Arthur Baker
Calligraphies was designed because
there are very few inline fonts, and
even fewer inline calligraphic fonts.
The original forms were written with a
split pen in a single stroke. The minus¬
cules have a rougher look and the capi¬
tals have a smoother shape to imitate
handwritten calligraphy with a more
formal, decorative initial cip.
The Calligraphic set contains six fonts:
Calligraphica Regular and Italic are
the regular upright roman true italic
version of the font. The ascenders on
this font are a bit higher than the
capital letters-this is standard for
most fonts.
Calligraphica LX Regular and Italic are
similar to the first two fonts except
their ascenders are longer and reach
high above the capital l e Iters-giving
these fonts a taller appearance.
Calligraphica SX Regular and Italic are
similar to the firs! two fonts except their
ascenders art shorter and are the same
height as the capital le Iters-giving
these fonts a shorter appearance.
James Grieshaber
This typeface was originally inspired
by Art Deco lettering. During the
development of the letterforms, a
strict De 5tijl grid was imposed. The
lowercase letterforms were created
with the influences of rave/techo
design styles. The result is a distinctly
contemporary display font.
The P22 Cusp Family contains 1 fonts:
VII Cusp Round. P2Z Cusp Round
Slant, Pi 2 Cusp Square. P22 Cusp
Square Slant.
Cusp Three Dee is a free font available
on the CD that accompanies this book. Regular ^d ^л
AB С DEF 1234e^l23456789!?@#$%Ae^*~¿i™£Y/'«#00§t:H"{I()I^^ Calligraphica Regular IX Calligraphica Regular SX A*B^CcD^EeF¿C£Hk A«BbC«D^E«Fu^^Hk A^BÏ?Cs:D^E Hí.JíKÍcLÍMwNnOeFis'Q^ I{|jKklMmNnOeP|9Q¡j^ MJ^KkLtMmN-nOísPpQ^ Calligraphica Italic 1234&01234567B9¡?@'#*%*&■*- ¿Г'tv /'€(^stti"l[()llfc*n-'"'%,%o«u<>gAÂAÀÂAçeÊÉÈiîiiNoôooô0uùuùye0^a''-.,-.y/\l... ABCDBFÇm Calligraphica Italie LX Calligraphica Italic SX AaBbCeB>AEeFfc?ßHk А&вЬс<еВ>*ІЕ<£р£с£нЬ Aa&hC flBCDEFCHIJKLimriJDPDEETlJVUlJKVa jfabdpJghijULmnupi^r>ibuuwxij¿lE3llErni23IJEE1ll9!? Cusp Square Cusp Round Slant Cusp 5quare Slant fljBfaCbDdEp /IjÉtiCtDdEp fiiËbCcDdEi? UuUUmjK?¿Vy3d VvlWmiXxVijSMi UulWvuXxVyS* Cusp Three Dee аЁвее^дЩМтаврсейЕееангдвОвт&вВВВШШЧтВ!.? 222 1-800-Р22-5080 ABCDEFCHNKLMNOPaRSTUVVXYZ abcieîJ3biJfclTnBopc[rstuVvxyzl23 4,&ol23456,l8QÎ? I?AÂAÀAÂÇËÊÉÎ:ÏÎÎINOÔÔOÔ0tJÛUÙA.0EBœo»..> = ;//\|... Diddy.OG.unl D.ddyOBIitkfi,* Diddy-0 F.lfa, AaBbCcDdE АаВЬСсТЫЕ AaïbC nearest Swash ~ JUy J¿JL /ЯШ 6L*. %U/ß>u 9  QSt^ 0 I ¿ 3 4 f ( > / ■мчйа, ¿t лЛллЛІл -л, UmX f.Â^r ..--¿.f, Лл r^.i.-\tJ £e ■<..<■ 4.Л. .н-с-еЛі лт*0 <ШМІ .л.л..!,^.г> í,/r j ь f, t *^cJ±J*J¿к.^2,2, с>Олллл^/\éhé JSm -***■ -¿t **bJ-*UZ**À МАЛ. ¿¿¿Г І.Х. ,%^éL.H-y. j^i/.»./ t...j Richard Kegler Daddy-0 family history-The Oaddy-0 The new set (3001), which includes Christina Torre A flowing script font set, P22 Dearest Dearest is the recipient of the Type 223
imKbÚMmNnO&PjfQq и^КшѢлшЫпО<оР^€Щ U)jiÚdXMmNnO&PfQ¿i
Rv-SfmÄuVvWwXxYyZ* RrSfnUu.V
FJEgHhliJjK FfBgHàiliJjK FfBgHàiÊiJjK
ULlíUlrinfllrDoP ЬИПЛгтШпПвР кШШппШпПвР
pQ^ErEbTtUu pQuïrS*ТЫ!и рЦцЪгЕ*ТЫ!и
nOoPpQjîRr uOo?pQ([Rp дОоТрСІ^Яг
S s Tt Ua Vv $*?%ѴхіУѵ$№ИѴъУуУГ
font set was originally introduced in
1995 by m as a collaborative effort
with The Whitney Museum of
American Art The set included Oaddy-
0 Hip, Daddy-0 Square, and Daddy-0
Crazy text ras) This set of three fonts
is themed on Jail and Beat era letter¬
ing and graphics. In 1996. Daddy-0
Junkie was added to the 'family.* and
in 1986. Rod McKuen's Beatsville
audio CO was released by P22 with the
inclusion of Daddy-0 Beatsville (more
Gaunt (thin). Blackface (bold) and
Fatface (extra bold) are three varia¬
tions of the 'Hip* font. Each font has
subtle differences in character shapes
as well as being a full range of
weights. They also include the Euro
symbol as well as the standard inter¬
national character set.
was inspired by handwritten charac¬
ters found in a ni n etc e nth-century
German book chronicling a history
of the Middle Ages. Both P22 Oearest
Script and Swash fonts were designed
to be used interchangeably with one
another to create a look that can be
tailored to your needs and closer
simulate elegant handwriting. There
are many snap-on swashes included in
P22 Dearest that allow you to embell¬
ish your text in many different ways.
Directors Club 2002 Judge's Choice
Award for display type.