Large-size advertisements are usually
attached to buildings or are placed in
certain locations at streets and plazas.
Permission of the municipal government
or the police may be necessary. The pro¬
portions should always be matched to
the architecture of the area.
Even a simple banner requires a full-
size sketch that takes borders and spac¬
ing into account. All measurements for
lines, letters, spacing, and letter widths
are then transferred with charcoal onto
the poster or banner.
Resist the temptation to create some¬
thing "artistic," and use solid models in¬
stead. Best suited are to these applications
are condensed or normal sans serifs,
classical roman, Bodoni capitals, and
other neoclassical faces. A wide italic can
only be used if a wide enough marker is
at hand. Do not use wide letters unless
you have a wide enough marker to make
them with a single stroke. If you have to
draw very large letters, make templates
of the most commonly appearing cross¬
bars, curves, serifs, and other elements.
Assemble the templates, trace them with
a pencil, and draw the contour with the
help of a mahlstick. Then fill in the let¬
ters with paint. If you want to use formal
or very detailed styles, enlarge a smaller
pattern or a photograph by overhead
451 Composition with type elements, by Franz
Portfolio of
Type and
in Practice