lechnische Informationen bection technique
Marques déposées
ection | lechnische Informationen | bection technique
100 Linotype Library,
Bad Homburg/Germany
3 Haas'sche Schriftgiesserei AG,
6 International Typeface
Corporation, New York/USA
7 Lettergietereij Tetterode,
9 Monotype Typography,
Salfords/United Kingdom
10 Nebiolo, Turin/Italy
11 Fundición Tipografica
Neufville, Barcelona/Spain
12 IBM, Armonk/USA
13 M. Olive, Marseille/France
16 Stephenson Blake,
Sheffield/United Kingdom
18 VGC Corporation, Tarmac/USA
19 Johannes Wagner,
20 Kingsley/ATF, Elisabeth;
23 Simoncini, Rastignano
Linotype Agogo, Agrafie,
F2F Al Retto, Aldus, Ale, Alexîe,
Linotype Algologfont, F2F Allineato,
Linotype Ancient Chinese, Angro,
Linotype Animalia, Linotype Araby
Rafique, Arcadia, Ariadne, Arioso,
Arnold Boecklin, Linotype
Atomatic, Linotype Auferstehung,
Aurelia, Auriol, Avenir, Balder,
Linotype Bariton, Baskerville,
Bell Gothic, Beluga,
Linotype BlackWhite, Boberia,
Poster Bodoni, F2F BoneR,
Linotype Boundaround,
Linotype Brewery, Linotype
Caciocavallo, Linotype Cadavre
Exquis, PMN Caecilia,
New Caledonia, Caravan, Carolina,
Cascade Script, Linotype
Centennial, New Century
Schoolbook, Linotype Cerny,
Linotype Cethubala, Chwast Buffalo,
Clairvaux, Clarendon, Linotype
Clascon, Clearface Gothic, Linotype
CMC-7, Cochin, Codex,
Linotype Compendio, Contacta,
CoolWool, Corona, Corporate
Type, F2F CzykagoSemiserif,
F2F CzykagoTrans, Dalcora,
Deconumbers Pi, Demos, Linotype
Dharma, Linotype Didot, Digi
Antiqua, Digi Grotesk, DIN Neuzeit,
Diotima, Doric, Linotype
Dot, Linotype Down Town,
Linotype Dressage, Due De Berry,
Linotype Dummy, Eckmann,
Edison, Egyptienne, Egyptienne F,
Eirinn, Electra, F2F Entebbe, Linotype
Ergo, Escript, Linotype EuroFont,
Linotype European Pi, Excelsior,
Linotype Face Value, Facsimile,
Fairfield, Linotype Fende Display,
Linotype Feltpen, Fette Fraktur,
Linotype Finer Liner, Linotype Fluxus,
Flyer, Linotype FontExplorer,
Linotype Freak Cabinet, Linotype
Fresh Ewka, Frutiger, Frutiger
Stones, Frutiger Symbols,
Linotype Funny Bones, Garamond
Stempel Garamond, Linotype
Gavotte, Gazette, Giacometti Pi,
Glypha, Linotype Gneisenauette,
Linotype Go Tekk, Linotype
Gotharda, Gothic 13, Grace, Grafito,
Grafilone, Granjon, Linotype
Graphena, Guardi, HaManga
Irregular, Neue Hammer Unziale,
Linotype Harry Cars, Hassan, Hell,
Helvetica, Neue Helvetica, Heraldus,
Herculanum, Linotype Heureka
Glyphs, Hisham, F2F HogRoach,
Hollander, Hotmetal Pi, HoTom,
Linotype Humanistika, Impacta,
Indus, Industria, Linotype Inky Script,
Insignia, Linotype Irish Text, Janson
Text, Kabel, Kapitellia, Karim,
Linotype Killer, Kismet, Koch
Antiqua, Kompakt, Linotype Konflikt,
Linotype Kropki, Kuenstler Script,
Linotype Laika, Lake Informal,
Linobats, LinoLetter, LinoScript,
Linotext, Linotype, Linotype Library,
Lotus, F2F Lovegrid, LuMarc,
Linotype Luthersche Fraktur,
Madame, F2F Madame Butterfly,
F2F MadZine, Linotype Mailbox,
Linotype Maral, Marconi, Linotype
Marcu San, Mateo, Universal
Mathematical Pi, Matthia, Maximus,
Medici Script, Linotype Mega, F2F
MekkasoTomanik, Melior, Memphis,
Merlin, F2F Metamorfosi, Linotype
Method, Metrolite #2, Metromedium
#2, Metroblack #2, Linotype
MhaiThaipe, Mariam, Universal
MICR Pi, Linotype Mindline, Linotype
Mineru, Minister, Linotype Minos,
Modified Gothic, Linotype
Modulo, Mofid Mandi, Monanti,
