Richard Kegler. Desmond Poirier
This font set was developed for the
Albright-Knox Aft Gallery, Buffalo, New
York, and is inspired by their famous
collection of Pop Art. Artists such as
Warhol. Lichtenstein and Rauchenberg
sought to blur the lines between high
and low art as well as the boundaries
between art and everyday life. The
alphabets and extras in this set reflect
that spirit.
Prehistoric Pals set
Michael Want
A scientifically indefensible font, this
whimsical collection falls somewhere
between ToyBox and Fontasaurus on
the PZZ evolutionary scale.
Pop Art Comic
Pop Art Comic Bold Italic
1234567890®£$t* &/ ?AEl0ÜNß
Pop Art Stencil
«Q © O □ □ F^ % ¡1 0 А а В b■ С с D d E e F f Gg H h I i J j К к L I M m N n О о 9 0 !'@ # $ % л & * ( ) á ç é î 0 ü ñ ß œ /E Js л * . J0 #* Im * ^Л 214 1-800-P22-5080 Posada - Día De Los Muertos ---------i/Eaj£=~!MS=fí»Jlj--------- AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQq Posad Irregular AABBGcDDÊEFFqGHHllJjKKLLMMNNOO PpQqRrSsTtuuVvWwXxYyZzI2345âÇ Posada Extras ■ш%\\^&^§ Preissig -s Ceske Písmo Preissig Roman AaBbCcDdEeFÍGgHhliJjKkLlMmN PreissiS Roman presents a n0oPpQSR/SsT.tUuVv.WwXxTYyZz^näfaSLmfe 1 2 34 5âaàâaâèêëéîïÎÎ0UÛUÙn$IwuL characterized by its complete p,tiS!ig Scrape lack of roundness, the ascenders naBbCcDdEepfGgHHíJjKbLUTInirinQQ зегіГ^ГпіаГапТеѵТп Al! РП 17 Г.Till li Ili V II T other diagonals and curves are pUqlAr^$|tUuUuU/u/AxL|y¿Zl234$ wedgeshaped. Ш $< ИI э=э і=о <аот ^зо е=^ е=э «сз ег@ е> g SOB___ Day of the Dead set James Grieshaber, Richard Kegler Mexican printmaker José Guadalupe P22 Posada Regular and Irregular are Richard Kegler/Vojtech Preissig These typefaces and graphic elements 215
P p Q q R r S sTtUuVvWwXxY y Z z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Posada (1SS1-1913) created a mas¬
sive variety of material (broadsheets.
cards, advertisements, posters, etc.],
which largely represented a defense
of the common man and a manifesta¬
tion of the horrible and gruesome
events of the day. His most notable
imagery comes from his Calaveras
(skeletons) celebrating the Day of
the Dead.
based on J. G. Posada's hand-rendered
typography used for some of his
posters and broadsides. This lettering
sought to mimic the wood type styles
of the time, complete with hand'drawn
nuances and Posada's own flair.
are drawn from the work of Ciech
designer Vojtech Preissig. whose type
and book designs helped define the
Czech graphic arts identity of the early
twentieth century. These alphabets
combine bold experimentation with a
high degree of legibility.