Uppercase Letters and Numerals
The proportions of the roman capitals
have to be preserved in italic, in spite of
the slant. The contrast between the slim
lowercase and the comparatively wide
uppercase letters adds interest to the let¬
tering. To maintain continuity, do not
increase the size of the capitals to more
than one and a half times the x-height.
If you have practiced the alphabet
shown in Figure 138, a slanted version of
it should not be challenging. Remember
that the angle of the already slanted
downstrokes changes in an overall slanted
letter (Figure 169).
Ornamental forms are discussed in
chapter 3, but they should not concern
the beginner.
Alternate Method
Another road leading to formal italic
script begins right with your own hand¬
writing. Start by reducing the frequent
connections that result from up and
down movements; they tend to obscure
the basic forms. Retain only true con¬
nections, and gradually change loops
into serifs; keep the bottom of the g
Using a narrow nib and keeping a
small distance between letters will make
your work easier (Figure 171). Changes
like this will most likely improve every
individual letter itself. Pay special atten¬
tion to the group m, n, h, and u, and
ensure a distinct difference between arch
and inverted arch forms. Personal hand¬
writing styles often blend both these
forms into one. Finally, compare each
one of your letters to the alphabet
shown in Figure 161 and make changes
where they are necessary.
Variations of italic are plentiful. A close
relationship exists between italic and
personal handwriting styles, which de-
Figure 167
Figure 170
Figure 171
va4indunaen mrkndunam wrhndwtqen
172 Development of a formal italic from an
individual handwriting style (reconstruction).
Mr CfnlU4ft¿oá±: £ныллл£;іиг cJ^a¿JUn¿i£¿
du ûnwJHemt wmmt nor N^Âd^oil
der Ctnífribeekt kvrmntzkr ЫшжіаоЯ mi
der Çmnspetkt kommt zur NoMümI и
der Çmnspecnt kommt zur Nochtiadl
173 Modification of a personal handwriting
style through frequent practicing of a formal
italic (reconstruction).
der Grünspecht kommt zur Nachtùjall und
der Сгшшж kommt zur Nadtûacdl und
da' (jrwsùedit konvmiш 'Naovöci^JL und
der ^iwmfitktnmíítr^ Alaeki'ddil imi
4er (^умішірС МшМіа^ші