Viscosity family
/Caí/ту Warinner. Bob Aufuldish
VI ben J» We know that an
trtJîvîJu-al °r £rou.¡» oj inJîvîJ"-aib
bas v-nJersi«»*^ the same tbin£
t>,y the same linguistic aci? Ot%[y
^ftie^ collectively they
>ee that th^s b* s®o By g^Ig^jj
^•г<0 t* ^aj^e the Je^j^e*-
.may enhance ©lai^ty and) wgcS^Ge
a^ib^t/9 and) therein lead)
the a^JtCnCC inte the nÇCCnary
a^rÇC/nCnt that they have
Leen addressed ky (nearly)
identical rViCssa^Ci.
m л s? к влртіетт
ír.m "Швгчѵі the »йаг5*«> -J ihe ?"
Aa Bt, Cc Dé ее Fi g# иь u z¿ к** u m
О- Pp ftq, flr Si Ti U" W IVW XX \y 2*.
-345^7^9 (<1®#$* &>=?>) {©®}
■ dingbats Viscosity Reeular 9/11
Viscosity Regular dingbats
Viscosity Regular 9/11
The Jesign strateg/ Sf a« 'c-n, a poster, a W..(?, a sign, »t tbe visual
c.*nterp.i„t t. what the Writer calls rhet.ric. Graphic design ij visual
rhet.ric meant t. persuade, t. cnvince, t. m-ve, t. m-Uli^e, t. aJJect
lehawi.r. It manipulates the graphic t. J.c»s a message in a shifting
íieU -J multiple meanings. OS all J.rrns mathematics. Like mathematics, it J-ei this thr."gh the patterning
&a 61 £g DJ Ce (Pdf G О® Pi? ®q, ß?r ris Tt ОД^ vv QüJw Viscosity Inline 9/11 The design strate^ •£ an ¡«¡•я, a p-stor, a Ь..(г, a sign, is the visual Viscosity Inline dingbats «4* *$ «0- Aa £ь CC Dd Gc 4 Gg Mb li 3j Kre L{ M^ w Viscosity Interior dingbats r + Viscosity Interior 9/11 TbC Jcs'âr, strateS/ .J ,„ ic.„, a p.ster, a t«r?, a s'S", 's the uij»al rhet.ric meant t. pers-ade, t. c.„vi„ce, t., t. гтЫі^е, t. affect tebavt.r. It rna^tpMates the .graphic t. J.c-s a ryiessa^e lm a shij tii-,,g Kathy Warinner, Bob Aufuldish Viscosity Inline Kathy Warinner, Bob Aufuldish Viscosity Interior Kathy Warinner, Bob Aufuldish 135
c.unterp'int t. what the Writer calls rhetoric Graphic design is visual
rhet.ric meant t« persuade, t. convince, t. m-ve, t- mAilifce, t. affect
l.ehavi.r. it manipulates the graphic t. f.c*s a message in a shifting
field »í multiple meanings. Oí all f'rms -f language, H is cl.sest t.
mathematics, biffe mathematics, it tS-es this thr^gh the patterning
Oo Pp Qq, Rr Ss Tt U- Vv Iww XX Yy £*z,
оггз45^7§9 ( ) f©®}
Co^n terpfir-, t t. what the writer Calls rhet.ric. Graphic desiar-, is visual
field -Ï multiple meaninái. Oí all f.rms .J lan^'aac 't is cl.sest t.
ma thcnatics. LiN>e /nathcrnatics, it d-es this thr.^,gh the patterning