Aldine italic, 43,45,222
Aldus Manutius, 31,43, 220
Alexandre, Jean, 60, 87
America, see USA
Amphiareo, Vespasiano, 127,245
Andreae, Hieronymus, 215
Anglaise.Thomas Cottrell's, 131
Antique or egyptian types, secEgyptian
Arrighi, Lodovico degli, da Vicenza,
47,47П, 222
Austin, Richard, 91, 250
Baildon, John, 242
Barnard, John, 243
Baskerville, John, 64,65, 76, 89,91,
Basle italic, 53,223
Bastarda, 7,127П, 213
Bâtarde Coulée, 127
Bâtarde italienne, 127
Beaujon, Paul, 63,224
Bembo, Pietro, 31
Bensley.Thomas, 261
Besley, Robert, 195,258,262
Bible, Gutenberg, Mazarin, or
42-line, 5,211
Bish.T, 255
Black-letter types, seegothic
Biado, Antonio, 47,223, 240
Blake & Stephenson, typefounders,
Block-books, see Books
Bodoni, Giovanni Battista, Parma, 76,
Bodoni, Ultra, American Type
Founders, 163
Book types, the, 3
Books, the earliest printed, produced
from wooden blocks, 3 ; pages of
earliest, printed from movable
type, completed by illuminators, 5 ;
probably more, set in italic in Italy
in sixteenth century than in roman,
53 ; early nineteenth century English
book typography had litde to
commend it, 97; up to beginning
of nineteenth century to be a printer
meant being a printer of, 109 ; no
tide-pages in, until after 1500,109;
description of block-book known
as Biblia Pauperum, 211 ; first book
in which a Greek type was used,
218; emblem, 223
Bower, G.W, late Bower Of Bacon,
Bracketing, term used in description
of some serifs, 265
Calligraphic types, 199
Cambridge University Press, 227
Cameo types, see Reversed or,
Capitals, use of roman, with first italic
types, 45, and trials with sloping, 53 ;
Trajan Column, as basis for more
than one type design, 103 ; modern,
or near-modern-face, in first half
eighteenth century, 228
Caroline minuscule, 19,217
Caslon I, William, 32,62,97,131,221
Caslon ІП,William, 65, 250, 260,261
Caslon ГѴ, William, and first sans
serif type, 179; enlarged foundry
inherited from his father, 260
Cassandre, A. M, 263
Celebrino, Eustachio, calligrapher, 113
Chancery or cursive hands and
development of italic types, 43