Nazanin, Neuland, Neuzeit S, News
Gothic, Nikis, Linotype Nordica,
Linotype Not Painted, Notre Dame,
NoweAteny, Nuptial Script, F2F
OCRAIexczyk, F2F OCRBczyk,
Linotype Octane, Linotype Offix,
Olympia, Olympian, Omnia, Ondine,
Optima, Linotype Paint It, Palatino,
Linotype Party Time, Peignot,
Linotype Pide Nashi, Pinxit, Linotype
Pisa, F2F Pixmix, Plak, F2F
PoisonFlowers, Pompeijana, Praxis,
Present, F2F Prototipa Multipla, F2F
Provinciali, Qadi, Quasaria, Railroad
Gothic, Raleigh, Linotype Rana,
ReadMyHand, Linotype Red Babe,
Linotype Reducta, Linotype Renee
Display, Linotype Ron/, Rotation,
Roundy, Linotype Rowena, Ruling
Script, Linotype Russisch Brot,
Rusticana, Ruzicka Freehand,
Sabon, Linotype Salamander,
Linotype Sallwey Script, Salto,
San Marco, Linotype Sangue, Saphir,
Linotype Schachtelhalm, Schnitz,
Schwennel, Linotype Scrap,
F2F ScreenScream, Linotype Scrap,
Linotype Seven, F2F Shakkarakk,
Linotype Shapeshifter, Shelley Script,
Sho, Linotype Short Story, F2F
Shpeetz, Sierra, F2F Simbolico,
Sinah, Linotype Sindbad,
Linotype Sjablony, Linotype Sketch,
Smaragd, Snell Roundhand
Script, Linotype Space Balls,
Spartan, Linotype Spitz, Sprint,
Stencil, Linotype Sunburst,
Linotype Supatropic, Swift, Syntax,
F2F Tagliatelle Sugo, Linotype
Tapeside, Linotype Tapestry, Taut,
Tea Chest, F2F TechLand, Tiemann,
Linotype Tiger, Times, Trade Gothic,
Linotype Traffity, Linotype Trajanus,
Linotype Truckz, Trump Mediaeval,
F2F Twins, F2F Tyrell Corp,
Univers, Universal Pi, Vario, Vectora,
Linotype Venezia, Versailles,
Linotype Vision, Westside, F2F
WhaleTree, WiesbadenSwing,
Wilhelm Klingspor Gotisch,
Wilke, Woodstock, Yakout,
F2F ZakkGlobe, Linotype Zapfino,
Linotype Zensur, Linotype Zigibacks,
Linotype Zootype, are
Trademarks of Heidelberger
Druckmaschinen AG which may
be registered in certain jurisdictions,
exclusively licensed through
Linotype Library GmbH, a wholly
owned subsidiary of Heidelberger
Druckmaschinen AG
Adobe, Adobe Type Manager, Adobe
Acrobat, Alexa, Andreas, Balzano,
Birch, Blackoak, Caliban, Carta,
Adobe Caslon, Charlemagne, Cheq
Pi, Copal, Cottonwood, Critter,
Cutout, Galahad, Adobe Garamond,
Giddyup, Ironwood, Juniper, Kigali,
Lithos, Madrone, Mesquite, Minion,
Mojo, Myriad, Mythos, Ouch!,
Pepperwood, Poetica, Ponderosa,
Poplar, PostScript, Quake, Rad,
Rosewood, Sassafras, Shuriken Boy,
Sonata, Studz, Tekton, Toolbox,
Trajan, Utopia, Willow, Woodtype,
Zebrawood are trademarks of
Adobe Systems Incorporated
which may be registered in certain
Hadriano is a trademark of Agfa
Division, Miles Inc.
Amigo, Hiroshige, Marigold, Oxford,
Pelican, Visigoth are trademarks
of Alpha Omega Inc.
Apple, Macintosh, TrueType
are registered trademarks of
Apple Computer Inc.
(JËS> Sales Tel: +49 (0)180 5466 546 Fox: +49 (0)180 5466 329
Support Tel: +49 (0)180 579 33 39
32 Esselte Letraset Ltd.,
33 Renault, Paris/France
37 Norton Phototypesetting Ltd.,
Oxford/United Kingdom
40 Verbum AB,
50 H. E. Meier,
82 URW, Hamburg/Germany
83 Typoart, Dresden/Germany
86 Elsner+Flake fontinform,
90 Adobe Systems Inc.,
San Jose, CA/USA
96 Agfa Division, Miles Inc.,
Wilmington, MA/USA
97 M. Jamra,
462 Alpha Omega Typography,
North Andover, MA/USA
504 Omnibus, Tyres/Sweden
585 Apply Design Studios,
Birds, Damned Dingbats, Hansel,
Imprimeur, Monterrey, Mystery,
Old Typewriter, Scripture, Spirit,
Why Not are trademarks of Apply
Design Studios.
