► PTL Zatro | text typeface ■ го fonts
Light, Semilight, Normal, Medium, Bold + Tf, Lf, Expertsets
ÄBCDEFGHIJKLMN0PQR5TÜVWXYZ the quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog typesetting: Light to Bold PTL Zatro ¡s a wide text type family whose five ► PTL Zupra Sans | display typeface ■ 15 fonts Light, Normal, Bold, Extrabold, Black + Lf, Expertsets ABCDEFGHUKLMNOPQRST UVWXYZa b cd êfg h ij kl m ri modern Newspaper to PTL Zupra Sans is a display face that comes primetype library
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dog lazy a overjumps fox brown quick the
quick the fox brown over a jumps dog lazy
brown dog a fox lazy jumps quick the over
fox jumps lazy a dog quick over the brown
basic but not simple type
weights from Light to Bold are able to meet
many typesetting requirements. It is an individual
type family becoming a complex corporate design
typeface in autumn when it will be extended by
Small Caps and Italics. For each weight there are
Old Style-, Table Figures, Fractions and Experts.
о p q rst ü vwxy z Ë> ce cefifl
0123Д56789?!;: *+&о/о@©@
Greater eastwest on
sleepless in Berlin a
display people NOW
lifestyle living type
in five weights from Light to Black. Its most
distinguishing feature ave its clean and simp¬
le lines. Greater x-heights and reduced
ascender and descender heights make it
appear sleeker than it actually is. Ele¬
gance and consistency come together
to create a display face that can even
be used to great effect at smaller si¬
zes and lighter weights. Style-wise it's
especially suited far fashion or life¬
style publications.