► PTL Manual Slab | corporate typeface ■ 40 fonts
Normal, Caps: Regular, Medium, Bold, Extrabold, Black
+ Lf, Tf, Expertsets
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member name ideal styles
yourself stroke booklayout
contrast corpoarte making
He adunes and texttypeface
As its name suggests, ptl Manual Slab is the member
of the Manual family wich places a marked emphasis
on serifs. An ideal complement to the Sans, Semi and
Round members it broadens the range of styles
available. Its serifs do not increase proportionally in
thickness, which means a thicker stroke will result
in a more pronounced contrast between stroke
and seri! At this time it is available as Normal and
0 Caps making VP a total of 40 fonts.
I primetype library
PTL Manual Office | office typeface ■ 18 fonts
Regular, Italic, Medium, Medium Italic, Bold, Bold Italic
+ Tf, Expertsets
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perfect styles typographical;
one outstanding resolution!
typeface search typesetting
PTL Manual Office is perfect for all your day to day
typographical needs in the office. Its shapes are so¬
mewhat plainer and are a little more loosely spaced.
This makes for outstanding results even when used
with low resolution printers or screens. This ver¬
satile typeface comes in two weights and inclu¬
des cursives. Table-width OldStyle as well as
lining table figures are included. New: Medium.
primetype library