► PTL Manual Sans | corporate typeface ■ 80 fonts
Normal, Caps, Italic, Italic Caps: Regular, Medium, Bold, Extrabold,
Black * Lf, If, Expertsets
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corporate extension library purposes
designed Variants typography fonts
system contrast individual features
containing moderate figures expert
publications letter every members
PR primetype library
The corporate typeface.
The PTL Manual Family is the most extensively deve¬
loped corporate type family in the primetime library at
this time. It's an extremely versatile face suitable for a
wide range of purposes that meets almost every
typographic requirement, ptl Manual Sans is the most
intricately designed family member. Variants include
Normal, Caps, Italic and ItalkCaps, each in five different
weights, which combine to make 80 fonts in total. The
face is just as suited for body text as it is for headlines
or guidance systems. The finely tuned contrast of the
individual letters always makes for exceptional results
wherever it is used. Naturally, every variant features
non-lining as well as normal and table figures. There
are also expert sets containing fractures, arrows and
mathematical symbols. The specially designed cursive
font with its moderate io degree slant ensures that
even longer chunks of styled text remain eminently
readable. All in all this is a very comprehensive
package for every conceivable corporate requirement
including all your publications. Please take the oppor¬
tunity to have a look also at the other members of
primetype library