Schenk, W. Die Schriften des Malers.
Giessen: Fachbuchverlag Dr.
Pfannenberg, 1958.
Schenk, W. Die Schrift im Malerhandwerk.
Berlin: Verlag fur Bauwesen, 1965.
Schneidler, E. Der Wassermann. Ein
Jahrbuch fur Buchermacher. Über
Forschungen im Bereiche des Schreibens
und des Schriftentwurfs, des Setzens, der
Bildgestaltung, der Bildwiedergabe tind des
Drückens. Sonderdruck der Akademie
der bildenden Künste. Stuttgart:
Akademie der bildenden Künste, 1948.
Schriftmusterkartei, second edition.
Leipzig: VEB Fachbuchverlag, 1968.
Tschichold, J. Treasury of Alphabets and
Lettering. Reprint. New York: Design
Press, 1992, and London: Lund
Humphries, 1992.
Tschichold, J. Willkurfreie Massverhaltnisse
der Buchseite und des Satzpiegels. In
"Druckspiegel," Typographische
Beilage 7a/1964.
Zentrale Werbeabteilung der Leder- und
Druckfarben GmbH, Leipzig:
Rationelles Farbmischen, Buntfarben
fur den Buchdruck, Buntfarben fur den
Selected Further Reading
Aldis, Harry G. The Printed Book.
Cambridge, England, 1951.
Bartram, Alan. The English Lettering
Tradition. London, 1986.
Bigelow, Charles, et al. (ed.). Fine Print on
Type: The Best of Fine Print Magazine on
Type and Typography. San Francisco/
London, 1988.
Carter, Harry. A View of Early Typography
up to about 1600. Oxford, 1968.
Child, Heather (ed.). Formal Penmanship
and Other Papers: Edward Johnston.
London, 1971.
Child, Heather. The Calligraphers
Handbook. New York, 1986.
Child, Heather, and Justin Howes. Lessons
in Formal Writing: Edward Johnston.
London, 1986.
Craig, James. Production for the Graphic
Designer. New York, 1974.
Day, Kenneth (ed.). Book Typography
1815-1965 in Europe and the United
States of America. London, 1966.
DeVinne, Theodore Low. Modern
Methods of Book Composition: A Treatise
on Type-setting by Hand and by Machine
and on the Proper Arrangement and
Imposition of Pages. New York, 1904.
Dreyfus, John (ed.). Type Specimen
Facsimiles: Reproductions of Fifteen Type-
specimen Sheets issued between the
Sixteenth and Eighteenth Centuries.
London, 1963.
Dreyfus, John (ed.). Type Specimen
Facsimiles II: Reproductions of Fifteen
Type-specimen Sheets issued between the
Sixteenth and Eighteenth Centuries.
London, 1972.
Folsom, Rose. The Calligraphers
Dictionary. London, 1990.
Gill, Eric. An Essay on Typography (rev.
ed.). London/Boston, 1988.
Gray, Bill. Calligraphy Tips. New York,
Gray, Bill. Lettering Tips. New York,
Gray, Bill. Studio Tips. New York, 1976.
Gray, Bill. Tips on Type. New York, 1983.
Johnson, A.F. Type Designs: Their History
and Development. London, 1966.
Jaspert, W. Pincus, W. Turner Berry, and
A.F.Johnson. The Encyclopaedia of Type
Faces (rev. ed.). London, 1983.
Johnston, Edward. Writing and
Illuminating and Lettering (rev. ed.), ed.
by W.R. Lethaby. London, 1944; New
York, 1977.
McLean, Ruari. Modern Book Design from
William Morris to the Present Day.
London, 1958.
McLean, Ruari. Jan Tschichold:
Typographer. London/Boston, 1975.
McLean, Ruari. The Thames and Hudson
Manual of Typography. London, 1980.
Modern Scribes & Lettering Artists.
London, 1990.
Morison, Stanley. On Type Designs Past
and Present: A Brief Introduction.
London, 1962.
Morison, Stanley. First Principles of
Typography (2nd ed.). Cambridge,
England, 1967.
Rookledge, Gordon, and Christopher
Perfect. Rookledge's International
Typefinder. London, 1983.
