Punctual family
Bob Aufuldish
Though myth-making has retreat
ed from the centers of culture, it
is alive and шеіі in the margins,
uuhere it plays a vigorous, though
often unperceived role. Since sci
enee has cornered the market on
Explanations of +пе natural
uuorld, myth has taksn up resi
dencG GlseuuhGrG. It is Ensconced
in +he naRRatives, +hg s+ories,
N0+ OF 0ГІ9ІП5, П0+ 0-f OUT PhYSI
Cai PLACG ІП +hG COSMOS, not 0-F
OihiR UVeS And 0ІНЕГ UÜOridS
biYONd ihiS 0ПІ, bUi Of ihiS ONE,
here, in 3LL i+s immediacy, üs
nearness, as it coMes into aNd
out ot etHiS + ence betöre
our very eyes.
from "Beyond the Margins of the Page"
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ее Ff Gg Hh li Jj Kk LI Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss
Tt Uu Vv Wuu Xx Yy Zz 0123456789 () {©®>
Punctual Four dingbat
Punctual Four 9/10
The design strategy of an icon, a poster, a book,
a sign, is the visual counter point to what the
Aa Bb Cc
T+ Uu Vv
Punctual Four Inline dingbat
Id Ее Ff Gg Hh li Jj Kk LI Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss
«гш Xx Yy 2г 0123456784 ([
Punctual Four Inline 9/10
The design strategy of an icon, a poster, a book,
a sign, is the visual counter point to what the
Aa Bb Cc Dd Eg Ff Gg Hh li Jj Kk LI Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss
T+ Uu Vv Wuj Xx Yy Zz 0123456789 (
Punctual Four Interior dingbat Punctual Four Interior 9/10
-ф- This assign strategy of an icon, a postsr, a book,
T a sign, is the visual counter point to ujhat the
АЭ Bb CC Dd Ее Ft" G9 Hh li Jj Kk LI ІУІГЛ Nn 00 PP QQ RT SS
T+ UU VV WUU XH YY Z2 0123456784 () <©®>
Punctual Universal Four dingbat
Punctual Universal Four 9/10
The design s+ra+egy o+ an icon, a pos+er, а ьоок,
a sign, is +he visual coun+er роіп+ +o uuha+ +he
Aa Bb CC Dd E6 Ff G9 Hh П If Kk LI Mill NR 00 PP QQ RT SS
Ti UU VV WUU XH YY 22 0123Ч5678Ч C
Punctual Universal Four Inline dingbat
Punctual Universal Four Inline 9/10
The design s+ra+egy o+ an icon, a pos+er, а ьоок,
a sign, is +he visual coun+er роіп+ +o uiha+ +he
АЭ Bb CC Dd Ее Ff GO Hh li Jj Kk LI МГЛ NO. 00 PP QÇ RT SS
T + UU VV WUU XH УУ 2 2 01234S678Q (<'©#$D/D"& + + = o<) {©©}
Punctual Universal Four Interior dingbat
Punctual Universal Four Interior 9/10
The design strategy ot an icon, a poster, а ьоок,
a Sign, is the visual counter point to uihat the
Bob Aufuldish
Bob Aufuldish
Punctual Universal Four
Sob Aufuldish
Punctual Unii
Four Inline
Bob Aufuldish
Punctual Universal
Four Interior
Bob Aufuldish