В. Тоотс. Компо¬
зиция. Картон,
гуашь, широко¬
конечное птичье
А. Фербанк
(1845 1482).
ский лист. Ьѵ
мага, чернила,
авторучка с широ-
к оконечным
On the fifteenth ofJaUj 1 begem a careful
survey of the island. 1 went uj> the cretkfirst
After about two milts the tide did notfUrw
апм hiqher, and the stream wws. no more than
a Úttlt brovk. On its banks I found many
fleasant meadows, centred withqroós.
The next day 1 went Wo the same wuxj
aaam) and after qeina somewhat farther I
fmnd that the brwkcmsd; and tiucen^
bevami mere wovdy than before. In this part
I found meleno em ем around and агаре-wnes
arabes just new vn their prime; very ripe and
rich. I also saw an abundanu of wuratrees,
as well a* oranqe and lernen and citron trees.
PfLobmson Сшеі']