Jigsaw ¡s a geometrical sans-serif
typeface with an almost uniform stroke
width, originally designed as a Multiple
Master font which modulates from
Stencil to Roman. Since Multiple Master
technology has became almost obsolete,
the original master fonts were expanded
to Normal, Medium and Bold weights.
Jigsaw is constructed from simple
skeletal forms, which are even more
distinct in the stencil version. In the
larger sizes, the letter g' is particularly
distinct, whilst set in the text Jigsaw has
a harmonious, balanced appearance.
Jigsaw is a geometrical sans-s
erif typeface with an almost u
niform stroke width, originali
y designed as a Multiple Mas
ter font which modulates fro
m Stencil to Roman. Since M
ultiple Master technology ha
s became almost obsolete, the
Jigsaw is a geometrical sans-s
erif typeface with an almost u
niform stroke width, originali
y designed as a Multiple Mas
ter font which modulates fro
m Stencil to Roman. Since M
ultiple Master technology ha
s became almost obsolete, the
the original master fonts we
re expanded to Normal, Me
dium and Bold weights. Jigsa
w is constructed from simple
skeletal forms, which are eve
n more distinct in the stencil
version. In the larger sizes, th
e letter 'g' is particularly dist
the oiigi nal master fonts we
re expanded to Normal, Me
dium and liolcl weights. Jigsa
w is constructed from simple
skeletal forms, which are eve
n more distinct in the stencil
version. In the larger sizes, th
e letter'g' is particularly dist
¡net, whilst set in the textji ¡net, whilst set in the text Ji
gsaw has a harmonious, bal gsaw has a harmonious, bal
anced appearance. Jigsaw is a need appearance. Jigsaw is
a geometrical sans-serif typ a geometrical sans-serif typ
eface with an almost unifor
m stroke width, originally d
esigned as a Multiple Mast
er font which modulates fr
eface with an almost unifor
in stroke width, originally d
esigned as a »Multiple Mast
er font which modulates fr
om Stencil to Roman. Sine
e Multiple Master technol
ogy has became almost ob
solete, the original master
fonts were expanded to Re
guiar. Medium and Bold w
eights. Jigsaw is construct
ed from simple skeletal for
oin Stencil to Roman. Sine
e Multiple Master technol
ogy has became almost oh
solete, the original master
fonts were expanded to Re
gular. Medium and Bold w
eights. Jigsaw is construct
ed from simple skeletal for
Johanna Baluüková
Regular version and Stencil navi
identical widths in all weights.
Johanna Batuilkovâ
Jigsaw Medium l> Stencil)
Johanna Baluüková
Johanna Balusiková