Simon, Oliver. Introduction to Typography.
London, 1969.
Spencer, Herbert. Pioneers of Modern
Typography (rev. ed.). London/New
York, 1982.
Stone, Bernard, and Arthur Eckstein.
Preparing Art for Printing. New York,
Sutton, James, and Alan Bartram. An Atlas
ofTypeforms. London, 1968.
Tschichold, Jan. Asymmetric Typography.
London/Toronto/New York, 1967.
Tschichold, Jan. Treasury of Alphabets and
Lettering (reprint). New York/London,
Tschichold, Jan. The Form, of the Book:
Essays on the Morality of Good Design.
London/Washington, 1992.
Twyman, Michael. Printing 1770-1970:
An Illustrated History of its Development
and Uses in England. London, 1970.
Updike, Daniel Berkeley. Printing Types,
their History, Forms and Use: A Study in
Survivals (rev. ed.). London/New York,
Wills, F.H. Fundamentals of Layout. New
York, 1965.
Wilson, Adrian. The Design of Books. New
York, 1974.
Wallis, L.W. Modern Encyclopedia of
Typefaces 1960-90. London, 1990.
Zeier, Franz. Books Boxes and Portfolios.
New York, 1990.
Akzidenz-grotesk 152, 153, 174
Amati neoclassical roman 120
Arabic numerals 106
Architecture, lettering and 72, 171, 205-212
Artists' works, handlettered book / 79
Athenaeum, neoclassical roman 120
Ball-point pens 64, 197
Banners, lettering 211
Barbedor, Louis 125
Baroque fraktur 101
Baroque italic 209
Baroque roman 119,120
Baroque script 125-129
Baskerville, John 119
Baskerville roman 119
Bâtarde styles 70, 95-97
Bayer, Herbert 42
Bellyband, book jacket 194
Bembo italic 118
Bembo roman 106, 109
Birthday cards, lettering 171
Bodoni, Giambattista 13, 120
Bodoni roman 120, 122, 172, 195, 206, 212
Bohemian bâtarde 95
Bold roman neoclassical type 130, 131-137
Book, handlettered
generally 179-187
binding of 187-190
colophon 186
format 180
front matter 185-186
layout 186-187
page layout 180-183
text, design 183
typeset book compared 180
Book covers, handlettered book 188, 190
Book jackets, design 171,194
generally 187-190
adhesive binding 190
covers 188, 190
folders 188
multiple pages 188-190
paper, grain of 187
paperfolding 188
parchment for 176
side-sewing 189
simple binding 188
Brecht, Bertholdt 28
Breitkopf fraktur 101
Brochures, format 29
Bronze plaques, lettering on 211
drawing 37
lettering 37, 41, 175
Brushwork, lettering 36, 41, 42, 50, 51
generally 174-189
book, see Book, handlettered
engraving 125
Cancellaresca 112
Capital letters
decorative 13, 98, 102-103, 126-127,
initial capitals, see Initial capitals
italic script 62
monumental roman 121, 123
Renaissance capital, construction 42
roman 13, 70, 72, 80, 90, 106
rustic capitals 82-83, 88, 90
sans serif roman 42-51
Carolingian miniscule 20, 88, 95, 106
Caslon, William 119
Caslon, William IV 130
Caslon type 110
Centaur type 106
calligraphy / 75
tubes for 188
Chalk 37, 175
Chancery cursive script 105,112
Chinese binding, handlettered book 189
Chinese ink 33,176,197
Chinese roman type 109
Circular arrangement, letters of logo 192
Civilité typé 95, 99
Clarendon type 130
Coats of arms, lettering 175
associations 17
calligraphy, documents and short texts
layout 28
light/dark contrast 16
pure and "broken" color 17
warm/cool contrast 17
woodcut printing 203
Column structure, handlettered book 183
Company history, handlettered book 179
Composition, design 26-28
Computer typesetting 196, 199, 200
Condensed sans serif roman
see also Sans serif roman
display type 195
drawing and cutting letters 39-41
examples 160-165
lettering with flat brush 41, 42, 51
mixing with other type 174