An italic figure indicates an illustration
American Chap-Book (ATF), 124,129
American Type Founders Co., New
Jersey, 124,130,135,136,137,138,
141, 143,146, 155,163
name for slab-serif, Si
and for sans-serif, 84
'antique' printing, 124
Arabic composition, 64, 67, 168
Arrighi, Ludovico degli (Vicentino),
ascenders, 13, 50, 116,117, 161, 163
Ashendene Press, London, 149
Auriol, Georges, 157
Barnhart Bros. & Spindler, Chicago,
baseline: function in electronic systems,
Baskerville, John, 35
Bauer foundry, Frankfurt, 200
Bauhaus, 91, 96,158
Bayer, Herbert, 46
Baynard Press, 90
Beauclair, Gotthard de, 155
Beaumarchais, P. A. Carón de, 68
Behrens, Peter, 91, 157,158
Beispiele Künstlerischer Schrift, 157
Bennett, Paul, 121, 178, 181
Benton, Linn Boyd:
his self-spacing types, 36, 62
pantographic machine, 36
Benton, Morris Fuller, 138, 143, 146,
Benton, Waldo Foundry, Milwaukee,
Bernhard, Lucían, 63, 108, 128
Bigelow, Charles, 46,199
Binney & Ronaldson, foundry,
Philadelphia, 141
Blumenthal, Joseph, 175
Bradley, Will, 123,124,128
Bremer Presse, Munich, 106
Bridges, Robert:
his phonotypes, 144
Bruce foundry, New York, 68
Bullen, Henry L.:
mis-names Benton's machine, 36
on origin of Kennerley, 134,136
Burke, Jackson, 193
Callingham, James, 85
Cambridge University Press, 194
Carter, Harry:
on character spacing, 71
on the Van Dijck type, 71
opinion of C. van Dijck, 107
on Kabel, 172
Caslon, William, 35
Caslon, William II, 68
Caslon, William IV, 85
Casions Circular, 18, 23
Chap-Book, The, 123
Chappell, Warren, 69,155, 168
Claesz, Hendrik, 115
classification of type styles, 19, 20, 21
Claudin, Anatole, 143
Cleland, T. M., 143
Coggeshall, Howard, 128
computer-aided design, 46
Cooper, Oswald, 132
counter, 33
counter-punch, 33
Cranach Press, Weimar, 87
cursive, 61
Curwen Press, London, 103, 161
Daily Herald, London, 194
Deberny & Peignot, Paris, 140
descenders, 13, 48, 49,116,137
Dickinson foundry, Boston, 124
Didot, Firmin, 20, 23, 35, 56, 57, 59,
Didot, François-Ambroise, 22
Didot, Pierre, 23;
his letter g, ¡9
purpose and methods, 43, 44, 43-
Dijck, Christoffel van, 107
Dodge, Philip, 36
Dreyfus, John, 38, 144
Dürer, Albrecht, 169
Dwiggins, W. A.:
on character spacing, 72
on sans-serif, 176
on Electra, 178
on Ionic, 182
on ascenders, descenders, 190
Eckman, James, 200
Eckmann, Otto, 157
egyptian, 80, 81
electronic typesetting systems, 43
Elstob Saxon type, 144
Elzevir: French term for old style, 20
Encyclopedia Britannica, 204
Enschedé en Zonen, Haarlem, ioi, 167
Erbar, Jakob, 92, 169
Expressionism, 158
fat face, 27,28, 80, 81
Fell types, 135
Field & Tuer, London, 124
Figgins, Vincent, 80, 86
fitting, 71, 72
Fleischman, J. M., 106
Fournier, Pierre Simon, 22, 23, 59
fractions, 70
Fraktur, 15
Friedlander, Henry, 155
Fugger, Wolfgang, 169
Garnett, Porter, 103
Genzsch & Heyse, Hamburg, 156
Gii, Geronimo, 186
Gill, Eric:
on spacing, 65
his Solus type, 82
his sans-serif, 90, 91, 171
his Greek, 113
Golden Eagle Press, 182, 191
Goodhue, Bertram, 51,130
Goudy, Bertha, 125,141,149
Goudy, Frederic-
explains his use of work by others,
publications, 126,127
adviser to Lanston Monotype, 126
learns type founding, 126
awards, 127
interest in phonetic characters,
Grabhorn Press, 103,144
Grandjean, Phillipe, 58, 59
Granjon, Robert:
his Civilité, 34
Greek, 34
italic, 120
Gray, Nicolete,85
Greek types:
Granjon's, 34
Antigone, 105, 106
Romulus Greek, 112, 113
Griffith, Chauncey H.:
on Janson, 39
on proportions of Falcon, 53
colleague of Dwiggins, 178
on 267D,183
opinion of Plantin, 183
on Falcon, 186
Gropius, Walter, 158
Guggenhiem, Siegfried, 168
Haas foundry, Basle, 98
Hammer, Victor, 191
Handover, Phyllis M., 85, 89,198
Handy, John, 35
Hansard, T. C:
on type sizes, 23
on the Italian face, 27
on lining figures, 68
on slab-serif, 81
Hartz, Sem, 56
Hasler, Charles, 83
Hawks, Nelson, 24
Heckel, Erich, 158
Hegner, Jakob, 167
Hoffmann, Josef, 97
old style, 20
sans-serif, 21
Hupp, Otto, 156
Hutt, Allen, 202
Ibn Muqlah:
stroke weight formula, 89
Ikarus system, 66
Imprimerie Nationale, Paris, 143
Index characterum Architypographiae
Plantinianae, 196,199
Insel, Die, 154
Johnson, A. F.:
on first secondary type, 61
