Donald Jackson,
Tel. 01 703 8ІМ
12th November 1981».
I owe you a great apology for not replying to your Jdnd Invitation
to Include me In your forthcoming book. I cannot now remember whether I
did acknowledge your note since the summer seems such a long time away now!
I started on an extensive lecture and workshop tour of Australia and
Hong Kong at the beginning of August, and when your letter reached me I was
In a great panic, trying to get all the materials together to send to
Australia, and to finish off jobs before I left. Now that I have your
address, perhaps, If you would like It, I could write to you from time to
time, and send you some small samples of my work when I can.
Most of my work Is not done for print, which means that I' don't have
so many examples to send to friends as perhaps other artists who work for
publication. As a matter of fact, a shadow usually falls between my heart
and my hand when I have to do something for print - I prefer to make original
works which are an end In themselves. This letter Is to assure you of my
warm regards, and to apologize for not helping you more with your book.
Best wishes,
Д. Джексон
(p. 1938).
Письмо. Бумага,
фломастер, пишу¬
щая машинка
ІОПГКу ТІлеПТГГб, ¿Г АМЛ. ЧгѴіЛліімА. tJUe bwlrlröA.
im. farfor\ ЩіА \k wxu bt *=£- йл.іегеМ~ U~ Viru,.
ЪША. к/ /уѵмі;іЛ" гС^и^ИУІ ИА*иА/ Ьл»ъ лл\^ЬоЛи-лс?
IfïuAr fvy Ьѵ*Х -d*€ rtiuÀh unii \ax, uj-rrt^h*rk¿le.
Р. Кусик.
Письмо. Бумага,
чернила, авто¬
ручка с широко¬
конечным пером