Aharoni, BB Afrodite, BB BadBlocks,
BB Beat, BB Bloxx, BB BornFree,
BB Brushable, BB Candy,
BB Comanche, BB Craze,
BB Doublepac, BB Eastside,
BB Future World, BB It, BB Jame,
BB KiddingKid, BB Knockout,
BB LittleJoe, BB Mao-Mao,
BB Mayday, BB Miro, BB Mrs
Beasley, BB Ninive, BB Rumour,
BB Sioux, BB Stayawhile, BB
SteelPlate, BB Tierili, BB Truck,
BB TwinPick, BB Xabbie, Cash,
Excalibur, Kaffeesatz, Radiant, Tilo
are trademarks of EF library.
Aachen, Annlie, Balmoral, Belshaw,
Belwe, Bible Script, Bordeaux,
Bottleneck, Bramley, Brighton,
Bronx, Buster, Cabaret, Camellia,
Candice, Carousel, Caxton,
Challenge, Chesterfield, Chromium
One, Cirkulus, Conference,
Corinthian, Cortez, Countdown,
Crillee, Croissant, Data Seventy,
Demian, Edwardian, Einhorn,
Elefont, Enviro, Flash, Frankfurter,
Freestyle Script, Gillies Gothic,
Glastonbury, Hadfield, Harlow,
Hawthorn, Highlight, Horndon,
Jenson Old Style, Julia Script,
Knightsbridge, Lazybones, LCD,
Le Griffe, Lindsay, Litera, Maged,
Magnus, Octopuss, Odin,
Paddington, Papyrus, Piccadilly,
Plaza, Premier, Princetown, Proteus,
Pump, Revue, Rialto, Roman Script,
Romic, Rundfunk, Shamrock,
Shelley, Sinaloa, Slipstream,
Springfield, Squire, Superstar,
Synchro, Tango, Tarragon, Titus,
University, Van Dijk, Vegas, Victorian,
Zipper are trademarks of Esselte
Pendaflex Corporation in the
USA, of Esselte Canada
Corporation in Canada and of
Esselte Letraset Limited
ITC American Typewriter, ITC Anna,
ITC Avant Garde Gothic,
ITC Barcelona, ITC New Baskerville,
ITC Bauhaus, ITC Benguiat,
ITC Berkeley Old Style, ITC Bolt,
ITC Bookman, ITC Founders
Caslon 12, ITC Founders Caslon 30,
ITC Founders Caslon 42, ITC
Founders Caslon, ITC Caslon #224,
ITC Century, ITC Cheltenham,
ITC Cheltenham Handtooled,
ITC Clearface, ITC Cushing, ITC Elan,
ITC Eras, ITC Esprit, ITC Fenice,
ITC Flora, ITC Franklin Gothic, ITC
Galliard, ITC Gamma, ITC Garamond,
ITC Garamond Handtooled, ITC
Giovanni, ITC Golden Type, ITC
Goudy Sans, ITC Honda, ITC Isbell,
ITC Jamille, ITC Kabel, ITC Korinna,
ITC Leawood, ITC Legacy,
ITC Lubalin Graph, ITC Machine,
ITC Manhattan, ITC Mendoza,
ITC Mendoza Roman, ITC Mixage,
ITC Modern No 216, ITC Mona
Lisa, ITC Newtext, ITC Novarese,
ITC Obelisk, ITC Officina Sans,
ITC Officina Serif, ITC Officina Sans,
ITC Officina Serif, ITC Ozwald,
ITC Pacella, ITC Panache, ITC
Pioneer, ITC Quorum, ITC Ronda,
ITC Serif Gothic, ITC Slimbach,
ITC Souvenir, ITC Stone, ITC Symbol,
ITC Syndor, ITC Tiepolo, ITC Tiffany,
ITC Usherwood, ITC Veljovic, ITC
Weidemann, ITC Zapf Book, ITC Zapf
Chancery, ITC Zapf Dingbats,
ITC Zapf International are registered
trademark and Arriba, Arriba
Arriba, ITC Bailey Sans, ITC Banco,
ITC Beesknees, Bergell, ITC Bodoni
Six, ITC Bodoni Twelve, ITC Bodoni
Seventytwo, ITC Braganza, Buzzer
Three, ITC Cancione, ITC Caribbean,
Carlton, Carumba, ITC Century
Handtooled, ITC Cerigo, Champers,
Charlotte, Charlotte Sans, ITC
Charter, ITC Chérie, ITC Choc,
ITC Conduit, ITC Digital Woodcuts,
Dolmen, ITC Dyadis, ITC Edwardian
Script, Elysium, Emphasis, ITC
Farmhaus, Fashion, Figurai, Fine
Hand, Flamenco Inline,
ITC Flatiron, Follies, ITC Forkbeard,
ITC Freddo, ITC Freemouse,
Friz Quadrata, Gilgamesh,
ITC Golden Cockerel, ITC Grapefruit,
