Daw fa's News-Letter*
yr /О сч
д) London
January 3. jfffiS.
Ùfi ñafit tve fiad ifirtt frtncfi Жаііз, eut tfiey Inning notfiiny material,
w ¡nail entertain you wit fi ée Sbomtftick^tws following..
fàtmutt, $)tc. 2£>. TRe Жагу of fpnìon fir 3'arcetona, ano tfit Жагу
tftû from tfu ¡ami ptact fir ЖафіІЬз, iotfi £aden with &ttL Tfie new Я/гіса
ef fanion for £eyfiorn, año fimi otfier oulwaròlouno ЖегсіапЬ S flips, flavina icen dear»
Ü at tfu Qufiom SCouft, are fiiltb fitnce to tßtir refpective í7V/j.
fpïymoutft, ¿Вес. зо. 4Ft fiavt fiad mofi temute Storms of late ; and fus
%¡tfties éfiip ée Qfiatfiam fiatfi rode it out in great danaer for tfiefi tfiree days
SCamiicfi, fan. j. ' ¿ftfierday tfit 3foriti Country Sfiips, and fome J^adtn
(sollitrs failed Hence fir de Oliver.
%rtfmoutfi, fan. j. êtvtn Жсп of War aft now at Spit fu ad , wfure tfitre
Us leen very areat Storms, eut witfwut any confiderete damage.
Я Servant of êfij; functus arr'winy fiere Ufi Week from Venice, hrinys
an Slccount tfiat dis Жа/ttr teiny upon fiis Çfravets arrived tfiert, in fiis Travels con«
trectti an fndifpofition of wfiicH fie ¡¡Diel,- Itfirt fit attaint to fultSLyt, leaviny yooo l.
ftrMnnum lettino Aim; fie is muci Bewailed ty tfit fntiabilanls of tfit 9alt ЖаіІ9
v/fitrt fit formerly rifidèi.
Our Vtierctiants fiavt Mdvice from tñe fndits, tfiat lafi Summer tfiert fiappen»
â coll unftafinallt Wtalfier tfiert , ¿y wfiicfi a great part of tfu Silk Worms were
itami to ¿Itati, and tkt fruits muci damaytd; fo tfiat it fitms tfit Sad Stafon
has leen umverfal.
fy very yood fianh.
■,. ,?Ъ tm ftWrfw ¿"V JCoafts, near 9addinyton, were tfiret timcsWâ
«tita tfiis Wonniyfo, and two of tfit Çany are fitted fir tf,e fame.
¿Pefierday an unfit lunati Occident fiappeneo in Sofia, viz. Я Qfiild not
'Jeer Old, ßtiny tifi in a %om, in »Rieft was no tiviny (Snaturi êcfidts Cut a
4 »/¡»» ^І ЖАт return, tfu (¿Ш was founi ¿btab, ano upon Jtarcfuny its
3*dyt M marb ef violence were fiunÒ, nor tfiat tfit ¿Door U teenotenCò; jo tfiat
«i prefimiò tfit &l Smottimi tfu Qfuld ty fucking its 2 r, at fu J¿afi %5fit tfie
toron« fnautft fit on tfit Gfiilds Gorps, tut wt don't vet fiear wfiat tfit Ver¬
ba u. r *
81. One size of the Crovcr Cursorials, circa 1700 [246]