Stone & Kimball, 123
Stone, Reynolds, 72
Slower, Caleb, Printer's Grammar
stress, bias, 60
superior figures, 50, 70
swash letters:
in Lutetia, 103
Van Krimpen's doubts, 103, in
in Cancelleresca, no
in Koch-Antiqua, 163
Thistle Press, New York, 105
Thorn, Robert, 81
Tiemann, Walter, 56
The Times, London, 194, 195,196, 199,
transitional, 19, 20
Tschichold, Jan:
advocates sans-serif, 96
modifies his views, 97
types, mentioned or described:
Adlib, 167
Akzidenz-Grotesk, 97
Albertus, 21, 56, 151
American Uncial, 191
Antigone Greek, 106
Antique (Figgins), 81
Antique No. 3, 85
Antique Olive, 50, 85
Arcadia, 188,189
Archiv, 156
Astrée, 51
Baskerville, 17, 21, 29, 51, 56, 57, 60,
68, jo, 80, 153, 186, 206
Basle Roman, 58
Behrens, ij6
Bell, 56, 68, 71,152
Bembo, 19, 20, zi, Z9, 31, 34, 51, jj,
5é, 57. 59. 68, 107,153
Ben Franklin, 132
Berkeley O.S., 150
Bertham, 149, 150
Beton, 83
Biado Italic, 59, no
Block Up, 28
Bodoni, 11, 58, 66, 82, 97,189, 190,
Bold Face Series, 53, 6$, 206
Bombere, 28
Bookman, 183
Britannic, 87
Bulmer, zi, 58, 15z
Bunyan, (Pilgrim), 5z, 60, 64
Cairo, 83
Caledonia, zi, 3z, 39, 49, 49,180,
181,183, 186, 19z
Californian, 77,150,131
Camelot, 124
Cancelleresca Bastarda, no, ni, izo
Card Italie, 182
Cartoon, 21
Caslon, 18, 20, 21, 29, 51, 37, 57, 61,
62, 66, 80, 105, 124, 1Z5, 138, 198
Caxton, 13z
Centaur, zo, 57, 58, 59, 69, 104, 107,
Charter, 181,19z
Cheltenham, 31, 66
City, 97
Civilité, 34
Clarendon, 82
Claudius, i¡9
Cloister O.S., 138, 146
Cochin, 140
Collier O.S., 14z
Companion O.S., 127
Concord, Z07
Cooper Black, 131, 13z
Copperplate Gothic, 85,130
Corona, 183
Corvinus, 188
Cushing, 138
Deepdene, izi, 122, 148
Deutsche-Schrift, 154,157,139
De Vinne, 63, 200
Doric Bold and Black, 85
Doves, 129, 146
Eckmann, i;6
Egmont, 181
Ehrhardt, 21, 29, 39
Eldorado, 184,18;
Electra, 49,178, 179,180, 186, 192
Elstob Saxon, 144
Erasmus Mediaeval, 103,121
Erbar, 92, 93, 95,15z, 176
Estienne, 148
Eve, 161,181
Excelsior, 65,178, i8z
Experimental Z67D, 183,184
Fairfield, 57,19z
Falcon, 33, 54, 186, 187,193,194
Falstaff, 80
Feder Schrift, 92
Fell, 13$
Forum Title, 125,130,131
Fournier, 21, 29, ji
Franklin Gothic, 85
Frühling, 139
Fry's Baskerville, 19, 49
Futura, zi, 57, 66, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 177
Galliard, 76
Garamond, 18, 20, 21, 40, 49, 51, 56,
57,66,105,143, 153,206
Garamont, 38, 126,143
Georgian, 40, 49
Gill Sans, 21, 57, 69, jo, 71, 85, 90,
9*. 95, 97.176
Goethe, 141, 142,148,15z
Golden Type, 58, 71,107, 129
Gothic No 4, 68, 86
Goudy Antique, 136, 142,143
Goudy Heavy Face, 131, 132, 152
Goudy Lanston, 125, 136, 137, 149,
Goudy Modem, 121, 127, 131, 139,
Goudy Open, Г31, 139, 140
Goudy O.S., 69, 125,136, 137,138,
Goudy Text, 21, 133,152
Goudytype, 138,139
Granjon, 29, 39, 40, 49, 143,178, 192
Gras canon romaine, 200
Antigone, 105,106
Gill's, 113
New Hellenic, 106
Romulus, 112,113
Gros Cicero, 196,197,199
Grotesque 215, 216, 98
Haarlemmer, 114, 113
Hadriano Title, 130,131
Helvetica, 21,77,98
Hever Titling, 208
Hingham, 183,193
Horley, 206
Houtsneeletter, 167,168
Hyperion, 158
Imprint, 66,138,198, 199
Ionic, 31, 82, 182, 194, 195
Italian, 28, 81
Italian O.S., 20, 29, 121, 146,147
Janson, 19, 20, 21, 39, 49,153,178
Jenson, 58, 104,133,146
