Whiplash family
Bob Aufuldish
Time flows differently cilotig the banks of the
Ganges than it does along Madison Avenue.
History expands and contracts, varying in
density, even in an individual's life time. History
might be a line or a circle, a spiral or a turtle,
an expanding sphere or a contracting star.
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migh.t be. ab*le to. с o¿j u re. demohs
5JL р j^e d i ¿t i¿tje. Wo Ы s me donate.
be twe en j[o,ds o_n d jWmcuiTS.^ b_*e jwe'en^
th'e heurot i c_ and the sJiM^kj, Ьд t
w'eejî the p ne s s a_n d £PJJJ^,ÇS^ bit
ween the individual and the pub
lie. Every word is an empty ves
sel, perfectly general, free from
all particularity, the perfect
projection screen that takes on
any degree of specificity.
{rom "Beyond the tlar9.n1 of the Page"
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Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
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Whiplash Regular dingbat
• . •-
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Whiplash Regular 9/11
The design strategy of an icon, a poster, a book, a sign, is the visual counterpoint to what
the writer calls rhetoric. Graphic design is visual rhetoric meant to persuade, to convince,
to move, to mobilize, to affect behavior. It manipulates the graphic to focus a message in
a shifting field of multiple meanings. Of all forms of language, it is closest to mathematics.
Like mathematics, it does this through the patterning of its elements and conventions. To
design a graphic means to provide, in visual/verbal form, a demonstration, a proof, or an
Ai gb Cc Dd Ее. R 6g H h Jj_ Jj_ Kk Ú, Mm Nri
fio £r Qcf Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv. Ш X* Yy Z2
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Whiplash Lineala dingbat
• •.
whiplash Lineóla 9/11
lite d'esj^n s.^¿ate.ajf o£ an ¿con^ a £oster^ a^ Ьдок^ a si gn, is. th'e
XLüiSl £ÄUuikr£Äirit to What the writkl ca-l -I s rhetoric. 6ra£hic
¿íiÜU M ІІАіІЗІ ll¿lfiíi£
to ДосЧід a message ¿ri « аііЛіГІі f j_*ej_d o;f_ mu'j/t i p-l'e meaning^. Öf
îil iS-Iffiâ. S-X language, j.t ¿s. c'-l os'es^ Jto ma^himat^is.^ Likje ma the-
Bb Cc Dd Ее Ff Gg Hh I i Jj Kk LI Mm Nn
Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv VHW Xx Yy Zz
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Whiplash Mono dingbat
' • .
Whiplash Mono 9/11
The design strategy of an icon, a poster, a book, a sign, is the
visual counterpoint to what the writer calls rhetoric, Graphic
design is visual rhetoric meant to persuade, to convince, to
move, to mobilize, to affect behavior. It manipulates the graphic
to focus a message in a shifting field of multiple meanings. Of
all forms of language, it is closest to mathematics. Like mathe-
Whiplash Regular
Kathy Warinner. Bob Aufuldish
Whiplash Lineóla
Bob Aufuldish
i 199
Whiplash Mono
Bob Aufuldish