abIr^r-cotifitic^cïimictar:VpfrfolusiT^aVfolttm a c|pecuma^acccL
donner; pecunia n recida г.інис rtoícm íudicumniío KcbtnríVTuc almi
*m. fenacoria iudex obtincmr-"'тс dc'capirc ubero ludtcabírr-'nuú: tt
lis rabdLL. cÔ7nift«r?- nui ñ mecí o erra.-- іісл^ e¿ fanouinc 'fi uiftí crii
(bull h Коль -fc-nepar fccisscr-illud v$ vnü с^псесіГс-с~рсс. acccpissr:
iuVncq-eer'Ar cours lb q Sopamï ttefcndir: qui omïbus cius côfiliu
interfuir. Q Minurius iurarus dicir pcc: aarajn : meatus dicicTvm*
dixiiur-maioTrm. ab accuÍAConbus pec.dari. "DicmrКос Siculi ornes
Aheienfcs ; dice*; a¿ peractarus Sopam' fittili: qui ad ifto komu-ciudr
UV í nacen ci fliô рссипіло: pama priiiatiis c-rva&ïi de pecunia л'er *
xuifaccnrn" poflVm.-xIlud иео-атіГроіГсв aite mie neoabis ve con filio n i
-£o nms pvimams quii"Consilio- C.faccrdotis ma-air-tibi ci* ec-folrb¿
fis dctx~iudicat*_iudic^íTc^Tcq^ cu auc'Cfaccrdos adlubico cornu!
піга abfoluiíTt*'. cundrrnnoco confilio cXínccom'ra ab^oImfTceocIii
hoc coiifeflus cris сГ-in foro palam Svvacufts í ore-acor oculis -puincic
хсоаго fane fi noies pcr.acccpiurC"n-Cpies cixdo alt quem ci cum hec n
ocíb.-fut uidcar-- arac c|cu occulteorias aur q dubícevигл*malte mrii
annus dcfmforibus crcdcrcrdí*i хат antra men oía. imus cj л ka
cflcnr cmîatuAi-.- -feci cícchift¿ ci maxime-схссЙсгспг. Acápite mìe
cuis facinus -nobile?¿ê muftislocis fepectmicoram~.-6Y eiufmói•■ uri
oía malrftria tncflcritiacanrTAcrendicc'H Ліііоітіпт-.iucntctis id
пагит а cu pidirarc^Auclxip-{Hipase.- cixicîcditanrpfecuiacq^coiio
Srncnitis с? is q nobis aulete*;. Thcrmitanus antra mulfis -ppr tum;
tvm uimmac^nooilit arem ìuic ppr fuam. calamttatv-'ACcp tilius 11
i nutrì am omnibus nottis-Kvius Kofoi no Verres cu ccr tifus-ä-cuj
it modo folli fncrmis frpenuo fuisse\f=fcd «*? hicamsc. domo riusi
lie quarpaulomaois яіт aturfpiam Auroculos ротГспг сототтсГ
mus ab ad-olcfcrn eia., paulo ícudiofius noe copar ftipp elicerti с 'oi
çranrioiT-'A: cïeiiacia oc chonnrnijL tabulas pietas oc лгсеіггі bfl
pur T h ermi ram hois facultatrs fírrebát fans que"ей, crrf Asia ал*
irudiofeuri. dixJ сотраЬАГ- no га. fur aclccraroïs causa..- cTaamuii'
Aduenifcn nroAL Kofm fuoiy- amicone arrp Kofpiru .- яѵѵпсясГііЪгі
11. Humanistic or neo-caroline hand, Venice, circa 14 76 [217]
Roman, Venetian
the first type they cut was used to print Cicero's De Oratore (1465). Mr
Morison, in a paper in which he asks 'What then is to be said of the gener¬
ally accepted statement that (this) Subiaco fount is not a "pure roman"?'
reaches the conclusion that it 'is entitled to rank as the first humanistic
or roman type'1.
After two years work at Subiaco Sweynheym and Pannartz moved,
in 1467, to Rome where they employed a^econd fount which though
less regular and pleasing than the Subiaco type, was much lighter and
can be considered as a further, definite step in the direction of roman
as we are familiar with it today. The partnership of these two printers
continued at Rome for six years during which time they printed about
fifty books.
But Venice, not Rome, became the most important printing centre
in Italy, and it was in that city that two brothers, John and Wendelin
da Spira cut a roman type, first used in 1469, which Mr Updike says
'today appears roman to us.'2 In the previous year another foreigner
settled in Venice—the Frenchman Nicolas Jenson.Two years later he
had produced his first roman type based on the finest humanistic manu¬
scripts of the day—a great advance on the types of his contemporaries.
The characteristics of Jenson's fount were, says Mr Updike, 'its read¬
ability, its mellowness of form, and the evenness of colour in mass.'3
In the decade before his death at Venice in 1480 Jenson printed over
150 boob. He was famous both as a letter-cutter and printer, and as a
publisher. His types have been widely reproduced in our own day and
the style is known as Venetian.
Characteristics of Venetian romans
Oblique or biassed, i.e. thickest parts of curved forms approximately
'early humanistic script and the first roman туре. StanleyMorison.TTie
Library.Fourth Series. Vol ХХГѴ.Nos 1,2. June/September 1943.
»In Printing Types, Their History, Forms, and Use.