Gravura, Green, ITC Grimshaw Hand,
Harvey, ITC Highlander, ITC
Hornpype, ITC Humana Serif, ITC
Humana Sans, ITC Humana Script,
Ignatius, Indy, ITC Isadora, ITC Italia,
Jazz, ITC Jellybaby, Jokerman,
ITC Juanita, ITC Kailos, Kanban, ITC
Kendo, ITC Korigan, ITC Kumquat,
La Bamba, Lambada, ITC Legacy,
ITC Lennox, Lino Cut, ITC Luna,
ITC Malstock, Mastercard, ITC
Matisse, Mekanik, ITC Mistral,
ITC Mithras, ITC Motter Corpus,
ITC Motter Femina, ITC Motter
Sparta, ITC Noovo, ITC Obelisk,
Odessa, ITC Odyssée, One
Stroke Script, ITC Orbon, Pendry
Script, ITC Peters Miro, Pink, Pristina,
Pritchard, ITC Quay Sans, Rage Italic,
ITC Rennie Mackintosh, Shaman,
ITC Stenberg, ITC Stoclet, ITC
Stranger, ITC Studio Script, ITC
Stylus, Tag, Teknik, Telegram,
ITC Temblé, ITC Tempus, ITC Tyfa,
ITC Vintage, ITC Vinyl, ITC Woodland,
Xylo, Zaragoza, Zennor, Zinjaro are
trademarks of International
Typeface Corporation (ITC).
Kaufmann is a registered trademark
and Americana, Parisian,
Park Avenue Script are trademarks
of Kingsley ATF.
Albertus, Apollo, Ashley Script,
Bembo, New Berolina, Calvert,
Cantoria, Centaur, Ehrhardt,
Ellington, Gill Sans, Joanna,
Perpetua, Photina, Plantin, Rockwell,
Times New Roman are registered
trademarks and Bernhard Modern,
Biffo, Castellar, Dorchester Script,
Falstaff, Forte, Goudy, Goudy Text,
Grotesque MT, Horley Old Style,
Inflex, Italian Old Style, Kino, Klang,
Latin, Matura, Mercurius Script,
Monotype Modern, Monoline Script,
Monotype Script, Octavian,
Monotype Old Style, Onyx, Palace
Script, Pepita, Runic, Scotch,
Spectrum, Wittenberger Fraktur are
trademarks of Monotype
Typography and may be registered
in certain jurisdiction.
Eurostile and Stop are trademarks
of Nebiolo.
Folio, Futura, Futura EF, Simoncini
Garamond, Stempel Schneidler,
Serifa, Venus, Volta, Weiss are
registered trademarks and
Beton, Bigband, Bauer Bodoni,
Candida, Charme, Erbar,
Impressum, Koloss, Phyllis, Slogan
are trademarks of Fundición
Tipografica Neufville.
Else NPL is a trademark of Norton
Photosetting Ltd.
Antique Olive, Banco, Mistral are
registered trademarks and
Choc is a trademark of M. Olive.
Ad Hoc, Baskerville Classico, Birka,
Bodoni Classico, Carniola, Caslon
Classico, Devin, Dialog, Emona,
Esperanto, Fortuna, Garamond
Classico, Griffo Classico, Humana,
Isolde, Jenson Classico, Jesper,
Jonatan, Kalix, Kasper, Kis
Classico, Marco Polo, Memento,
Miramar, Norma, Nyfors, Odense,
Omnibus, Pax, Pax #2, Persona,
Ragnar, Res Publica, Rustika, Saga,
Semper, Transport, Vega are
trademarks of Omnibus.
Life is a registered and New Aster
is a trademark of Simoncini.
Impact, Old Town No 536,
Windsor are trademarks of
Stephenson & Blake.
Beding is a trademark of Verbum
Baker Signet, Broadway, Russell
Square, Serpentine are
trademarks of VGC Corporation.
Delphin is a registered trademark
and Reporter is a trademark of
J. Wagner.
We reserve the right of errors
and changes.
Design: Leonardi.Wollein, Berlin
Typefaces: Linotype Univers 430,
431 and 730 and all other fonts
from the Linotype Library
Paper: Invercoate Creato matt
(cover), Bioart Recycling
Printed on Heidelberg Speedmaster
© 2000 Linotype Library GmbH
Du-Pont-Straße 1
D-61352 Bad Homburg, Germany