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We include in this group only those designs which are patently derived
from broad-nibbed pen forms—in other words types based on what
Edward Johnston called slanted, or straight, pen writing—these terms
referring of course to the angle of the pen nib in relation to the line of
writing—slanted-pen writing giving round letters with an oblique
stress and straight-pen writing giving round letters with vertical stress.
There are a number of types that on cursory examination appear to
have been based on one or other of these styles but which prove on
closer scrutiny to have been produced with drawing instruments other
than the broad-nibbed pen.
Below are examples of an italic hand and of built-up letters or versais,
both written with broad-nibbed pens.
Some contemporary calligraphic types
Bologna (Stephenson Blake), Carolus (Berling), Hyperion (Bauer),
Klang (Monotype), Lydian (AmericanType Founders), Offenbach
(Klingspor), Runnymede (Stephenson Blake), Steel and Wallau