Take Type 3 Library
ТТЛ Available in PostScript | [7£) ) and ( [TJ ) TrueType format
| Linotype Scott™ (100) Hellmut Bomm. 1999_________________________________________.__________________________digitized by Linotype Library ■"
гргтртп 14757 Mars ^otfghjkmöprctuwxyzAüCDZGHmLMOPQRSzuwxizwiJ'rSOjsob
грт-гргп 14758 venus QbcdéPghjkmoprstuLLJxyzflBCDeGHJKLmoPQRStuiAixvzeiiá'fccrHíJQ
I Linotype SiCUla™ (100) Roberto Mannella, 1999_________________________________________________________________digitized by Linotype Library W
гргтртп 14817 regó,, аіэса^МуЛЪЗрг^шх>гАВС^ЕСткгГ^Ѳ(РаНбТ?ДІѴХѴгб^345о7890
Шшп 14818 obeiigue abcSef^hJKroßpr^jujxy^ABCVeqWhWQPQR&rUWXn6i23l5ß7890
I Linotype Silver™ (100) Jan Tomás. 1999______________________________________________________________________digitized by Linotype Library W
I Linotype Startec™ (100) Jan Thomas, 1999______________________________________._______________________________digitized by Linotype Library W
I Linotype Tagesstempel™ (100) Georg Kugler, 1999________________________________________________________________digitized by Linotype Library W
ПТТЕТН ,4352 mauer JAN. FES. APR. JUNi JUL! AUG. CKÏ. NOV. G. 2. 3. 4 5. 7. a 9.0011122233344455
S14353 noi, JAN. FEB. APR. JUNI JUL! AUG. OKI NOV. 5.7. В 9 0011122233344455
пт-гЕгн 14350 di. JAM FEB. APR. JUNI JULI AUG. OKT. NOV. u 11 4. 5.7. Я ä 0011122233344455
IPI IPITI 14351 fen
JAN. FEB! APR. JUNI JULI AUG. 0КТ. NOV. u 114.5.7. a U 0011122233344455
| Linotype Transis™ (100) Kelvin Tan Teck Locerg, 1999_______________________________________________________ digitized by Linotype Library Ш^
mjm 14489 щеШШъШ№ЧШІА^&ЫШОРЬАШт2ШМ5&тО
| Linotype Typo American™ (100) Mark Stanczyk, 1999______________________________________________________________digitized by Linotype Library ШГ
|P| IpItI ,4703 abçdéfghjkmbprstuwxyzABCDEGHJKLMOPQRSTUWXYZ*I234567890
| Linotype Wildfont™ (100) Meike Sander, 1999____________________________________________________________________digitized by Linotype Library ^
гргтртп 14390 ftSÇOtfClf!5kWOPft5TUyVKYÏftS€0€Crï!5ktMOPQftSTUyyKU&?234-56?89
I Linotype ZurpreJS™ (100) Bo Berndal, 1999______________________________________________________________________digitized by Linotype Library ™
грг-гртп 14347 ügh, Qfocoefebjfewoprjtacü><9^ßCD£CHJIC£mOPQfö3iUa;X9^&i2345
ГрттрТП 14346 semiboid aM*fetofe™öprjtaco*gsflßCD£CH3ICCmOPQfcSTUCüXgS&tt
echnical Section
100 Linotype Library,
Bad Homburg/Germany
6 International Typeface
Corporation, New York/USA
9 Monotype Typography,
Salfords/United Kingdom
11 Fundición Tipografica,
Neufville, Barcelona/Spain
13 M. Olive, Marseille/France
32 Esselte Letraset Ltd.,
90 Adobe Systems Inc.,
San Jose, CA/USA
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