The basic idea was to design a
typeface for corporate designs which
is able to speak - like the company
itself- in different voices for different
purposes. The different styles of the
type family can be seen as different
voices of the company applied
in visual media, on a visual level
So the listener, the client, can be
approached in different ways and on
different media but he should always
be able to recognize that it is the
same company speaking to him. The
type family becomes a very useful
tool for the company to optimize
the communication to its clients, the
public and its business partners
The company has the possibility to
1 choose from different styles and to
use always the most appropriate one
for speaking to the audience.
a corporate design typeface
The different styles fulfill all the different needs of the company,
but all styles still express the character of the company.
The styles of the type family are based on the same skeleton. The
range of the type family goes from sans serif on the one side to
serif on the other side.
I Acorde Sans Serif Regular
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890
I Acorde Sans Serif Black
abcdefghij kl m nopq rstu vwxyz 1234567890
I Acorde Serif Regular
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890
Acorde Sans Serif
Sans Regular
Sans Semibold
Sans Bold
Sans Black
Acorde Sans Serif Alternative
Sans Alternative Regular
Acorde Serif
Serif Regular
A corporate design typeface. Designed by Stefan Willerstorfer.
Type and Media 2004-2005, Royal Academy of Art, The Hague