Jessen, 159,161
Joanna, 61, 64
Jubilee, Z07
Juliana, 56
Kaatskill, 148
Kabel, 56, 9z, 95, 169,170,171,172,
Karnak, 83
Kennerley, izi, 1Z5, 1Z7, 134,13;,
King's Fount, 190
Koch-Antiqua, 56, 156, j6o, 161,
Koch-Schrift, 157
Koloss, 87, 9Z
La plus grande romaine, 200
Life, Z07
Lining Gothic, 87, 130, 151
Lino Script, 182
Locarno, 161, i8z
London Transport sans-serif, 87, 88,
89, 91,17z
Ludlow Black, 13z
Lutetia, 56, 59,102, 103,104,105,
107, 109,119, izo, IZI
Lutetia Open, 103
Marathon, 56,158
Marlborough, 146,147, 148, 152
Maximilian, 159
Maximus, 58
Mediaeval, 133
Melior, 64
Memphis, 57, 83
Mendelssohn, 158,167
Merrymount, 129,130
Metro, 174,177
Minerva, 72
Mistral, 168
Modern No, 7, 66
Monotype 38-E, 134
Montaigne, 38, 58, 129, 130, 146
Morris-Gotisch, 156
Neu-Kabel, 171, 172
Neudeutsch, 136
Neue Kirchenschrift, 200
Neue Romanische, 207
Neuland, 158, 164,163, 166, 173
Newstyle, 57, 143,143
Nicolas Cochin, 51, 181
Ohio, 129
Old Style (Miller &c Richard), 19, 20
Old Style N0. 2, 66
Open capitals (Van Krimpen), 106
Opticon, 182
Optima, 87
Othello, 164
Oxford, 141
Pabst, 51,124,128;
Italic, 126
Extra Bold, 129,13z
Palatino, 153
Pegasus, 57, 168
Peignot, 87
Perpetua, 17,18, 35, 68, 7z, 101,119,
195. *9%
Italic, 63,64,110
Titling, 18
Phosphor, 93
Pilgrim (Bunyan), 5z, 60, 64
Plantin 110 (Monotype), 145, 183,
195,196,198,199, 206, zio
Plantin, Nonesuch, jo, zio
Plantin O.S. (Shanks), 199
Poliphilus, 51, 59, 69
Poster Bodoni, 80,178
Powell, IZ4,129
Prisma, 172, 173
Ptolemy, 149, ijo
Radiant, 87
Ratdolt, 137
Rivoli, 164
Rockwell, 83
Roland, 93
romain du roi, 58, 59, 6z
Romanee, 107,108,117, 120, izi
Romulus, 109, in;
Italic, 109,110
Semi-bold, Semi-bold Cond, III,
Greek, iiz, 113
Open, 114
Sans-serifs, 113, 114
Sabon, zi, 55, 59
Saks Goudy, IZ7
Sans-serifs (Goudy), 151
Satanick, 133
Schadow, 84
Schneidler Mediaeval, jo
Scotch Roman, 40, 5z, 58, 181, i8z
Sheldon, 116,117
Solus, 8z
Spartan, 66, 87, 130,177
Spectrum, 115, 116, izo
Stuyvesant, 187,194
Stymie, 83
Tempo, 51
Textype, 31, 178, i8z
Tiemann Kursiv, 63
Times Roman, 47, 69, 183,194, 198,
201, 202, 203;
Italic, 64, 6¡, 205
Bold, 205
Semi-bold, 209
Tidings, 207, 208
Wide, 208, 209
Bold italic, 209
Tippecanoe, 188, 189, 193
Toscana, 207
Trade Gothic, 98
Trajanus, 69, 168
Troy, 155
Trump Mediaeval, 51, 64
Ultra Bodoni, 80
Uncial, 156
Union Pearl, 34
Univers, 98
Vale, 130
Van Dijck, 57, 68, 71, 107
Venezia, 146,147
Venus, 9j
No. 1, 1Z5, 1Z9,130
No. z, 149
Walbaum, Г9, 56, 58
Wallau, 156,139
Weiss Roman, 56
Wilhelm-Klingspor, i¡9
Winchester, 190, 191, 19z, 194
Zeppelin, 17Z
Zilver, 138
type casting, 33
type scales, 24
uncial letters, 190
Unger, Gerard, 183
Village Letter Foundry, 125
Village Press, Goudy's:
established, and destroyed, 125
re-established, destroyed again, 126
Vinne, Theodore Low de, 23
Vossen, André van der, 168
Vox, Maximilien, 20
Walker, Emery, 107, 149
Warde, Beatrice ('Paul Beaujon'):
on Perpetua italic, 63
role in Gill Sans, 95
comment on Goudy's Garamont, 143
on Dwiggins's stencils, 175
and his talent, 176
Weiss, Emil, 157
Werkbund, Deutsche, 91
Wiebking, Robert, 126
Wiegand, Willi, 106
Wolpe, Berthold, 57, 148, 151,154,158
wooden type, 37, 85, 90
World Publishing Co, New York, 144
x-height, 19, 20
Zwart, Piet, 96