face, 56
color of, 117
Computer, 57
Cooper Black, 56
Copperplate Gothic 29B.C, 56
Courier Regular, 123
Crud, 57
Dead History, 57
defined, 12
Detroit Bodoni, 59,113
Donatello, 202
Djungl, 93
Electra, 205
Electric, 56
Eurostile, 56
Fette Fraktur, 56
Franklin Gothic Heavy, 56
Futura Black, 57,59
Futura Book, 56,113
Garamond, 56
Generik, 57
Ghibertì, 202
Gillies Gothic 211
Ginko, 57
Giza Nine Three, 57
Grand Central Bold, 206
grunge, 13
Haarlem Black, 92
Handwriting, 57
Harlow Regular, 57
Helvetica Bold, 56
HiBrow, 57
Hombre, 56
Humanatone, 209
inspiration, 202-211
ITC Bauhaus Light, 57
Kabel, 154
Kobalt Black, 57
Kobalt Bold, 56,59
Kolo, 207
Kolo Regular, 57
Kuenstler Script, 57
Letterpress Text, 56
Love Solid, 204
Love Stoned, 204
Lusta, 101
Machine, 56
Magneto Bold, 57,154,221
Mardi Party, 210
marketing, 235
Mason, 56
Metro Black, 108
monospaced, 123
MT Bodoni Ultra Bold, 56
MT Engravers Old English, 56
New Century Schoolbook, 56
Ojaio Light, 57,123
Optima, 56
Peace Outline, 57
Pepperwood, 57
Pompeijana Roman, 56
Protoni, 211
Pushtab, 57
Rapier, 57
Rocket Regular, 57
Royal Family, 211
Rubber Duck, 57
Saber, 56,119
shape groups, 215
Shatter, 57
Smack, 57
Snell lì ou iid hand. 57
sources, 202-211
Stencil, 56
Streamline Light Extended, 57,221
Swank Bold, 57
Tobagdad, 212-213
Trajan, 56
Union Square, 206
VAG Rounded, 56
Verdana, 115
Volcano King, 57
Zapf Chancery, 56
Foundries, 236-237
Fox, Mark, 21,30,163
Free Transform tool, Adobe Illustrator, 132
Freelance work, 228
Frere-Jones, Tobias, 206
Geismar, Tom, 25
German design, 32-35
Giasson, Patrick, 211
Gicel, Lizette, 18
Gill, Eric, 107
Gillies Gothic font, 211
Gillot pens, 81
Glaser, Milton, 29
Glines, Shane, 145
Glyph, defined, 13
Golden, Bill, 37
Good taste in lettering, 196-197
Goudy, Frederic, 8,60,85,94,102-105,
Graffiti art, 88-89
Grand Central Bold font, 206
Adobe Illustrator, 130
lettering, 127
Guides, Adobe Illustrator, 131
Haab, Armin, 95
Hadank, O.H.W., 33
Haley, Allan, 197
Handling points, bezier points, 142
Handmade logos, 31
Harmony between art and type, 121
Height of lettering, adjusted optically, 112
Herman, J.J., 98
Hiding, Adobe Illustrator, 131
Highlight dots, 76
Highsmith, Cyrus, 225
History of type and lettering, 62-77
pulling proof, 72
type cabinet, 70
typesetter, 71
typesetter's composing stick, 70
typsetting machines, 74-75
Hobo signs, 164
Hoefler, Jonathon, 146,201
Holmes, Nigel, 162
Horns, John, 196
Horizontal scaling, lettering, 126
Hornung, Clarence P., 45,81,104-105
Huerta, Gerard, 7,26,102,196
Hughes, Rian, 101,111,162
Humanatone, 209
Ibarra, Dan, 29
Icons, 160-165
abstract conceptual, 163
autotraced, 161
bezier feathers, 161
chart figure, 162
chubby, 162-163
continuous line, 162
crop signs, 165
defined, 13,41
faux woodcut, 161
hobo signs, 164
nouveau retro, 163
pixelated, 162
round-cap chubby, 162
signage, 162
silhouetted, 161
single line, 161
split screen, 163
symmetrical, 161
tool-drawn, 161
vignetted, 161
Illustration, defined, 41
Illustrator, Adobe, see Adobe Illustrator
Immersion: product and client, logos, 37
Importing into Fontographer, 218
Initiating projects, 230
Ink pens, 90
Introduction, 6-13
Inventive lettering, 94-101
Irreverently retro logos, 27-29
JHI, 18,20,26,229
Jochheim, Konrad, 33
Johnston, Edward, 8
Kaganovich, Viktor, 172
Karlin, Jamie, 29,30
Katcha, Jennifer, 20
Kerning, Fontographer, 222-223
Kerning pairs, lettering, 117
Keyboard tips, Adobe Illustrator, 134
Koch, Rudolf, 78,83,106,154,164
Kolo font, 207
Kredel, Fritz, 106,164
Lambdin, Nate, 20,26
Lavish lettering, 84-85
Layers, Adobe Illustrator, 131
Layers pallet, Fontographer, 217
Layouts, logos, 52-55
Leming, Tal, 225
Lenoir, Marcel, 99
Leslie, Robert L, 73
Letterers. see particular letterer
Lettering, 60-197. see also Fonts; Type;
Adobe Illustrator
aerosol art, 88
alignments, 127
all caps, 121
bezier points, 140-149. see also Bezier
brush lettering, 86-87
built-up, 81
calligraphy, 80-83,90-91
caps, 121
clients, preparing art for, 136
clog, avoiding, 115
common alignments, 127
consistency, 116-117
correct, 114-115
crossbars, 113-114
cutting edge, 94-101
defined, 12
don'ts and dos, 138-139
exercises, 78
expanded spacing, 120
faceted, 187
flush left, 119
focal range, 124
fonts, see Fonts
good taste, 196-197
graffiti art, 88-89
grouping, 127
harmony between art and type, 121
height, adjusted optically, 112
highlight dots, 76
history, 62-77
horizontal scaling, 126
inventive, 94-101
kerning pairs, 117
lavish, 84-85
laws, 112-127
line breaks, 120
lipstick lettering, 92
modifying type, 157
opart, 186
out-of-the-box, 94-101
outlines, 176-179
overshoot, 113
parts, 154-156
perspective, 195
placement, 124
print, preparing work for, 137
randomness, creating, 124
reasons behind, 127
rules, 112-127
S-curve, 152
sand letters, 93
scaling, 136
serif parts, 156
serifs, needless, 115
skeleton strokes, 150-153
sketching exercise, 102
small, 127
spacing, 118-119,120
"Squint-O-Vision," 118
stem widths, 112-113
stoned face, 187
swelling skeleton, 153
three-dimensional shadows, 181-185
tracing scans, 158-159
type, see Type
type color, 117
weight adjustment, 122
widths, 123
Letters, drop shadow, 180
Letter widths, 123
Leyendecker, J.C., 102