Stanyan font set was created for our
friend and Beatsville Collaborator. Mr.
Rod McKuen This font has the unique
feature of being a very readable
at small point siies, and when used at
larger sizes, becomes very decorative
and sketchy It is also designed in the
same style as many of the 'extras'
characters found in the Daddy-0
Beatsville font
Stanyan font set was created for our friend and Beatsville Collaborator, Mr. Rod McKuen.
This font has the unique feature of being a very readable roman at small point sizes and
when used at larger sizes, becomes very decorative and sketchy. It is also designed in the
same style as many of the "extras" characters found in the Daddy-0 Beatsville font.
Michael Want, Richard Kegler,
Mariah Kegler, Kevin Kegler,
Jennifer Kirwin Want
Return to a simpler age with P2?'s
ToyBox font, a hand-drawn alphabet by
an honesHo'goodness five-year-old
And since you've been very good, PZE
also gives you Animals and Blocks to
play with. P£2 makes creative design
as easy as., well, you know the rest.
btanyan Keguiar
SsTtUuWWwXxYyZz 12 345б7890асеШЩ &&œ/E
Stanyan Bold
AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhliJjKktlMmNnOoPpQqRr loyooxneguiar MBk>CcD« ToyBox Blocks Line и [ц \ш и \s\ m и m ш щ и и щ и ш ш □ и ToyBox Blocks 5olid □ ЕШЕШВВЕШЕЗаПООПВНаВ ToyBox Blocks Solid Bold QQQDQDDQE3E3DDDQDODD ToyBox Animals 216 1-800-Р22-5080 Victorian Gothic ñABBCCDDE6FFGGHHIIJJKKLLMM ^§bOJ)d[leFfGg%IiJiKkUWn0o5CtqRr3 sTtUûVvWwXxY^Zz[23456789Oôéèaaàèeëéîïn0u SÉ»--•■■»»»*.■.• rr-f^w ¡.ft ' VMt т.. .'-¿Fi icconen Victorian Ornaments 1 ~*??X Ші 7ЧЧ lau "4 ■aas <&*• Щ ■•• &z ••• ê -W *< # m < t> m? ы Ali ,t è È ♦ * * Ш * 1 Richard Kegler, Christina Torre, Amy Greenan 2000 ?Zl type foundry presents a font set Victorian Gothic was based on a type Victorian Swash was inspired by the Victorian Ornaments features more ^BBCCDDUFFHHIIII JJ^LLNN /lenna Round fìfìQQeeOoeeeeueeoliOsfOii UBBCCbDEEFFGGHHIiJJKJÍLLMMN ІГРЕІкІ A Vienna Extras яанавоопѳФП ♦ □ ■ юппи ■•■■ dhbhi ■ umu Richard Kegler, Denis Kegler The Vienna Workshop (Wiener 217
üdüñ^f &œ7^~t Ч St t of ^і) иЩЩ%^*0{}[]:'
created in conjunction with the
Albright-Knox Art Gallery's exhibition
of Victorian-era French artist James
Tissot. The fonts developed (or the
Pi1.' Victorian set are based on historic
typefaces dating from the late nine¬
teenth century.
style called 'Atlanta." a simple,
expanded-width. quirky yet elegant
tate similar to Copperplate.
willowy, delicate face "Columbian,"
which has also been known in recent
years as "Gloriette." The P22 version
includes "snap-on" flourishes based on
the original "Columbian* ornamental
embellishment designs.
than 150 decorative embellishments
Werkstätte) produced a tremendous
variety of art from the turn of the cen¬
tury until the beginning of World War
II. This set, which includes three type¬
faces and a collection of graphic
extras, draws on both the Art Nouveau
and Expressionist traditions of the