on origin of sans-serif, 85
Johnson, Herbert, 146
Johnston, Edward:
italic for Cranach Press, 87
sans-serif, 88
stroke weight formula, 89
Jones, George W.:
the non-kerning f, 40
rejected standard alignment, 49
commissioned Goudy, 127, 146
Journal für Buchdruckerkunst, 81
Jugend, 153,154
Kandinsky, Wassily, 158
Keere, Hendrik van den, 199, 200
Kennerley, Mitchell, 125, 135
kerning, 79
Keystone foundry, Philadelphia, 132
Kimball, Ingalls, 51
Kis, Nicolas: 'Janson' face, 35
Klee, Paul, 158
Klingspor, Karl, 161, 164,169
Klingspor foundry, Offenbach, 153,
154,159, 161,164, 169, 172
Knopf, Alfred, 175, 188
Koch, Rudolf:
lettering, 154
his letter g, 156
on Neuland, 165
his gothics, i}9
Das Zeichenbuch, 162
on geometric designing, 168
Kokoschka, Oskar, 164
Kredel, Fritz, 155,161, 168
Krimpen, Jan van:
accepts sloped roman principle, 64
plans a type family, 108
on Lutetia, 109
on Romanee italic, 117
relationship with punch-cutter, 118
Kühl, Gustav, 157
Laboratory Press, Pittsburg, 103
Lakeside Press, 175
Lanston Monotype Co., U.S., 38,126,
132,133,136,141,143,144, 146,148,
149. 15z
Lardent, Victor, 196, 198, 200, 206
Larisch, Rudolf von, 157
Larsen, Nils, 178
legibility, 31
'legibility group', 182
Lerner, Abe, 145
instead of italic, 61
of capitals, 79, 80
in Lutetia, 99
in Spectrum, 116
Limited Editions Club, 101, 161,175
Linotype & Machinery Ltd, U.K., 37,
38, 40, 143, 146, 148, 203
Lissitzky, El, 96
Mackeller, Smith & Jordan,
Philadelphia, 24
Mackintosh, С R., 97. 47
Malin, Charles, 35, 68
Marder, Luce foundry, Chicago, 23,
Mardersteig, Giovanni, 118, 119
Martin, William, 180
Mason, John, H., 198
matrix, 33;
engraving of, 35, 36
Mergenthaler Linotype Co., U.S., 37,
176, 177,178,180, 182, 185,192, 194
Merrymount Press, Boston, 103
Meynell, Sir Francis, 50, 127, 164, 182
Meynell, Gerard, 198
modern face, 19, 20, 21, 194
modernised old style, 20
Moholy-Nagy, Laszlo, 158
Monotype Corporation Ltd U.K., 38,
40, 41,105, 115, M8- lé4> J94> I98,
199, 202, 206
Morison, Stanley:
on sloped roman, 61
the Solus type, 82
on sans-serifs, 95
on Lutetia roman, 102, italic, 119
on Neuland, 164
on Ionic, 182, 194
on Times Roman: its origin, 195,
196, its merit, 210
definition of typography, 214
Mosley, James, 85
Mucha, Alphons, 157
Nash, John Henry, 134
Neudorffer, Johann, 169
Nicholson, Sir William, 132
'Arabic', 67
Roman, 67
old style, 68
lining, 68
width of, 69
spacing of, 75
in Spectrum, 116
old face, 19, 20
old style, 19, 20
Ollière foundry, Paris, 143
optical compensation, 39;
described, 52
examples of, 39, S3
in mechanical systems, 39
in photo-composition systems, 54
opto-mechanical systems, 42
Parker, Mike, 199
pattern, 37
Peignot, Charles, 167
Phemister, Alexander, 19, 20
phonetic characters, 144
as basis for point system, 24
Pick, Frank, 90
Pickering, Charles, 90
plagiarism, 122
point line, 48, 49
Pollard, A. F., 140
Prince, Edward, 35, 146
three kinds of, 35
punch-cutting, 34;
influence on design, 34
mechanised, 36
spacing of, 75
Raedisch, P. H., 35, 105,114,118
Random House, 175
Ransom, Will, 125
readability, 31
Reiner, Imre, 188
related bold face, 65, 206
Renner, Paul, 57, 93, 169
Ricketts, Charles, 190
Rodenberg, Julius, 153, 159. lili l68
Rogers, Bruce:
on quality of Montaigne, 38
on standard alignment, 48
on spacing of punctuations, 76
on logotypes, 79
on sans-serif, 86
alters Lutetia, 109
comment on Caslon, 125
on Newstyle, 144, 145
Rollins, С. P., 39
Rooses, Max, 196
Rosart, J. F., 106, 188
Rudhard foundry (Klingspor)
Offenbach, 154,156
Ruzicka, Rudolph:
advised by Dwiggins, 72, 192
on Electra, 178
on Dwiggins's method, 193
Sancha, Antonio de, 186
Savage, William, 23
Schiller, Georg, 156
Schmidt-Rottluf, Karl, 158
Schriftguss foundry, Dresden, 167
length of, 60
shape of, 60
in slab-serif, 82
Shanks, foundry, London, 199
Simon, Oliver, 103
Simons, Anna, 92
equivalent, 25
sloped roman, 62, 63, 65,109, 180
Smith, Harry, 39, 40
Sniffen, Willard, 163
Southward, John, 19
standard alignment:
derived from point system, 48
adopted by Linotype, 49
disliked by BR and GWJ, 48, 49
Steltzer, Fritz, 39,198, 199
Stephenson, Blake & Co, Sheffield, 86
Stols, Alexander, 103